Curious, but is there any fundamental reason why the popular C/C++ compilers (like GCC) operate the way that they do? Surely it must be possible for them to be altered to compile programs in a much saner way without violating the language specs.
On Saturday, October 13, 2012 1:05:24 PM UTC-7, Archos wrote:Ago some time, when I installed Rust, I remember that it took a long time. I've measured the time now in linux/amd64.
Rust took 50 minutes in compiling a few commands and libraries:
Apologies for jumping in late (and slightly off-topic), but it seems no one's answered the specific question of why building Rust takes so long compared to Go. There's a thread on rust-dev that was created in response to this one, in which the question was answered in detail:The short answer is that the Rust makefile first builds LLVM, and LLVM is a huge C++ project that takes a _long_ time to compile. I checked out and built Rust last night, out of curiosity, and at least 95% of the build time was LLVM and Clang — the time spent on Rust itself was just a few minutes at the beginning and end, and that includes building three copies of the compiler targeted for different platforms.I think the takeaway is that building the compiler for language X is not a good benchmark of compilation speed of X :)--Jens
On Saturday, October 13, 2012 1:05:24 PM UTC-7, Archos wrote:
Ago some time, when I installed Rust, I remember that it took a long time. I've measured the time now in linux/amd64.
Rust took 50 minutes in compiling a few commands and libraries:
Apologies for jumping in late (and slightly off-topic), but it seems no one's answered the specific question of why building Rust takes so long compared to Go. There's a thread on rust-dev that was created in response to this one, in which the question was answered in detail:The short answer is that the Rust makefile first builds LLVM, and LLVM is a huge C++ project that takes a _long_ time to compile. I checked out and built Rust last night, out of curiosity, and at least 95% of the build time was LLVM and Clang — the time spent on Rust itself was just a few minutes at the beginning and end, and that includes building three copies of the compiler targeted for different platforms.I think the takeaway is that building the compiler for language X is not a good benchmark of compilation speed of X :)
On Saturday, October 13, 2012 1:05:24 PM UTC-7, Archos wrote:
Ago some time, when I installed Rust, I remember that it took a long time. I've measured the time now in linux/amd64.
Rust took 50 minutes in compiling a few commands and libraries:
Apologies for jumping in late (and slightly off-topic), but it seems no one's answered the specific question of why building Rust takes so long compared to Go. There's a thread on rust-dev that was created in response to this one, in which the question was answered in detail: