Vampire the Masquerade: Deception

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Kelvin Ganesan

Aug 6, 2014, 9:25:38 PM8/6/14
to, Cyle, Tai Kwang
Dear all,

I apologise for the extremely late posting. Been very busy with work recently.

Anyway, I will be running my vampire game as in the title tomorrow, Friday, 08.08.2014 at Border City, 8.00pm. As long as even 2 people come I will be able to run the game.

I started this new thread as the last one had the title for Razzman's vampire game and I do not want to infringe on his copyright.

The other issue is regarding Guardians of the Galaxy. Who is in for a movie tomorrow night? We can end the game a bit earlier and catch a not too late show at TGV cinema 1 Utama. Is everyone up for IMAX 3D? Or should we go for a normal viewing? IMAX 3D there is a show at 12.10am so should be perfect. Can end the game at 11.30pm.

So far Razz and Kai are in yes?

Carl, can you please forward this to Navin as I do not have his email address. Thanks.

Kelvin Ganesan

Navin Innasi

Aug 6, 2014, 9:32:33 PM8/6/14
to, Tai Kwang, Carlos Jung Yan

Hey guys,

I'm already in the group. I have to go setup Comic Fiesta's booth at Subway Pyramid Convention Centre for AniManGaki tonight and I'm not sure how long that will take.

I'll inform Carl if I can make it for the game and he'll update you. I'm definitely up for GotG as I should definitely be done by then. Haven't watched it in IMAX so I'll prefer that option.

Navin Nathaniel Innasi

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Kelvin Ganesan

Aug 6, 2014, 9:38:00 PM8/6/14
to, Tai Kwang, Carlos Jung Yan
Alright. Thanks for the reply. You can come crash the game anytime.

So far 1 vote for GotG in IMAX 3D. 3 want to go.

Kelvin Ganesan

Razzman Khaliff

Aug 6, 2014, 9:48:22 PM8/6/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
IMAX show-lah. I'll see you guys tomorrow, then

On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 9:32 AM, Navin Innasi <> wrote:

Poh Tun Kai

Aug 6, 2014, 10:20:30 PM8/6/14
Aha, somehow I didn't read this posting until just now. I'm in for IMAX. I'll probably carpool with Razz before the game and then do some writing on my laptop at the cafe while you guys play :)

Izzat okay Razz?

Razzman Khaliff

Aug 6, 2014, 10:22:10 PM8/6/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
Alright, I'll meet you at your place around 7 pm or so.

Poh Tun Kai

Aug 7, 2014, 12:38:18 AM8/7/14
Sounds good. IMAX is preferable also.

Poh Tun Kai

Aug 8, 2014, 12:46:11 AM8/8/14
Sorry about the change of plan, how about I meet you at Border City after dinner?

Razzman Khaliff

Aug 8, 2014, 1:19:32 AM8/8/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur

On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 12:46 PM, Poh Tun Kai <> wrote:
Sorry about the change of plan, how about I meet you at Border City after dinner?

Kelvin Ganesan

Aug 8, 2014, 4:32:04 AM8/8/14
Alright. Going to get tickets only now. Sorry. So final count. Razz, Kai, Alex, Kwang, Navin and me. 6 tickets total. Will wait 10 mins for any replies and if none will proceed.

Kelvin Ganesan

Razzman Khaliff

Aug 8, 2014, 4:33:32 AM8/8/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
Imax in One Utama right?

Kelvin Ganesan

Aug 8, 2014, 4:36:17 AM8/8/14
Yeap. That is the general consensus at the moment.

Kelvin Ganesan

Razzman Khaliff

Aug 8, 2014, 4:36:43 AM8/8/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
Good, please proceed.

Kelvin Ganesan

Aug 8, 2014, 5:19:56 AM8/8/14
Alright. Got the tickets. TGV 1 Utama. IMAX 3D. 13.10am show. 6 tickets.

Kelvin Ganesan

Razzman Khaliff

Aug 8, 2014, 5:24:39 AM8/8/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
Excellent. 12:10 am you mean?

