Cannot get the add-in to load in Outlook 2010

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Apr 13, 2013, 10:46:10 PM4/13/13

I'm newly trying your app, but I cannot get it to load in outlook 2010.

I've seen a couple other threads with a similar issue, but am unclear on the solution.

Windows 7 64 bit
Office 2010

I installed with the setup.exe.  After the install I rebooted and loaded outlook. When I went to the tasks tab, I got the pop-up confirming to install.  After that ran, it wasn't available.

When I go to file > options > addins, gogtasks is listed under inactive add-ins.

When from that menu I select gogtasks, Manage: > select Com Add-ins > click "Go", it is of course, unchecked, so I check it, click OK, close and restart outlook.  I never enables.

I have uninstalled three times. Restarting my PC after each.
I've trying installing from the .msi, but there is no difference

I have other com add-ins that are working.
I have tried disabling all other add-ins, restarting and enabling GogTasks, but that doesn't work.

The other add-ins I have installed are
Adobe SendNow
Adobe PDF Maker

I would really like to get this to work. 

Can you please advise?


Nilsen Labs

Apr 15, 2013, 5:51:48 PM4/15/13
to GogTasks
Hi, did you download v6.1.8, released only four days ago? If you didn't , try that. If you did - please read this guide and see if you can get any pointers:

Frode Nilsen
Nilsen Labs

John Barnes

May 30, 2013, 11:20:29 AM5/30/13
I am having same problem - Outlook Add button does not appear in the toolbar and Gog Tasks does not appear and enabled or disabled in Outlook 2010 options. Some details:
-Running Windows 7 Professional
-Outlook 2010 with all updates installed
-I own license for GogTasks (so not using trial version)
-GogTasks 6.1.8 shows as installed in control panel
-I am logged on as a user to a network domain and do not have administrator privileges. I installed GogTasks as administrator by logging on to my local machine (not network domain).
-GogTasks doesn't appear anywhere in Outlook 2010 either in add in list or disabled item list.
-There is no add in button on button bar.

I think this error is somehow related to running outlook on network domain. It worked fine before I moved offices and joined a different domain.

Please advise.



John Barnes

May 30, 2013, 11:30:00 AM5/30/13
Forgot to mention that I tried all instructions at:

Gerald Ebberink

Jun 2, 2013, 6:56:27 AM6/2/13
I am trying this program for the first time.

So I did download this version and it does show up in the installed programs.
Also it is activated in the add-in list, but still no add-in menu or any other gogtasks related menu entries.

Nilsen Labs

Jun 3, 2013, 6:23:36 AM6/3/13
to GogTasks

you are probably right that it's related to the user/domain. Outlook loads add-ins based on registry info connected to your user. Did you check "install for all users" when installing?

Are you familiar with using Registry Editor (regedit)? Try locating the following key:


If it does not exist, it may help adding that key manually by downloading and running this .REG file as Administrator from

Kind Regards,
Frode Nilsen
Nilsen Labs

2013/5/30 John Barnes <>
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Gerald Ebberink

Jun 3, 2013, 7:21:53 AM6/3/13

I have also tried this. And found no solution, the add-in is registered as active.
Some more info, when I try to run the VSTO file manually ( I do not know if it should be done that way I get a message the attached message

Kind regards,

Frode Nilsen

Jun 4, 2013, 4:50:06 AM6/4/13
Yea, running the VSTO file will not work, but you could try running GogTasks.exe with command line parameter "-f" (So, start cmd.exe, navigate to c:\program files (x86)\gogtasks and enter "gogtasks -f"). If the settings form pop up, you have at least ruled out that there is any error with the program it self - but we'll still have to find out why it won't launch with Outlook.

So are you saying you found the registry keys in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\GogTasks, with LoadBehaviour set to "3", and still it does not appear in Outlook in the list of Add-ins (either enabled or disabled)?

