Marvel Heroics TTPRPG April 2014 onwards

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Tai Kwang

Apr 18, 2014, 9:29:23 AM4/18/14
Creating a new forum for this...and will continue from the previous sessions..

So previously, on Marvel Heroics...

Good evening. This is Samonlina Chung, Daily 25 Evening News. For today’s highlights, the U.S. government has decided to work with the Chinese and the Russians to deal with the apparent undead threat in Guangdong, China. Colonel James Rhodes, aka the Iron Patriot, is taking charge of coordinating the chosen teams to deal with the scenario.

In London, members of the Braddock Academy and several noted superheores of the country are on high alert in response to the recent abduction of some of their known superheroes, such as Captain Britain and Pete Wisdom. So far, no further comments were made in regrads to the recent situation.

In the outskirts of Southern California Washington and New York, several Sentinels have appeared and are attacking nearby groups of mutants. S.H.I.E.L.D. has denied any knowledge in regards to these incidents, and suspected tie-ins with the recent incapitation of the new line of Avengers by the Brotherhood of Mutants.
Also in New York, near the Hudson Valley, a few Frost Giants have appeared to have tried to invade Earth, though this was swiftly thwarted by who are believed to be members of the X-Men and a Spiderman, what it appears to be in a different outfit. S.H.I.E.L.D is currently investigating this matter.

Kelvin Ganesan

Apr 23, 2014, 10:40:39 PM4/23/14
So I am guessing that the game this Friday is on then? I just want to confirm my attendance and also to let Suresh know. Might be hard to play without our Spiderman there.

Kelvin Ganesan

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Razzman Khaliff

Apr 23, 2014, 11:31:47 PM4/23/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
Suresh, I remember him saying that he won't be back in KL for another 2 weeks.

Kelvin Ganesan

Apr 23, 2014, 11:43:06 PM4/23/14
Ah ok. Anyway, just to let him know. Since most of our discussion that day was after your game.

Kelvin Ganesan

Tai Kwang

Apr 24, 2014, 6:23:24 AM4/24/14
sorry guys, i wont be around tomorrow, something came out with the alex can continue with his pathfinder RPg without me..will continue in the next instead

From, Kwang TL

Razzman Khaliff

May 1, 2014, 12:49:14 PM5/1/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
hey so this week's marvel game is on? We will still come, if Kwang can't make I will bring my VTM books just in case.

Kelvin Ganesan

May 1, 2014, 9:19:44 PM5/1/14
Yeah. That is the plan.

Kelvin Ganesan

Tai Kwang

May 2, 2014, 12:03:21 AM5/2/14
am good today, so who's coming?

Kelvin Ganesan

May 2, 2014, 1:01:04 AM5/2/14

So far Razz, Alex and me.

Razzman Khaliff

May 2, 2014, 3:48:17 AM5/2/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
Alex just had to duck out. Parents visiting.

Tai Kwang

May 3, 2014, 4:47:58 AM5/3/14

need kevin and razz to update and send their current datafile for me to keep. Can you post them here?

Kelvin Ganesan

May 6, 2014, 9:58:27 PM5/6/14
You mean our character sheets? You want us to scan it or do we just type in the necessary stuff?

Kelvin Ganesan

Tai Kwang

May 7, 2014, 3:43:40 PM5/7/14
type is fine

Kelvin Ganesan

May 7, 2014, 9:12:34 PM5/7/14
Alright, will do it by this weekend.

Kelvin Ganesan

Kelvin Ganesan

May 7, 2014, 9:12:57 PM5/7/14
Also, you will need Alex's as well. 

Kelvin Ganesan

Razzman Khaliff

Jul 7, 2014, 12:06:20 PM7/7/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
Alright Kwang I've tried changing your setting in the mailing list, why don't you see if you can post on this thread. By all reckoning nothing was changed and you should have been able to post all this while but try and see if you can post stuff now.

Kelvin Ganesan

Jul 7, 2014, 9:41:23 PM7/7/14
Odd, I doubt any of the settings changed. He did start this thread so it should be ok. But anyway, Kwang, if you still can't post, just SMS me or Razzman and we will add your personal email address here so you can post. 