Navin Innasi

Aug 8, 2014, 5:24:55 AM8/8/14
13.10am? You mean 12.10 right?

Kelvin Ganesan

Aug 8, 2014, 5:27:38 AM8/8/14
Ah yes. 12.10am

Kelvin Ganesan

Kelvin Ganesan

Sep 3, 2014, 2:21:30 AM9/3/14
Alright guys, this Friday, 5.9.2014 is the first Friday of the month and I will be running my game again. I will run the game as long as I have at least 2 members. 

Also, we might be getting a new player. Friend from secondary school just started a job in KL and is eager to start with some tabletop RPG.

So as usual, 8.00pm, Border City, 5.9.2014.

Kelvin Ganesan

Razzman Khaliff

Sep 3, 2014, 2:28:33 AM9/3/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
Well... good. I'll be there.

Razzman Khaliff

Sep 5, 2014, 11:47:17 PM9/5/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
In yesterdays VTM we were given a rather troublesome task to do by the ever lovable Sarge. Basically we had to knockout another group of kindred as many times as we could for points, only catch was that due to the vinculum in our system we could not actually hurt each other. Well that complicates things and to make it worse our opponents took the first chance to jump ship and head to the mainland. I tried to pursue them but they ditched their boat and swam down the canal into a sewer grate. However the damned sewer was goddamned maze so pursuit was kinda hard and so I decided to fuck that there gotta be another way. 

Meanwhile the Torrie, Funky played by Kwang (what kind of name is that?) met up with Madam Rose whom we've met before and she was kind enough to give us the number of contact of hers who was an expert hunter on kindred. Funky got on the phone with the "Hunter" and tried to negotiate a deal, it didn't go smoothly at first but eventually we got a meet. Later we regrouped and tried to plan our next move and agreed that "Hunter" was our best bet only problem was we couldn't afford his ludicrous fee, which was 100k like dayum son. So we met up with "Hunter" or rather his proxy a ghoul named Josh, "Hunter" spoke to us remotely via a speaker using his ghoul as a sock puppet and we were able to appeal to his good nature and got him to half his price down to 50k. So the deal was that he would eliminate... I mean knock out our targets for us while we found somewhere secure to hunker down during the day, he impressed upon us multiple times how good he was and so agreed to his deal. 

Next we decided that storage unit facility would be good place for us to hide out since there was security and it was automatically sunproof if we took the basement levels. At the time this seemed like a sound plan, until the next night when Jesus played by Navin decided to take a foray topside and decided to snack on one of the guards there. He got caught by security who were curious as to how he got in coz they didn't see anyone get in and the security footage shows nobody got in, uh oh... remember that this was a storage facility not a boarding house so it was illegal for us to squat there. Needless to say the authorities contacted me coz the storage was rented under my name, so I had to come by and bail Jesus out. So I came there from the storage unit sneaking out and walking back into the facility via the front door again and proceeded to make up cock-a-mamie story about Jesus having prior convictions and a propensity to break into places now and again for kicks and begged the police not to put Jesus in jail coz I promised his Abuela that I'd get him outta trouble. Eventually I was able to "convince" the police to lay off Jesus in return for a meeting with some of my close friends, the Benjamins to be exact a total of five of them. So then I had to sneak back into the storage unit to get the money and come back again via the front door and then pass the "Benjamins" to the cops discreetly tucked in between an exercise book. The cops laid off Jesus and after that me and Jesus decided to blow off some steam by visiting Madam Rose's, I had a particular fetish to fulfil and Madam Rose's was the only place able to accommodate to my needs. So I picked out the photocopier lady package and got pick out the girl and everything and had a REALLY good time, dayum Madam Rose's IS THE BEST! Later we decided against better judgement to sneak back into the storage facility to rest for the day, wonder how that will return to bite us the ass?

