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[security] Go 1.17.3 and Go 1.16.10 are released

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Than McIntosh

Nov 4, 2021, 1:11:45 PM11/4/21
to golang-nuts

Hi gophers,

We have just released Go versions 1.17.3 and 1.16.10, minor point releases.

These minor releases include two security fixes following the security policy:

  • archive/zip: don't panic on (*Reader).Open

Reader.Open (the API implementing io/fs.FS introduced in Go 1.16) can be made to panic by an attacker providing either a crafted ZIP archive containing completely invalid names or an empty filename argument.

Thank you to Colin Arnott, SiteHost and Noah Santschi-Cooney, Sourcegraph Code Intelligence Team for reporting this issue.

This is CVE-2021-41772 and Go issue

  • debug/macho: invalid dynamic symbol table command can cause panic

Malformed binaries parsed using Open or OpenFat can cause a panic when calling ImportedSymbols, due to an out-of-bounds slice operation.

Thanks to Burak Çarıkçı - Yunus Yıldırım (CT-Zer0 Crypttech) for reporting this issue

This is CVE-2021-41771 and Go issue

View the release notes for more information:

You can download binary and source distributions from the Go web site:

To compile from source using a Git clone, update to the release with

"git checkout go1.17.3" and build as usual.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the releases.


Than and Dmitri for the Go team

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