[ANN] go-jsonstruct: generate Go structs from multiple JSON objects

৫৯টি ভিউ
প্রথম অপঠিত মেসেজটিতে চলে আসুন

Tom Payne

পড়া হয়নি,
১৬ ডিসে, ২০১৯, ২:০৬:৩৬ PM১৬/১২/১৯
প্রাপক golang-nuts
Do you have a bunch of JSON objects with no schema that you want to idiomatically unmarshall in Go? Existing JSON-to-Go struct generators take one object as input. This one takes all the JSON objects you can throw at it, be they API responses, unstructured JSON column values in a database, or a document dump from CouchDB or MongoDB. You get back the most-specific Go type that you can unmarshall all the observed values into with encoding/json.

Feedback and improvements welcome :)


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