A experimental DCS addition to goestools is available for testing. It is being reviewed for submission to the GitHub respository main branch as pull request. If you have some time to try it out and look for bugs. Have a look at the clone:
GitHub.com/twcutter/goestools. Compile and try it. Let me and the rest know what problems you find. After compiling, run with the following addition to you goesproc processor app.
# DCS text (DCP reports over 30000 of these in the US)
type = "dcs"
directory = "./dcs/{time:%Y-%m-%d}"
filename = "{filename}"
json = false
Ultimately both the EMWIN and DCS stuff should be put in a database as the resulting separate files are way too many. I wouldn’t process the 30000 DCP messages or the 1000’s of EMWIN messages. I’d pick and choose what is in your area and put them in a database, then ignore the rest. ;)
I only look at stuff related ty my state and region, like everybody else. If someone wants to pickup ingesting these results in a database. It will get it to a way more usable state for everyone. For both EMWIN and DCS.
- Tom