In the alternative, get a gmail account :P

Kelvin Ganesan

Ivan Tam

Jul 7, 2014, 9:44:07 PM7/7/14
to GOKL Mailing List
Could be the Yahoo account shunting all mailing lists into the Spam folder...

Razzman Khaliff

Jul 7, 2014, 9:53:28 PM7/7/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
Well I checked his account on the googlegroups and he does have posting permission like any other member but just to make sure I ticked the Override: Member is allowed to post option.

Tai Kwang

Jul 10, 2014, 3:16:20 AM7/10/14
anyways...I'll stick the using your replies to reply to the forums :P

Razzman Khaliff

Jul 10, 2014, 3:29:54 AM7/10/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
Ah I'm glad it works now.

Tai Kwang

Jul 11, 2014, 12:13:40 AM7/11/14
Great...testing again...sorry for the post delay..

"We apologise for the technical delay to broadcast the recent news, due to unforseen circumstances"
Good evening. This is Samonlina Chung, Daily 25 Evening News. For today’s highlights, a few days ago, there was yet another prison break in the newly built Spider Island. However, the situation was quickly contained in the available SHIELD security. A few noted escapees that are still pursuit of are The Green Goblin aka Norman Osborn and Cletus Kassidy aka Carnage.
Not far from the prison site, it would appear that Spiderman has jumped into and disappeared with one of the recently appearing portals of Frost Giants. Will we see Spiderman again, we’ll never know.

In other news, London and France, member of the Braadock academy are still on the search for their fellow superheroes. Their current spokesman, Meggan, has commented that these attacks may have been of supernatural in nature and are still looking into it.

Meanwhile, in response to the recent attack on the New Avengers, SHILED director Maria Hill,has formed a task force to hunt down the Brotherhood of Mutants as soon as possible. We have recently obtained information from an unnamed source has indicated that SHIELD stock markets are plummeting due to the spendings to the recent attacks during the past few weeks and that several members of the UN has refused to subsidies SHIELD’s recent expenditures to up to US$  trillion. The SHIELD director has made no comment at this moment.

Yesterday morning, in response to the recent events involving the disappearances of Spirderman and the escaped super villain, Green Goblin and Carnage, Mayor Jonah Jameson has declared the approval and deployment of the Spider Slayers robots, which are developed and are recently announced by the Alchemax Corporation, in an attempt pursue the two escapees.

The recently established Jean Grey's School of Higher Education has vanished from its premises. Eyewitnesses have seen a an explosion coming from inside the school just before the school dissapeared along with its staffs and students. The local police have so far determined that the Broterhhood of Mutants might the prime suspect, given their recent attacks on the New Avengers and their ongoing history with the X-Men. SHIELD and police representatives did not make any further comments.

At a restaurant near the Yankee Stadium, The Bronx, there has been reports of a shootout by what eyewitnesses claimed to be several anti-mutant factions. so far, there is an estimate of 5 killed and 3 injured from the incident.

Razzman Khaliff

Jul 21, 2014, 2:15:44 AM7/21/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
Hey Kwang this campaign has ended right? With all that happened last game?

Kelvin Ganesan

Jul 21, 2014, 2:21:08 AM7/21/14
Oh yeah, I heard about it. Damn... Razzman you bad... Anyway, we will play Alex's PF game this Friday and we can discuss whether you want to continue the Marvel game or start a new one.

Kelvin Ganesan

Razzman Khaliff

Jul 21, 2014, 3:29:46 AM7/21/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
Consider it a preview of the things I would do in a VTM game. :)

Kelvin Ganesan

Jul 21, 2014, 3:58:39 AM7/21/14
Well, you do seem to be giving into the beast even before anything has started.

Kelvin Ganesan

Kelvin Ganesan

Jul 21, 2014, 9:35:13 PM7/21/14
Ok... I have a problem. I will not be having transport this Friday as my girlfriend will be taking the car. I thought I could go with Alex but he has informed us that he will not be able to attend the game this Friday. So erm... unless Razz you willing to give me a ride from office to the game and back, I do not think I can make it for the game. 

Unless Andrew is still on here and he is willing to give me the bus route to the game. But I would still need a ride home after so....

Kelvin Ganesan

Razzman Khaliff

Jul 22, 2014, 12:33:50 AM7/22/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
I do not mind picking you and sending you back only problem is what are we gonna play?