So the next night despite my desire to simply "torpor" away the night I got awakened by loud banging sounds outside. James our Auspex guy played by Alex was able to determine that it was people opening the shutters of the storage units open one by one. Those bastards from the other team hired goons to take us out, damnit! So we tried to sneak out but there was too many of em and they covered the exits well, no choice... it's ass kicking time! The rest of the crew were successful at taking potshots at the thugs while tried to grab one and drain of blood unsuccessfully coz the thugs were kinda strong, I said fuck this and decided to just Jeet-Kune-Do their asses instead and that worked magnificently my potence filled kicks were one shotting the thugs and soon we took out almost all of the thugs. We tried to question one but he was bleeding to death and too delirious that his bullets did next to nothing to us kindred, so instead we tried to go up the stairs and I get shot again by another pair of thugs but my kindred body soaked the bitch like a pro. James and Funky went pulp fiction on their asses and ventilated them. Next we had to sneak out coz the security guards were still at the place laughing their asses off since they got bribed by the thugs to turn off the security cameras and access to storage lockers. Funky contemplated taking them out and taking their money but I said fuck that man, we gotta get out of here while we can we don't want to attract too much heat to ourselves. So we got in my car and we decided to drive back to my place in Upper Los Angeles to rest for the day, if Hunter fulfilled his promise he woulda taken out our rivals and we would win but only time will tell...

Until next time guys, see ya around! 

Poh Tun Kai

Sep 6, 2014, 3:41:59 AM9/6/14
Huh, sounds like you're a bunch of bad boys of LA...

Kelvin Ganesan

Sep 9, 2014, 2:00:06 AM9/9/14
Don't forget the 2nd part of your deal with Hunter. He wants no scrubs. Make sure he didn't go chasing a waterfall for your guys.

Kelvin Ganesan

On Sat, Sep 6, 2014 at 3:41 PM, Poh Tun Kai <> wrote:
Huh, sounds like you're a bunch of bad boys of LA...

Razzman Khaliff

Sep 9, 2014, 3:12:40 AM9/9/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
I already passed the message via one of her girls it says "Dear Madam Rose, my friend Mr. "Hunter" has a song request TLC - No Scrubs, thanks" 

Poh Tun Kai

Sep 11, 2014, 5:51:12 AM9/11/14
TLC is righteous good stuff!

On Tuesday, 9 September 2014 15:12:40 UTC+8, Razzman wrote:

Kelvin Ganesan

Nov 11, 2014, 3:07:49 AM11/11/14
Ok guys, have not posted here in some time. There was no vampire game last month since we were trying out new places and stuff (I was lazy). Anyway, I will be running a session of vampire next week, Friday, 21.11.2014. 

I think we have pretty much settled on Papa's Cafe at Tropicana Mall for our Friday sessions. So if anyone does not agree to that venue please let me know so that we can discuss it and come to an agreement before 21.11.2014. Please let me know if Papa's Cafe Tropicana Mall is not suitable and we can choose somewhere else or even head back to Border City. 

Also, sorry for the session being late this month as I was promised Mythic awesomeness and am hyped about that.

Kelvin Ganesan

On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 5:51 PM, Poh Tun Kai <> wrote:
TLC is righteous good stuff!

On Tuesday, 9 September 2014 15:12:40 UTC+8, Razzman wrote:

Kelvin Ganesan

Jan 6, 2015, 12:00:33 AM1/6/15
Hey guys, been a while since I posted here.

This vampire game was put on hold as we were trying out a new system, 13th Age, which was really fun. Seems that the GM wanted to give us a taste and it was a 2 session thing. He has informed us that he can do more if we wish to have further games. 

As such, I would like to open a discussion. There are a few options at the moment so please let me know what you guys think and which you would prefer.

1) We continue with 2 games only (Alex's Pathfinder and Kwang's Marvel game) until either one ends then start another game; or

2) We can add in a third game (Kai's 13th Age, Warbirds or continue with vampire)

If you prefer option 2 do let me know which game you prefer. 

As for this vampire game, I am thinking of a small reboot. So let me know what you guys think. As always, it will only be a once a month thing as last time.

Kelvin Ganesan
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