Frode Nilsen

John Barnes

Jun 4, 2013, 9:07:13 AM6/4/13
That fixed it!

I checked and reg key was not present. Ran the reg file from your link, rebooted and GogTasks appeared as inactive in Outlook options. Checked box to use GogTasks add in and GogTasks and add in choice appeared on menu and GogTasks setting and sync now buttons appeared and worked fine.


Nilsen Labs

Jun 4, 2013, 9:21:21 AM6/4/13
to GogTasks
Great! Thanks for your feedback - I will note this down in case anyone else gets the same problem!

Frode Nilsen

Gerald Ebberink

Jun 4, 2013, 1:42:02 PM6/4/13

On Tuesday, June 4, 2013 10:50:06 AM UTC+2, Frode Nilsen wrote:
Yea, running the VSTO file will not work, but you could try running GogTasks.exe with command line parameter "-f" (So, start cmd.exe, navigate to c:\program files (x86)\gogtasks and enter "gogtasks -f"). If the settings form pop up, you have at least ruled out that there is any error with the program it self - but we'll still have to find out why it won't launch with Outlook.
I can confirm that the program it self does work, with the -f I can get the settings form to pop up.
So are you saying you found the registry keys in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\GogTasks, with LoadBehaviour set to "3", and still it does not appear in Outlook in the list of Add-ins (either enabled or disabled)?

Yes the registry keys are there and gogtasks DOES appeat in the list of Add-ins. But not on the ribbon / toolbar.
See the attachements.


Frode Nilsen

add ins 2.bmp
add ins.bmp

Frode Nilsen

Jun 4, 2013, 3:55:24 PM6/4/13
Ok Gerald, you seem to have the exact same problem as a different customer of mine reported a couple of weeks ago. It is not yet resolved but I'm working hard on trying to reproduce it on a test bed. This guy got the problem after upgrading from Outlook 2010 to 2013. Did you also recently upgrade your version of Outlook, in your case to 2010?

I think it is related to the prerequisite Outlook Primary Interop Assemblies (PIA) - the gateway through which GogTasks "speaks to" Outlook. It might also be the Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office component which is a second interfacing layer with Outlook. When you have time, please try the following:

1. Quit Outlook
2. Download and run PiaClean.reg as administrator. It will delete some registry keys associated with PIA.
3. Test: Run Outlook. If it works, you're done :-) 
4. If it didn't help, repeat step 1-2 and then uninstall any copies of "Microsoft Primary Interop assembly" you find in Windows Uninstall (Start>Run "appwiz.cpl")
6. Test: Run Outlook and test again. If it works, you're done.
7. Uninstall any copies of "Microsoft Visual Studio X Tools for Office" found in Windows Uninstall. (X may be "2010", "3.0" or similar)
9. Test: Run Outlook and test again.

If you get it working, I'm very interested in knowing at which step you succeed.

PS: Thanks for your patience in explaining the problem to me, and testing suggestions. 

Frode Nilsen
Nilsen Labs

Gerald Ebberink

Jun 5, 2013, 4:36:37 PM6/5/13

On Tuesday, June 4, 2013 9:55:24 PM UTC+2, Frode Nilsen wrote:
Ok Gerald, you seem to have the exact same problem as a different customer of mine reported a couple of weeks ago. It is not yet resolved but I'm working hard on trying to reproduce it on a test bed. This guy got the problem after upgrading from Outlook 2010 to 2013. Did you also recently upgrade your version of Outlook, in your case to 2010?

I did not upgrade, the laptop was setup by the IT department of the university, I am administrator on it.  
I think it is related to the prerequisite Outlook Primary Interop Assemblies (PIA) - the gateway through which GogTasks "speaks to" Outlook. It might also be the Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office component which is a second interfacing layer with Outlook. When you have time, please try the following:

1. Quit Outlook
2. Download and run PiaClean.reg as administrator. It will delete some registry keys associated with PIA.
3. Test: Run Outlook. If it works, you're done :-) 
4. If it didn't help, repeat step 1-2 and then uninstall any copies of "Microsoft Primary Interop assembly" you find in Windows Uninstall (Start>Run "appwiz.cpl")
6. Test: Run Outlook and test again. If it works, you're done.
7. Uninstall any copies of "Microsoft Visual Studio X Tools for Office" found in Windows Uninstall. (X may be "2010", "3.0" or similar)
9. Test: Run Outlook and test again.
All of the test do not work.