Kelvin Ganesan

Jul 22, 2014, 2:22:03 AM7/22/14
Oh shit... yeah... We will need Kwang to post here if he can. Whether he wants to run a game. Sure you don't want to run a Pathfinder game? Or another VTM? 

Damn... perhaps the suggestion to try a new system is not too bad. So at least at any 1 time we have 3 different systems to play with.

Kelvin Ganesan

Razzman Khaliff

Jul 22, 2014, 2:39:38 AM7/22/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
I'm actually willing to run VTM again or Pathfinder for that matter, my players for that Tuesday game have decided to take a whole different narrative than what I intended previously so I can run that original plan with you guys. The only problem is agreeing whether I should run either of these because we have an overlap in both these games. And also we awaiting feedback from the other players.

Kelvin Ganesan

Jul 22, 2014, 3:00:33 AM7/22/14
Ok. Will message Tai and see. Since he is not replying here. I honestly do not mind playing either game as I am always willing to make new characters. 

Kelvin Ganesan

Tai Kwang

Jul 23, 2014, 3:21:36 AM7/23/14
Em..excuse me? what did i missed? Do recall on what happened in the previous session,

Kelvin Ganesan

Jul 23, 2014, 3:23:41 AM7/23/14
Apparently, Razz informed us that you ended the campaign due to his rather evil actions. Is this true? Cause Alex, is not able to attend the sessions this Friday. So we were wondering on what we should do as he was supposed to run his PF game.

Kelvin Ganesan

Tai Kwang

Jul 23, 2014, 3:23:49 AM7/23/14
Did I mentioned about ending it yet? I dont think so...Though I have been busy with my job recently..And no, I wont be around this Friday.

Tai Kwang

Jul 23, 2014, 3:25:18 AM7/23/14
The story arc's still going on...

Razzman Khaliff

Jul 23, 2014, 3:49:29 AM7/23/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
Well I heard you say "Unfortunately, I'm going to have to end the campaign here" when you ended the session. Maybe you misspoke.

Kelvin Ganesan

Jul 23, 2014, 4:11:50 AM7/23/14
Maybe he meant end the session. Not the whole campaign. But guess no game this week then. Since will only be the 2 of us. The next one will be my VTM campaign on 08.08.2014 as most won't be around next Friday, 01.08.2014. I will post on my Vampire thread when the time comes. 

On the bright side, we can continue with the Marvel campaign so we do not need to worry about what game to play then.

Kelvin Ganesan

Razzman Khaliff

Jul 23, 2014, 6:33:15 AM7/23/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
Yeah but I swear I heard he said campaign. Oh well nevermind, I dunno how we are gonna string Amon into the story now that we've joined the Brotherhood.

Razzman Khaliff

Jul 23, 2014, 7:50:07 AM7/23/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
Okay so Alex is out and Kwang is out, so I guess no game? Since it's only the 2 of us?

Kelvin Ganesan

Jul 23, 2014, 10:37:53 AM7/23/14
Yeah. Guess we will have our next game on 8th August.

Kelvin Ganesan

Tai Kwang

Jul 24, 2014, 9:54:45 AM7/24/14
That was due to the timing. and when I mean session, I mean for the day..not he whole campaign

Tai Kwang

Jul 24, 2014, 9:55:01 AM7/24/14
Mind your English

Kelvin Ganesan

Jul 31, 2014, 3:04:04 AM7/31/14
Alright. Cool. Now I get to hunt down the rogue mutant that has gone bad and give him a big serving of Justice and Freedom!

Kelvin Ganesan

Razzman Khaliff

Jul 31, 2014, 3:13:10 AM7/31/14
What? Me? I'm not the enemy. I stand for mutants everywhere, man. I'm on the side that espouses justice and freedom... For Mutantkind everywhere! Join us! Become a bro! In the Brotherhood of mutants! It's between us and them, man. They want us gone and we should fight back. C'mon join us, brother...

Kelvin Ganesan

Jul 31, 2014, 3:15:40 AM7/31/14
Join you!? Never! You have stained your hands with the blood of innocence! How can you claim to stand for justice and freedom when you so blatantly take the lives of others for your cause. Those people had wives, husbands, children, mothers and fathers. Shame on you...

