Aerospike : improved GoLang performance, GoogleCompute blog post

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Brian Bulkowski

Dec 4, 2014, 12:58:54 PM12/4/14
Hi Folks,

It was great meeting so many of you at GothamGo a few weeks ago.

Based on some comments and measurements we've made, we increased the performance of our Go client just a little more.

The particular change was lowering the number of bytes in a NewBuffer. Frankly, I found this surprising, because I think of Go having more per-object overhead, and less per-byte overhead. Here's the (small and simple) changelist :

I think we still have a few more changes to go, like the change to LIFO object caching instead of FIFO that Channels that David suggested.

We made a nice, friendly version of our client documentation on our website, although the Github repo doc is still there

And sorry for the following slightly sale-y statement, but we're very excited about our performance on Google Compute, and we put out a blog post on Google's blog about our numbers in comparisons to Cassandra. As an open source database used by lots of adtech companies, we think when it comes to clusters, "size isn't everything"

And best practices for using Aerospike in GCE
and we gotcha covered in EC2 as well

Share and enjoy!

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