GOES 16 image montages

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Dave, K0RX

Mar 28, 2022, 4:14:09 PM3/28/22
to goestools-users
There seems to be some interest in this stuff, so here are some bash scripts to build a montage of all 18 full-disk datasets from a GOES16 downlink. I run this hourly from crontab on my linux system as follows:

0 * * * * cd /media/ramdisk && /home/k0rx/.bin/meteo.sh

Some of the images are from the EMWIN downlink - Carl Reinemann has a great discussion of how to receive these images here. Several of his example windows scripts from the usradioguy web page helped me to develop my bash scripts

Finally, an example including the most recent data on the 2022 vernal equinox. This one has been scaled for the forum, but the output of the scripts set each full disk subimage to 600x600 pixels. Full size version of the image is available here.

Carl Reinemann

Mar 29, 2022, 7:05:44 AM3/29/22
to goestools-users
Thanks for sharing, I'll have to give these a try.  I output something similar for my webpage daily. https://usradioguy.com/NOAA/GOES16DATA/TILED36HR.mp4

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