Wait a minute. Does my character even know all this seeing as it just happened last session? Where was I? I am assuming the usual, "You're not there, you're getting drunk" routine.

Kelvin Ganesan

Razzman Khaliff

Jul 31, 2014, 3:24:43 AM7/31/14
What? Me? I'm not the enemy. I stand for mutants everywhere, man. I'm on the side that espouses justice and freedom... For Mutantkind everywhere! Join us! Become a bro! In the Brotherhood of mutants! It's between us and them, man. They want us gone and we should fight back. C'mon join us!

On Thursday, 31 July 2014, Kelvin Ganesan <> wrote:

Tai Kwang

Jul 31, 2014, 4:20:24 AM7/31/14
So..for tomorrow...whose campaign is it?

Tai Kwang

Jul 31, 2014, 4:22:57 AM7/31/14
By the way, think I left my sachet of dice at my friend's house. Wanna play boardgames instead?

Razzman Khaliff

Jul 31, 2014, 4:23:40 AM7/31/14
No, you are wrong. They were not innocent, they were part of the purifiers, human scum determined to wipe mutantkind out. They have long persecuted mutants and it's time we responded in kind. We are afterall the superior species and we must take our place at the top. The humans... They don't understand, they only see us as a threat. Come, join us brother take your place among us and exact your revenge upon the mutant hating humans.

Although... Actually Amon wasn't there for this whole thing. He was on some SHIELD mission the whole time. What with the school disappearing from existence and our flimsy plan to infiltrate the brotherhood to find out where Logan went, ended with us joining the Brotherhood in earnest. Oh what fun...

Razzman Khaliff

Jul 31, 2014, 4:25:16 AM7/31/14
I should be back by tomorrow. I'm heading back to KL tonight so should be available for gaming.

Razzman Khaliff

Jul 31, 2014, 4:27:55 AM7/31/14
Also are we watching Guardians of the Galaxy?

Alex Ng

Jul 31, 2014, 4:53:05 AM7/31/14
When and where do you guys play Marvels?
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,


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Kelvin Ganesan

Jul 31, 2014, 5:01:31 AM7/31/14
Oh, I thought we had no game tomorrow. Already made plans to head back to Seremban tomorrow. Traffic should be good. For a change. Next week I will be running my game so the following week will be this game.

Guardians of the Galaxy I thought we should wait for Alex since he will definitely would want to watch it as well. So I was thinking next week. We can go earlier or after the game.

Kelvin Ganesan

Razzman Khaliff

Jul 31, 2014, 6:56:29 AM7/31/14
Alright, affirmative. Next week then.

Tai Kwang

Jul 31, 2014, 7:18:18 AM7/31/14
Right...that's a relief...waiting for me friend to help find my satchet

Tai Kwang

Aug 14, 2014, 8:58:48 AM8/14/14
Sorry, haven't found my dice, but the session will still continue tomorrow. Are you guys okay?

Still figuring things out.


Good evening. This is Samonlina Chung, Daily 25 Evening News. For today’s highlights, groups of mutant support group have set up a strike in front of Westchester’s Jean Grey’s School of Higher Education demanding for answers over its disappearance. Several parents of the their mutant children have expressed their dissatisfaction over the slow response from SHIELD investigations and have accused them of being biased. Currently SHIELD representatives have yet to provide any comments over the matter.
Meanwhile, several public attacks occurred at several locations around Westchester which was suspected to be coordinated by known anti-mutant group the Purifiers. The body count of the target mutant civilians are yet to be confirmed, though a few SHIELD agents have apprehended some of them. SHIELD has commented on looking into thei matter.
This morning, reports of several buildings in the Bronx area have been burnt down. Eye-witnesses have stated the presence of mutants within the area during the attacks. The number of deceased are yet to be confirmed but sources have confirmed anti-mutant weaponry within these areas. Currently, the authorities have yet commented on the possibility of an escalated war involving mutants.


Aug 15, 2014, 6:26:50 AM8/15/14
So its marvel today yes? I'll bring my new character then but I forget, Mutants get two power sets right?

Tai Kwang

Aug 22, 2014, 5:36:23 AM8/22/14
Reminder, Marvel session is today...

