Vitality GOES broken again

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Gadget Lust

Dec 17, 2022, 9:13:04 PM12/17/22
to goestools-users
I've noticed my Vitality GOES no longer gives me any info on the "Current Weather" page, and nothing on the Emwin tabs at all.  My INI files appear unchanged.  Was something changed that I missed?  I have updated each time the git was updated.



Carl Reinemann

Dec 18, 2022, 11:19:08 AM12/18/22
to goestools-users
Sounds like an issue within the location settings in vitality goes,  otherwise perhaps a folder change? I have updated as well, no issues to speak of.

Jamie Vital

Dec 22, 2022, 1:02:05 PM12/22/22
to goestools-users
There should not have been any breaking changes recently.

Can you please go into your config.ini and set debug to true, then post the output of http://vitality-goes-ip/dataHandler.php?type=weatherJSON? It might be lengthy and look better if you put it in something like and share it here. Sharing your config.ini would help as well.

Feel free to email me directly if you want to keep any of the info private.


Gadget Lust

Jan 8, 2023, 8:16:44 PM1/8/23
to goestools-users
I'm sorry, I wasn't notified of your reply Jamie.

Here is my Config.ini:

graphiteAPI =
emwinPath = /home/pi/emwin/
;adminPath = /home/pi/
showSysInfo = true
debug = false

GOES16 = /home/pi/
GOES17 = /home/pi/
HIMAWARI8 = /home/pi/

radarCode = NTHES
stateAbbr = VA
wxZone = VAZ041
orig = LWXVA
rwrOrig = LWXVA
lat = 38.69
lon = -77.80
timezone = America/New_York

Setting debug to true, I see nothing but this, address you provided when pointed at my PI

" Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /var/www/html/functions.php on line 81"


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Jamie Vital

Jan 17, 2023, 7:51:35 AM1/17/23
to goestools-users
Sorry for the delay - I was having issues posting. Sounds like a moderator took care of the problem so now I can respond.

It looks like you might have too many emwin text files in the emwin directory. Vitality GOES bogs down with EMWIN info if you get more than a few days in there, and eventually crashes with the maximum execution time error. 

A script is available in the repo at that will zip up yesterday's EMWIN text documents. It leaves it as a dated zip if you want to archive them, but Vitality GOES will ignore them. If you set this as a cron job to run daily around 1600 UTC, your system will always have enough data to give you relevant weather/alert info, but not so much that it grinds to a halt parsing through it all.

To get cleaned up at this point, you'll need to clear out the back EMWIN text files up to the last day or so and set up the script as a cron job. See for info on how to configure it.

How this helps!

Gadget Lust

Jan 17, 2023, 8:44:42 PM1/17/23

Thanks, Jamie, but I tried cleaning out the whole directory, and that didn’t help.  Maybe what I need to understand is where the config files I should be changing are located, since they are spread out across the machine.  I thought I was editing the correct files, but maybe I’m not hitting the right /VAR/HTML directory somehow.






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Jamie Vital

Jan 21, 2023, 10:14:21 AM1/21/23
to goestools-users
The config.ini file you should be editing is in /var/www/html/config/config.ini.

Looking at the config.ini you posted earlier, it's expecting your emwin data to be in  /home/pi/emwin/, or in dated subfolders under /home/pi/emwin/.

Gadget Lust

Jan 21, 2023, 8:13:40 PM1/21/23

Hi Jamie:


Yes, that’s exactly the file I’ve been editing, and that’s the location of my emwin data.  This used to work, so I’m perplexed what changed.  Thanks for helping.

Gadget Lust

Jan 22, 2023, 11:25:26 AM1/22/23

Ok, I found out that despite the OS telling me it was so, the emwin folder was NOT cleared, and am attempting to do that now.  Appears to be a corruption in that folder, and it’s a very slow slog.  Using rm -rf is taking a very long time, and I’ve even pulled the SD card (which is 400GB in size) and tried to clear it offline, but that didn’t work well.  Still giving several different ways a try to clear in.


In the meantime, I want to set up the Emwin auto-archive and auto delete scripts, but am told that “Zip” is not installed during the initial check in the script, despite the fact that Zip is most definitely installed.  If you can tell me what I can do to correct that, I’ll set up the scripts the moment I clear that directory and start receiving again.


Thank you!




Sent from Mail for Windows


From: Jamie Vital
Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2023 10:14 AM
To: goestools-users

Gadget Lust

Jan 23, 2023, 6:52:07 AM1/23/23

Hey Jamie:


Well, in trying to clear that folder, I’ve determined that my (400GB!) SD card was corrupt.  Thankfully it’s under warranty, but will rebuild the system from my backup (ca. 10/2022) onto another card and see how it works.  The issue with ZIP predates that backup, so if there is a secret I am missing on Vitality not recognizing my installation of ZIP, I’d appreciate any insight.






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Jamie Vital

Jan 23, 2023, 8:02:26 AM1/23/23
to goestools-users
Makes sense your SD card is corrupt - I'll have to keep that in mind as a possibility when people get execution timeout errors.

As for not finding zip - try "apt-get --reinstall install zip" and try it again. Bake sure bash is running the script, and not sh or some other shell.

Let us know what you run into!

Gadget Lust

Jan 24, 2023, 7:03:02 PM1/24/23
to goestools-users
I am sorry, I answered offline to you only, the group should have the full thread:

So, I did have a corrupt card, and although everything seemed to work, when I tried to wipe and restore it from backup, I could not get a format to take.  That was a bad sign, and tried everything from standard SD card tools to the "official" tools of the SD Card industry alliance, to Windows and Linux Disk Partitioning at the command lines, and nothing worked.

Replaced the card with a spare and restored to it (thank God for backups) and that did it.  Instantly, everything worked.  Symptoms of the bad card were:  no Emwin data showing, no ability to view any emwin data via Vitality, and very slow access times for that directory, even though over 160GB remained on the card.

It's night and day with the new card.

I've also found out, as you suggested, that the scripts run just fine under the bash shell instead of sh, so I learned something there.

Thanks again for this great tool.  What a great way to keep my GOES system very functional for me and anyone who cares to see it at my home.


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