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Thursday, Feb. 9: Kill Your Lawn lecture

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Ken Krause

Feb 6, 2023, 9:04:18 AM2/6/23
to Go Green Medford
According to NASA, more surface area in the United States is covered by lawn than by any other single irrigated crop. Lawns require irrigation, fertilizer, and pesticides to thrive in New England. On Thursday, February 9 at noon, hear Mark Richardson, director of horticulture at the New England Botanic Garden, discuss why you should kill your lawn. He'll also teach you how to replace it with beautiful and environmentally-friendly native plantings. This event is part of Tufts Environmental Studies' weekly environmental lectures.

Event: Kill Your Lawn
Day/Time: Thursday, February 9, noon to 1 p.m.
Location: Curtis Hall Multipurpose Room, 474 Boston Avenue, Medford
Sponsor: Tufts University Environmental Studies Program
RSVP: None needed for in-person attendance, registration is needed here to sign up for the virtual livestream

M. Page-Lieberman

Feb 6, 2023, 11:39:51 AM2/6/23
to Ken Krause, Go Green Medford
This email list is for those interested in discussing green and environmental issues in the CIty of Medford, MA.
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Arthur A. DeLuca

Feb 6, 2023, 2:18:54 PM2/6/23
to Ken Krause, M. Page-Lieberman, Go Green Medford

My lawn survivd th drought last yar without any watering whatsoever. I hav not watered it in many years. it grows slowly; naturally. In spring I rake away the brown, dead grass to let the new year's crop flourish. I raealy cut it. It givs sheltr from the extreme heat to the animals; nst-building material to the birds, is a bed to some animals. The grass seed and grass itself provides food for animals. I keep the grass very tall around a sickly tree - rather than competing with the tree for water; the lush growth shields the tree's ground area from the sun, thereby allowing more of th infrequent rainfall to remain unevaporated.. I remove only the invasive weeds that would othewise destroy the grass, shrubbs, flowers etc. The rest remain to clear the air of carbon dioxide and rturn the oxygn to it.

This rathr unusual groundskeeping method of mine often brings offers from for-hire landscapers to provide services. When i explain to them that I dont anything cut so as to not harm the environment; they respond by telling me they leave the trees alone. They seem to be unaware that ANY green plant life is beneficiial for removing carbon dioxide from the air. These for-hire people are a large part of the global-waming problem. Think of all the pollution they cause by driving around from place to place, using theire variouslu powered tools to further pollute the environment (think also of all the harm done to the planet in the manufacturing of all these poer tools. I use only hand tools, such as a better-part-of a hundred year old lawn mover (now replaced by someone else's cast-off hand mower), a rake, hand hedge clippers etc.

In short, the PROPER use and maintainance of a lawn is a benefit to the planet; only improper methods are harmful - we need to maintain a balance of nature, We should rid ourselves of as many of those "labor-saving" devices as possible. Think of all the savins to the planet by not mining the ores, bringing them to the refineris, then to manufacturers, distributors, store etc; . Also no longer using the power (and all that pollutiion from creating the power). Also we should do it ouselves rather than hiring "someone else" to do things. Those others won't be using planet-savig hand tools or be walking to our properties - they will chug-chug-pollute their way along to our homes. The single biggest polluting factor to this planet is our current way of life. Are you willing to back away from it and go back to pre-Civil War (A.K.A. pre-industrial) way of living? Kudos to us all for any little steps to that end we have already taken.

-Arthur DeLuca-

P.S. Please for give my old keyborad with its sticking "E" key. Anoyther good way to help reduce polluion is to stop updating our computers - I'm still on an old WinXP model; which was given to me as a cast-off from someone who upgraded.

Alicia Hunt

Feb 6, 2023, 5:16:26 PM2/6/23
to Ken Krause, Go Green Medford


I thought others might be interested in this tidbit I saw in the Mystic River Watershed Newsletter:



MyRWA leads the Mystic River Stormwater Education Collaborative, a group of 13 towns and cities in the watershed dedicated to the common goal of reducing stormwater pollution, the primary source of water pollution today. As part of this work, we're creating a list of landscapers that service the Mystic River watershed so that we can reach out regarding sustainable landscaping practices. Can you please share your landscaper's contact information with us through the form below?

This is a link to their form, I couldn’t copy and paste their cute button:




Alicia L Hunt

Director of Planning, Development & Sustainability

City of Medford





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Please note: The Commonwealth of Massachusetts considers most electronic communications to and from public employees to be public records and disclosable under the Massachusetts Public Records Law and its regulations. *Please consider the environment before printing this email.* 

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