May 1: Energy and Environment Committee meeting

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Ken Krause

Apr 28, 2023, 5:26:14 PM4/28/23
to Go Green Medford
The May meeting of the City of Medford Energy and Environment Committee will take place at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, May 1, via Zoom.

The agenda is attached here. It includes a presentation by Ms. Christina Allain of Mothers Out Front, who will provide an overview of the initiatives the organization is undertaking statewide and nationally.

Zoom link:

The Medford Energy and Environment Committee's mission is to promote policies and actions that make Medford more sustainable by encouraging resource conservation, improving climate resiliency, and increasing the use of renewables to meet present and future needs of the Medford community. Minutes and videos from previous meetings are available on the committee's webpage.
MEEC meeting agenda May 1 2023.pdf
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