Getting Driver Bad Connection Error When using Postgres Driver for Go

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Rhonda Reece

2014/03/20 20:43:172014/03/20
I am new to go and I am trying to use the Go SQL driver for Postgres to execute a stored procedure in postgres by using the .Exec method. When I execute my code I get the error: driver bad connection exit status 1. Below is my go code I am executing. I noticed there is not a lot documentation on running stored procedures through the driver. If someone can assist me on my error, I will greatly appreciate it. I am running Postgres on a linux server and the stored procedures are associated with the database.

package main

import (

//Variables for Create User Account
var (
userUserName  string
userPassword  string
userFirstName string
userLastName  string
userEmail     string
status        string
rating        int

func addUserAccountDB(userFirstName string, userLastName string, userEmail string, userUserName string, userPassword string) {
//opening a db connection
db, err := sql.Open("postgres", "user=postgres dbname=meritwiki password =go sslmode=disable")

if err != nil {
fmt.Println("there are errors")
} else {
fmt.Println("no errors")
//executing the stored procedure called addUserAccountDB that accepts the values of userFirstName, userLastName, userEmail, userUserName, and userPassword
chkDB, err := db.Exec("select addUserAccountDB ('" + userFirstName + "','" + userLastName + "','" + userEmail + "','" + userUserName + "','" + userPassword + "')")
chkDB = chkDB
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("there are errors for chkDB")
//chkDB = true
} else {
fmt.Println("no errors for chkDB")
//chkDB = false
//setting the declared variables to test that the function works
func main() {
userFirstName := "Frog"
userLastName := "Jones"
userEmail := ""
userUserName := "frogjones"
userPassword := "testGo"
addUserAccountDB(userFirstName, userLastName, userEmail, userUserName, userPassword)

Jason Del Ponte

2014/03/20 23:14:492014/03/20
Does your code execute successfully just connecting to the database without doing a query?

Alex Skinner

2014/03/21 1:17:462014/03/21
Agreed.  Can you identify exactly where the error is occuring in the provided code?  Further, can you provide some version of the stored proc so that we may test?

Tamás Gulácsi

2014/03/21 1:19:122014/03/21
Please NEVER use such string manipulation for query creation, but use only prepared/parametrized queries!

Nigel Vickers

2014/03/21 2:27:072014/03/21
Sorry, but I don't quite understand. Why should one not be able to "build" a parameter list in this way ?  Stored proceedures check their own constraints or is the driver imposing constaints?

Marcus Holmes

2014/03/21 2:32:372014/03/21
because you're building a SQL statement from user input, it's vulnerable to SQL injection.

e.g. what happens if your user first name is "'','','','','');Drop table Users;"?
Your query will compile happily, your stored procedure will complain about five blank parameters, and your user table will be dropped.

Marcus Holmes

2014/03/21 2:35:542014/03/21
Obligatory XKCD reference:

Nigel Vickers

2014/03/21 3:34:342014/03/21
Where or When sanitisation takes place is dependant on many factors. How the stored procedure evaluates it's parameter list is dependent on Database /Procedure Language and function(). Most stored procedure "validators" treat a parameter list as simple text. Much time and effort has been spent creating extensive Rights Management at Database Level. For a "smuggled" "drop TABLE" to be effective requires a number of failures.  Without seeing the code of the "stored proceedure" your admonition is premature. 

Nigel Vickers

2014/03/21 3:38:052014/03/21
Is the cartoonist laughing at unsanitised inputs or the DBA allowing the application inappropiate rights on the database? 

Marcus Holmes

2014/03/21 3:40:332014/03/21
But there's a really simple way of avoiding problems: don't build ad-hoc sql statements in code, instead use parameters. I agree it's one layer of many, but ignoring it is foolish.

Gyepi SAM

2014/03/21 5:21:222014/03/21
To: Nigel Vickers、
On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 12:34:34AM -0700, Nigel Vickers wrote:
> Where or When sanitisation takes place is dependant on many factors. How
> the stored procedure evaluates it's parameter list is dependent on Database
> /Procedure Language and function(). Most stored procedure "validators"
> treat a parameter list as simple text. Much time and effort has been spent
> creating extensive Rights Management at Database Level. For a "smuggled"
> "drop TABLE" to be effective requires a number of failures. Without seeing
> the code of the "stored proceedure" your admonition is premature.

I disagree. Security does not depend solely on any one system component.
Yes, the database may have security controls, and that is good, but programmers
should also not knowingly send unsanitized input, even to a stored procedure.
One who does not realize this needs to find out quickly.

The use of query parameters is a well established protocol for
talking to SQL databases. Experienced programmers almost never build query
strings manually (not simply for security reasons; readability,
maintainability and understanding count too), but inexperienced ones frequently
do. However, inexperience in this case could be dangerous; the warning is
warranted, even without seeing the stored procedure.


Nigel Vickers

2014/03/21 6:56:312014/03/21
Sorry we hijacked the thread...

Here is one of our functions that might help with using parameters(and reduce the noise), but until we have the stored procedure we can't outguess the driver.

//write userdata to login attempts----------------------------------------------------------
func LoginTrys(user, ip_address string) int {

mydb, err := sql.Open("postgres", connectString)
if err != nil {
if debug {
fmt.Println("sql.Open failed", err)

defer mydb.Close()
        //prepare the statement
stmt, err := mydb.Prepare("INSERT INTO login_attempts (ip_address, login, ctime ) Values($1,$2,$3)")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("write login error:", err)
ctime := time.Now()
        // execute it
res, err := stmt.Exec(ip_address, user, ctime)
fmt.Println("write Try:", res, err)
// an alternative on a single row return
        var trys int
err = mydb.QueryRow("select count(*) from (select login from login_attempts where login = $1) as rows ", user).Scan(&trys)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Get trys err", err)
return trys
 hope it helps! has some good nonspecifics.

