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Current GOES 16 MESO 2 Outage on HRIT 02-03 through 02-05-2023

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Carl Reinemann

Feb 4, 2023, 5:47:20 PM2/4/23
to goestools-users
After consultation with NOAA GOES operations, they explained that they were directly instructed by SDM (Senior Duty Meteorologist) to change the MESO on GOES 16 from the standard 60-second type scans to the 30-second type scan. This explains why there is a discrepancy in the time stamps, it has been accounted for and the GOES operators are aware of it.

The reason? A Special Meso Request in support of an international request to monitor the sea effect snowsqualls and extremely low temperatures in detail that are associated with an extreme cold airmass outbreak and intense winter storm centered over 47N/60W.

GOES 16 MESO 2 is scheduled to resume at 02/05/2023 at approximately 0600Z.

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