Sync to multiple google calendars possible?

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Michael McCormick

Aug 24, 2012, 9:27:47 AM8/24/12
Love the software.  I can get my tasks from my outlook to my google calendar fine.  However I cannot figure out how to get them to a different gmail account.  Is there a way to say send my task in my outlook to

Is there a way for me to do it so she doesnt have to do, say if she didnt have outlook but had a gmail account and a calendar.  As of now i can use google sync and sync my outlook calendar to multiple people's google calendars but i cannot for tasks.

thanks in advance for your help.

Nilsen Nettutvikling

Aug 24, 2012, 10:48:15 AM8/24/12
As of now, GogTasks does not support synchronization to multiple accounts, I'm afraid. I do have it on my todo-list though, as several people have requested this. Hopefully I'll be  able to implement such a feature before the end of the year.

Frode Nilsen
Nilsen Nettutvikling

Invisible Kid

Dec 2, 2016, 4:14:46 PM12/2/16
to GogTasks

Hi! is the feature for syncing multiple Google Tasks accounts already available?

Thank you in advance.

Nilsen Labs

Dec 3, 2016, 4:45:41 PM12/3/16
to GogTasks
No this feature is not available yet, and probably never will be to be honest. I have very limited time to develop this software at the moment, and lately my focus has been to migrate Ticki to Windows 10. 

To tell you a little bit about Ticki: My hope is to make that app so good that it can replace 90% of the needs for the users of GogTasks in the long term. It will not live inside the realm of Outlook, but with that it gains the freedom to represent the tasks 100% identically with Google Tasks - not compromising, but enabling features such as task trees. Ticki will support multiple accounts soon, but not automatic synchronizing between them. But it will enable a use case where you have one private task list and one shared, where multiple people have access to the same google account.


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