So far, the current player rosters:

Kelvin as Amon, the firebending mutant working for SHIELD; partially anti-social.
Razzman as ChillZone, a ice wielding mutant, whose loyalties to the Xmen and Brotherhood is still in question.
Alex as a Binder, an arcanist who conjures 3 imps of specific professions, with one still kidnapped; currently mistaken as a fellow mutant.


Alex Liew

Sep 23, 2014, 4:10:35 AM9/23/14
Will be moving house this weekend, so I'll be busy packing on Friday night.

Razzman Khaliff

Sep 23, 2014, 4:17:50 AM9/23/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
So just me and Kelv? Maybe Suresh?

On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 4:10 PM, Alex Liew <> wrote:
Will be moving house this weekend, so I'll be busy packing on Friday night.


Kumiko Yamazaki

Sep 23, 2014, 4:27:08 AM9/23/14
That's two GOKL members moving house at the same time. :D



On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 4:10 PM, Alex Liew <> wrote:
Will be moving house this weekend, so I'll be busy packing on Friday night.

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"She's so many women 
He can't find the one who was his friend 
He's hanging on to half her heart 
He can't have the restless part
So he tells her to hasten down the wind"

- The Late Great, Warren Zevon.

Kelvin Ganesan

Sep 23, 2014, 5:44:39 AM9/23/14
Erm, Alex you need help? I will be free after work. I think Kwang should be around right? Is he? Confirmation would be good. 

Kelvin Ganesan

Wei Shiung Liew

Sep 23, 2014, 10:03:54 PM9/23/14
Thanks for the offer, but I'm good.

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Liew Wei Shiung

Tai Kwang

Sep 24, 2014, 8:00:48 AM9/24/14
I'm back.
Eeeto. Who's moving out?

Wei Shiung Liew

Sep 24, 2014, 9:48:17 PM9/24/14

Kelvin Ganesan

Sep 25, 2014, 2:38:26 AM9/25/14
So will you be around to run your game Kwang?

Kelvin Ganesan

Kelvin Ganesan

Sep 25, 2014, 11:04:25 PM9/25/14

Hey guys, really sorry for late notice but I don't think I can make it for tonights game. Still stuck in Court and I have a shit tonne of work to do so will be working late tonight. Sorry.

Razzman Khaliff

Sep 25, 2014, 11:08:42 PM9/25/14
Aww... That sucks leaves just me and Suresh so is the game still on?

Tai Kwang

Sep 26, 2014, 12:41:29 AM9/26/14
hm...either improvise or try another rpg system? thoughts of another system to try?

Razzman Khaliff

Sep 26, 2014, 12:43:03 AM9/26/14
At such short notice? I dunno man.

Razzman Khaliff

Sep 26, 2014, 4:34:52 AM9/26/14
Ah... on second thought feeling lame-lah with only 2 ppl, not gonna come.

Tai Kwang

Sep 26, 2014, 8:05:36 AM9/26/14
Okay then, 

Postpone till the next week. Cheerios

Razzman Khaliff

Sep 26, 2014, 8:08:05 AM9/26/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
Sorry man, tried to contact you earlier but couldn't get through did you change your phone number? Alright next week then.

Wei Shiung Liew

Sep 29, 2014, 10:47:04 PM9/29/14
So, is it Marvel this week or Kelvin's VTM?

Razzman Khaliff

Sep 29, 2014, 10:48:33 PM9/29/14
Marvel by rights.

Kelvin Ganesan

Sep 30, 2014, 1:33:37 AM9/30/14
Yeah. Since we had to cancel Marvel last week, we should make it up this week.

Kelvin Ganesan

Tai Kwang

Sep 30, 2014, 5:26:44 AM9/30/14
Oh yeah..I forgot about the phone chance part...will pass to you later..

Tai Kwang

Sep 30, 2014, 5:27:21 AM9/30/14
Does Suresh post here to confirm his presense?

Razzman Khaliff

Sep 30, 2014, 5:29:06 AM9/30/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
Nah he won't. He'll just appear but by all reckoning he's in KL for good now so he's likely to come for the game.

