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Golang For E-commece

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Alex Kiprono

Apr 18, 2024, 1:53:39 PM4/18/24
to golang-dev

Hey, go developers! I intend to use Go to build an e-commerce system, just like Jumia or Amazon, but I am not getting the right framework for Go to handle this to the fullest. I saw the QOR framework, but it looks like the support from this framework is a bit lacking because some things are not clear and there are no frequent supports or upgrades. Is Golang a good choice for this web server or service? And do we have someone here who has built something like this previously, or is he on it? I needed support and a hint on how to handle this. I will appreciate the guidance and support.

Thanks in advance.

Ian Lance Taylor

Apr 19, 2024, 1:11:02 PM4/19/24
to Alex Kiprono, golang-dev
On Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 10:53 AM Alex Kiprono <> wrote:
> Hey, go developers! I intend to use Go to build an e-commerce system, just like Jumia or Amazon, but I am not getting the right framework for Go to handle this to the fullest. I saw the QOR framework, but it looks like the support from this framework is a bit lacking because some things are not clear and there are no frequent supports or upgrades. Is Golang a good choice for this web server or service? And do we have someone here who has built something like this previously, or is he on it? I needed support and a hint on how to handle this. I will appreciate the guidance and support.

This kind of discussion should take place on golang-nuts, not
golang-dev. golang-dev is for the discussion of the development of
the Go language, standard library, and tools. Thanks.

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