If you get it working, I'm very interested in knowing at which step you succeed.

PS: Thanks for your patience in explaining the problem to me, and testing suggestions. 

No problem 

Nilsen Labs

Jun 14, 2013, 6:35:45 AM6/14/13
to GogTasks
Just to give an update here: I've spent some hours with remote access to this other client's computer trying to fix this problem - without success. I am now trying to get help from Microsoft resources in different channels to see if I can get some help with this - it's a really strange issue. 

Frode Nilsen
Nilsen Labs

Nilsen Labs

Jun 18, 2013, 6:46:05 AM6/18/13
to GogTasks
I believe I have fixed the problem where the Add-in-bar is not displayed. This took a lot of debugging to get to the bottom to - I apologize for the inconvenience to all my customers affected by this issue. The fact that I was unable to reproduce this on my own test bed made it very difficult to pinpoint the problem.

Try downloading and installing v6.2.1 of GogTasks and see if it launches correctly. I'm still interested in feedback from users with this problem, as I've only been able to test and verify it on one single customer with this problem until now.

Note: This is a fix only for the ones with the following symptoms:
  • GogTasks is listed as "Active" in the Add-ins list in the Option pane of Outlook 2010/2013 .
  • No "Add-ins" menu is not shown at all, or without the two GogTasks buttons.

Gerald Ebberink

Jun 18, 2013, 3:23:41 PM6/18/13

I can confirm that the add-in bar is now available.
But as soon as I go to preferences I get an error (see below [1])
This also happens when I try to sync.

Second thought on that maybe it tries to sync when I switch tabs.

I have also send the error via the error reporting tool.

Kind regards,
Gerald Ebberink
Unable to cast COM object of type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.NameSpaceClass' to interface type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._NameSpace'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{00063002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}' failed due to the following error: Library not registered. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002801D (TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED)).

Gerald Ebberink

Jun 18, 2013, 3:35:16 PM6/18/13
As small update, it dit create the lists in google tasks

Nilsen Labs

Jun 19, 2013, 11:20:14 AM6/19/13
to GogTasks
Ok, at least we're one step further. I had another customer who had the exact same two problems and we were able to fix both.

I have now compiled a step-by-step-guide in order to fix the latter issue. Please check out the TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED-article and let me know if it works out.

Kind Regards,
Frode Nilsen
Nilsen Labs

2013/6/18 Gerald Ebberink <>

Gerald Ebberink

Jun 19, 2013, 3:08:08 PM6/19/13
Dear Frode,

Success!!, at first I made a typo. But now it works. 
Is it possible to extend my trial period? because I have only a few days left, and would like to test it a little.

Kind regards,

Nilsen Labs

Jun 19, 2013, 4:12:48 PM6/19/13
to GogTasks
Good to hear!

Yes, you may extend the trial period by uninstalling  following this guide, and then reinstalling:

Albertus Magnus

Oct 3, 2013, 5:31:20 AM10/3/13
to,, Albert Handojo, Korman Smg Hendrawan
Dear Nilsen Lab,
I tried to install gogtask V6.21 for my notebook using Windows 7 64 bit, under MS Office 2010 64 bit, unfortunately the gogtask can't be active in my ms outlook even I already tried to follow some actions such as:
a. framework has been updated
b. Update my windows
when click the gogtask to be active, there is an info mention as below: not loaded.......
As I always failed to install it, please do consider to help me how to solve it.
Awaiting your feedback by return.
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