Kelvin Ganesan

Oct 16, 2014, 3:24:11 AM10/16/14
So is there a Marvel game this Friday, 17.10.2014? We going to have it KFC Jalan University yes? The KFC beside UM and the 2 petrol stations?

Kelvin Ganesan

Razzman Khaliff

Oct 16, 2014, 3:27:07 AM10/16/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
By all reckoning yes, rock on!

Tai Kwang

Oct 16, 2014, 3:47:12 AM10/16/14

Kelvin Ganesan

Oct 16, 2014, 3:49:25 AM10/16/14
Alright. See you guys there tomorrow. Should be able to reach there latest by 7pm. Also, I have erm... "acquired" a copy of the Marvel Heroic Roleplaying book for our easy reference during games.

Kelvin Ganesan

Tai Kwang

Oct 16, 2014, 3:57:21 AM10/16/14
Sorry for the late replies...
Here's the past news...will later put in the the previous session's.

20th Feb, NOW Era
Good evening. This is Samonlina Chung, Daily 25 Evening News. For today’s highlights, Spider fugitive known as Carnage has been spotted in GermanyTown, Philadelphia. In response to this, both the local police and a group of teenage superheroes of what appear to be led by Speedball: a former member of the New Warriors and was notorious for the cause of the previous civil war. The group was last seen pursuing Carnage towards the southern borders of the district and were last seen since.

In other news, SHIELD representatives have spoken their attention to dealing with the recent massacres of mutants across the New York and the northern borders of the States. Director Hill has called into a meeting to put into plan a solution to this matter, which has arisen since the disappearance of the Jean Grey’s School of Higher Education. So far, they intend to announce their plans within the next few days.
On the lighter side, an unsuccessful terror attack has occurred in a Postest shopping complex branch south part of the Bronx. So far, the no civilian deaths were reported and the only casualties were of SHIELD members who were attempting to resolve the situation: including what appears to be a fire-wielding mutant in SHIELD uniform. From accounts from eyewitnesses, the attack seemed to be a one-man assault, though the purpose of the attack is yet to be announced.

Also near the Bronx, the HQ building of Nomadic Electronics has been raided by mutants of the Brotherhood of Mutants. Nomadic Electronics has been known to be one of the minor electronic products and service providers for the military and SHIELD. Eyewitnesses have reported sightings of Iceman, a frost-wielding mutant and one of the older students of the X-Men. What was reported to have been taken consist of electronic components to some of SHIELD’s standard firearms and transport vehicles. SHIELD representatives and Nomadic security are collaborating to deal with this particular group of mutant terrorists.

More to come after these commercials.

Tai Kwang

Oct 16, 2014, 4:11:33 AM10/16/14
21st Feb, NOW Era
Good evening. This is Samonlina Chung, Daily 25 Evening News. For today’s highlights, SHIELD representatives have announced their plan to ‘rescue’ known mutants and place them under the Mutant Protection ACT ‘MPA’. SHIELD has sent transport ships to recover the mutant population and have notified the local authorities to assist in the transfer of the local mutants.
In other news, the perpetrator of the recent Postest Mall attack has been identified as a freelance bounty hunter, known as the Devastator. It has reported in the morning that the bounty hunter has been apprehended by the SHIELD mutant hero, Amon. Devastator is one of the first to be classified as one of the apprehended mutant terrorists. SHIELD is looking into questioning his motives of the recent mall attack.
Meanwhile, several mutants civilian have been detained in their attempts to reject the MPA movement, accusing SHIELD of forced imprisonment. It is believed that the attacks on several companies that have supported SHIELD like the previous Nomadic Electronics may have ties to the recent uprising. Investigators have concluded, based on the security footage, that survivors of the Jean Grey’s School of Higher Eduction, may have been involved in this heist and has stated the possibility of them being in league with the Brotherhood of Mutants. SHIELD forces are working to apprehend the suspects.
At City Hall, New York, Mayor  J.J. Jameson has announced the deployment of Alchemax’s Spider Slayers unit to assist in the hunt for alien-symbiote fugitive Carnage. Mayor Jameson has also announced a call to meet and liaison with the re-established New Warriors in the capture of Carnage.

Alchemax CEO, Liz Allan, has reported death threats by the unnamed Brotherhood of Mutants for providing some of their technologies to SHIELD. SHIELD's representative security members have been dispatched to deal with this possible threat.