Rhonda B. Reece

2014/03/21 14:43:022014/03/21
To: Jason Del Ponte、
Hi Jason,

Yes the code open's a database connection without errors but the error comes when trying to do the db.exec command.

On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 10:14 PM, Jason Del Ponte <> wrote:
Does your code execute successfully just connecting to the database without doing a query?

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"Sometimes opportunities that come our way are new doors opening up to us. But, if we don't walk through the door, 
the path can't be traveled." (By: Rhonda B. Reece, 2012) 
"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment" (By: Jim Rohn)
"The road to drive is the one your heart takes you." (By: Rhonda B. Reece, 2011) 
“The celebration of small wins is faith’s exultation for great wins to come.” (By: Rhonda B. Reece, 2011) 
"Sometimes, dollars just don't do it but it is the longevity of happiness and success of implementing the dream
 which will grant great prosperity.” (By:  Rhonda B. Reece, 2011) 
"The minute people stop judging and start encouraging one another is the day we get closer to a place of
 peace in society!" (By Rhonda B. Reece, 2011)
"When people show themselves to you once, it is the truth. Always pay attention to the signs and your feelings because you can save yourself from a lot of hurt and pain." (By: Rhonda B. Reece, 2010) 
"Faith is a journey not a destination" (By: Unknown) 
"Voy a perseverar en la verdad y aniquilar a paleros."  "I will persevere in the truth and destroy drainers" 
(By: Rhonda B. Reece, 2010) 
"Change your mindset so that your thinking is in line with your purpose and then with faith MOVE!" 
(By: Rhonda  B. Reece, 2009)
"My deepest fear is not that I am inadequate but that my success will catapult me beyond my purpose into a sea 
of infinite opportunities and resources, which makes me powerful beyond measure." By Rhonda B. Reece, 2008 
(Inspired by Marian Williamson's Quote)

Rhonda B. Reece

2014/03/21 14:46:162014/03/21
To: Alex Skinner、golang-nuts
Hi Alex,

Below is the stored procedure that I want to execute

CREATE FUNCTION addUserAccountDB(userFirstName character, userLastName character, userEmail character, userUserName character, userPassword character)

If NOT EXISTS (select "Email" from public."MW_User" where "Email" = userEmail) THEN
INSERT INTO "MW_User" ("First_Name", "Last_Name", "Email", "UserName", "Password") 
VALUES (userFirstName, userLastName, userEmail, userUserName, userPassword);
return 'The user info was added. The userName is ' || userUserName;
  return 'The email ' || userEmail || ' exists';
-- end begin
  COST 100;


Rhonda B. Reece

2014/03/21 14:46:532014/03/21
To: Nigel Vickers、
Thank you Nigel for your assistance. I understand this is a very vanilla approach, I am new to golang and wanted to get postgres to be able to use the go sql driver for postgres correctly before I start refining the function. I appreciate all of the feedback thus far.

Andy Balholm

2014/03/21 15:59:402014/03/21
To:、Jason Del Ponte

On Friday, March 21, 2014 11:43:02 AM UTC-7, Rhonda Reece wrote:
Hi Jason,

Yes the code open's a database connection without errors but the error comes when trying to do the db.exec command.

Because of the way the connection pooling works in database/sql, opening the first actual connection to the database is deferred until the first query is executed. 

Matt Silverlock

2014/03/21 21:50:472014/03/21

err := db.Ping() and see if it's accepting connections. The connection string/initialisation prepares a pool, but won't connect to the DB until you execute a query (as touched on above).

Nigel Vickers

2014/03/22 4:52:432014/03/22
Hallo Rhonda,

I got a chance to have a detailed look at what your trying to do. Your "bad connection " may result from a missing "host=" parameter in your connect string. Your call to db.Exec() returns an sql.Result which won't contain the returns from your stored procedure. Your stored procedure conditional should require a return in "if then" and "else".

Given this table:
create table teststate
statenr serial NOT NULL,
statename text,
stateresponse text
and this stored procedure:
 create or replace function addrow(sname text, sresponse text )
  returns text as
  if not exists(select statename from teststate where statename = sname )then
  insert into teststate (statename,stateresponse)
  return 'Inserted';
  return (select stateresponse from teststate where statename = sname);
  end if;
language plpgsql volatile

This go program:

package main

import (

const connectString string = "user=postgres password=mypassword dbname=mydb sslmode=disable host=localhost"

func main() {

param1 := "first"
param2 := "I am One"

mydb, err := sql.Open("postgres", connectString)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("sql.Open failed", err)
defer mydb.Close()

call := "select addrow($1, $2)"

response := ""

err = mydb.QueryRow(call, param1, param2).Scan(&response)
fmt.Println("response/err first call", response, err)


will return

nigel@fossil:~/go/src/testsp$ go run testsp.go
response/err first call Inserted <nil>
the first time, and
nigel@fossil:~/go/src/testsp$ go run testsp.go
response/err first call I am One <nil>
the second time. Which I think is what you wish to achieve.

rgds, Nigel

On Friday, 21 March 2014 01:43:17 UTC+1, Rhonda Reece wrote:

2015/07/04 2:11:192015/07/04

I'm trying to connect my application with postgres. I followed the instructions in : I tested in the terminal and shows ok
but when I run my application says can't find import: ""
someone can help me please.

my application looks like:
import (

_ ""


Tamás Gulácsi

2015/07/04 5:40:342015/07/04
Have you go getted that lib? Is it at $GOPATH/src/ ?
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