[security] Go 1.23.6 and Go 1.22.12 are released

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Feb 4, 2025, 5:24:22 PMFeb 4
to golan...@googlegroups.com

Hello gophers,

We have just released Go versions 1.23.6 and 1.22.12, minor point releases.

These minor releases include 1 security fixes following the security policy:

  • crypto/elliptic: timing sidechannel for P-256 on ppc64le

    Due to the usage of a variable time instruction in the assembly implementation
    of an internal function, a small number of bits of secret scalars are leaked on
    the ppc64le architecture. Due to the way this function is used, we do not
    believe this leakage is enough to allow recovery of the private key when P-256
    is used in any well known protocols.

    This is CVE-2025-22866 and Go issue https://go.dev/issue/71383.

View the release notes for more information:

You can download binary and source distributions from the Go website:

To compile from source using a Git clone, update to the release with
git checkout go1.23.6 and build as usual.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the releases.

Cherry and Carlos for the Go team

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