Overseas, the undead outbreak in Guangdong, China has resided thanks to the cooperation of the Iron Patriot and SPEAR, which is the Chinese equivalent to SHIELD. However, the undead outbreak has leaked into the cities southern neighbouring towns. Iron Patriot and SPEAR are working to contain the spread, and representatives have confirmed that the virus is spread through physical contact with any of the host’s body fluids.

More on the Business News right after this commercial.

Tai Kwang

Oct 16, 2014, 4:15:25 AM10/16/14
Watch How Google Translate Sing "I'll Make A Man Out of...
I died at "With all the force of an angry campfire."
Preview by Yahoo
  for the lols..

Kelvin Ganesan

Oct 16, 2014, 4:29:44 AM10/16/14
That's right. SHIELD mutant hero!!! Booyah!!

Kelvin Ganesan

Razzman Khaliff

Oct 16, 2014, 4:42:37 AM10/16/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
Go Go! For The Brotherhood!

Kelvin Ganesan

Oct 16, 2014, 5:18:04 AM10/16/14
I am coming for you man. I am coming for you hard. Mr. Iceman. You and me are going to throw down. Evil shall not prevail.

Kelvin Ganesan

Razzman Khaliff

Oct 16, 2014, 5:25:10 AM10/16/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
Bring it on, Flame Boy!

Kelvin Ganesan

Oct 20, 2014, 2:21:44 AM10/20/14
Firstly, I think we all agree that KFC Jalan University is not a very good place to have our regular gaming sessions. Aside from the food, which I do not feel that I can eat on a regular basis every Friday, the place is pretty noisy, parking is difficult and not many power outlets around. Worse is that the direction of the traffic in front is heading towards the Federal Highway and the jam was terrible. It lasted up to 11pm. The tables were pretty small too, though it was not much of a problem for us as we don't use grids these days.Also, no wifi and no free refills.

So this Friday, 24.10.2014, we will be trying out Jaya One yes? It was suggested by Kwang and it does seem like a good place to try. He did suggest SS2 Mall but after some checking we found out the place closes at 10 pm so it is not a really good place to play as I can only get off work at 6 pm and will usually only reach around 7 pm to 8 pm.

Also, I have talked to Amran and he says that if we find a new place nearby he would be more willing to come for games on Friday. He said that he hates Sunway Giza and that is why he does not come for Friday games. I did tell him about Papa's Cafe in Tropicana and he seemed ok with it.

Ok moving on to matters regarding the game. I know we have discussed this in the past, regarding the Marvel Heroic System and how I said that I felt that it was a one time thing. I said that I did not feel that it was good for a long term game and that once we finished with it we can move on to something else.

I would now like to retract my previous statements made. I think it was made rather hastily and without properly learning the system or giving it a chance before hand. Now I do see that it is indeed fun and I do not mind playing more games using the system in the future. This is largely in part to Suresh, who helped us understand the system better and me actually finally "acquiring" the book and reading up. I think that in the future, once our current game has ended, we could play other games using this system. Perhaps someone can run an Avatar theme game. I would like to hear what Razzman and Alex have to say about this system as well. Of course we can always try other new systems but again, As my work sometimes finish late at night and I need time between girlfriend and computer games, a new system would be a bit difficult for me to get into as shown in the above instance.

So Razz, Alex, let me know what you guys think. Both on the venue for this Friday, 24.10.2014 and the system.

TL;DR: KFC Jalan University bad for tabletop gaming. Possible new player. Marvel Heroic System is awesome.

Kelvin Ganesan

Poh Tun Kai

Oct 20, 2014, 5:39:54 AM10/20/14
Hey guys, this thread has been really useful in assessing gaming locations. Ya know what you should do? Start a thread on the Facebook group where we can review cafes and restaurants for gameability (maybe not including paid game cafes since I feel it would be an unfair comparison).

In other discussion, I wholeheartedly agree about using the Marvel Heroic system for an Avatar game. Brent proved it can be done. I can provide some examples if you need, but the system is intuitive enough that I'm sure you can convert bending to the game with ease. The only thing I find awkward about the Marvel Heroic system is the doom pool, and even then I don't really mind it.

