On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 6:37 PM, Mortdeus <
mort...@gocos2d.org> wrote:
> Dont worry people, im working on a goroutine friendly solution for all your
> cross platform gl woes. As ive been saying for a long time in #go-nuts; EGL
> is the way FORWARD for golang. Stop working on crap desktop GL related
> projects. For example,
http://go-gl.github.com/. This project will only
> mislead people into making false assumptions regarding go shortcomings that
> do not even exist because it presents itself like its the "official" gl
> solution for golang.
I could be wrong, that's why I am asking instead of making statements:
The go-gl/gl package and go-gl/glh package work with OpenGL and not
directly with the window system. In this case the only difference I
see is that your project work's with OpenGL ES. Does OpenGL ES is that
much different from OpenGL?
The go-gl/glfw is a wrapper around the window system (render surface)
and also around the input handling (mouse/kbd/joystick). The EGL, from
what I know, only solve the render surface problem, is this right?
Another point, this one isn't a question.
Most render engines, use one thread to do the rendering and, at least,
another one to do the calculations (those that can't be moved to
shader pipeline). In that case the main-thread limitation isn't enough
to call the software "crap".