- Lack of Regional Radar Imagery - 5 Updates
Jay Embee <news...@gmail.com>: Sep 14 05:59AM -0700
Hello all!
Am I the only one not receiving regional radar images for the last several
I checked the ZIP file that shows what NOAA is uplinking to the satellite
and they aren't in there ...more
Jay Embee <news...@gmail.com>: Sep 14 06:00AM -0700
I forgot to include that I'm monitoring GOES16.
On Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 8:59:43 AM UTC-4 Jay Embee wrote:
Lee Rosser <lross...@gmail.com>: Sep 14 08:22AM -0500
I've noticed it missing also. Started a few days ago.
Lee Rosser <lross...@gmail.com>: Sep 14 09:14AM -0500
Seems to be back up now. I'm receiving regional radars again
Jay Embee <news...@gmail.com>: Sep 14 12:21PM -0700
Yup, noticed it come back here as well. Thanks for your response, Lee! I
thought I was doing something wrong.
On Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 10:14:15 AM UTC-4 lross...@gmail.com ...more
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