Kelvin Ganesan

Oct 20, 2014, 11:32:03 PM10/20/14
Yes, the system is very interesting in the sense that it plays a lot based on the players imagination. You can do pretty much almost anything, as long as the explanation is plausible and the Watcher is agreeable to it. I am starting to like that more as you can shape the whole battlefield to your advantage based on your actions. Have to always keep in mind that you are a powerful hero and your abilities can cause a lot of damage and destruction as well, instead of always having to target and hit the enemy.

And yes, the Doom pool is a bit weird but as long I get them PPs I am all good.

Kelvin Ganesan

On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 5:39 PM, Poh Tun Kai <> wrote:
Hey guys, this thread has been really useful in assessing gaming locations. Ya know what you should do? Start a thread on the Facebook group where we can review cafes and restaurants for gameability (maybe not including paid game cafes since I feel it would be an unfair comparison).

In other discussion, I wholeheartedly agree about using the Marvel Heroic system for an Avatar game. Brent proved it can be done. I can provide some examples if you need, but the system  is intuitive enough that I'm sure you can convert bending to the game with ease. The only thing I find awkward about the Marvel Heroic system is the doom pool, and even then I don't really mind it.

Razzman Khaliff

Oct 21, 2014, 12:26:40 AM10/21/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
The Marvel system took some getting used to, I'm so used to having pre-determined rulesets and attaching them to my character. I did not like how my first character played but I love my second one it feels right and instinctive. Basically it how good you can bullshit and how you can justify that bullshit to work. It felt really lame until I learned to abuse PPs like mad, basically you wanna pool up the PPs and then spend them like mad in critical rolls. In a way it feels like resource management you wanna keep a reasonable amount of PPs but not have too much that you can't spend them effectively. 

An Avatar themed game would be really cool and with the help of some source material of the campaign world it can be done, marvel is flexible enough to accommodate anything, especially Avatar.

On non game related matters, Amran? really? I highly doubt it. I have no faith in that guy whatsoever. It is a pipe dream that will never come true, he clearly has other priorities.

I'm okay with trying out new venues for this month at least but we ought to button down on a venue by the end of this month.

Kelvin Ganesan

Oct 22, 2014, 11:10:15 PM10/22/14
That is true. Perhaps a vote then? Between you, Alex and Kwang. 

He told me that he is free Fridays and that he hated Sunway Giza. If we do find a new venue that is closer I will let him know and we will see if he comes. I too am like you, skeptical. I will believe his words when I actually see him at the game.

Kelvin Ganesan

Tai Kwang

Oct 23, 2014, 9:01:09 AM10/23/14
so....tropicana again? tomorrow? time? at papa's?

Tai Kwang

Oct 23, 2014, 9:01:13 AM10/23/14
and thanks for the feedback guys...sigh...

Kelvin Ganesan

Oct 23, 2014, 9:10:20 PM10/23/14
I thought we wanted to try Jaya One no? Erm we better confirm a place fast so that there will be no confusion later on. I do not mind Papa as I have not tried it and would like to give it a try firsthand before we decide to vote on a place. So far the only person that has given a definitive answer is Razzman and he is leaning more towards Papa.

Sorry Razz, I will be running VTM only on 7.11.2014 which will be the first Friday of November (following Friday). Hopefully we can confirm a location by then.

I vote for continuing Marvel as like I said before, I would like to learn new systems but would take time for me and I do not have that much time to spare.

Also, Razz, please give me a call or text me so that I can call you to set up a place and time for pickup. I don't think it would be a good idea for you to pick me up from my office so I can try and take the LRT to Alex's office which is nearer to the Federal. But anyway, give me a call and we can discuss it. 

Kelvin Ganesan

Razzman Khaliff

Oct 23, 2014, 10:13:33 PM10/23/14
to Gamers of Kuala Lumpur
Okay, I thought the idea was that we were gonna try as many new places and thus why Jaya One. Since it is already late I'm guessing we are going to Papa's cafe again? I'm okay since it's the nearest to my college. 

Tai Kwang

Oct 24, 2014, 3:53:36 AM10/24/14
Sorry didn't find the time to check the place this week..
then SS2 Mall next week?
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