Hi gophers,
The Go 1.20 release is nearly out, and we're experimenting with reopening the tree early for Go 1.21 development. Please see the tracking issue 57736 for the latest tree status. Tentatively, we expect a soft reopening (for fixes only, not new features yet) by the week of January 16th 2023, and a full general tree reopening shortly thereafter, but please keep an eye on the issue for the latest updates.
Please use this thread to discuss your own plans for the 1.21 development cycle and to coordinate submission.
(Reminder, this thread is for things you *PLAN TO DO YOURSELF*, not things you want other people to do.)
If you plan on working on potentially risky changes, please follow our attached guide.
If you have insights from past Go development cycles on how this practice can be improved further, we welcome your feedback. The goal is to help everyone ship a robust release and minimize the risk of unexpected delays. Thank you for your help!
Carlos for the Release team
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- A Guide to Risky Changes go1_21.pdf
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On Thu, Mar 23, 2023 at 11:36 AM Ananth Bhaskararaman <ant...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just landed a change that looks up users and groups on non-cgo Linux builds using systemd-userdb if its available (459455).
Unfortunately this was rolled back due to test failures.
I will try again to land runtime.Pinner API in CL367296.