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State of the God

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Tom Werner

Aug 9, 2009, 1:32:39 PM8/9/09
to god.rb
Hello all,

I've been unable to work on God lately, and I understand that some of
you have some frustrations, so I'd like to more clearly specify how
issues and patches should be submitted.

It will be much easier for me (and the community as a whole) to track
issues if they are placed in the official God issue tracker at So from now on, please catalog
any problems you have over there.

If you have a patch that you'd like applied to mainline, please also
create an issue on GitHub with a pointer to your repo and the branch
that the change is on. Having patches tracked there will make sure
they don't fall through the cracks, and that discussion can more
easily be made around them. It also allows everyone to see what
patches are pending.

As far as the memory leak goes, I spent a day a few weeks ago trying
to further track it down, and committed some changes that looked
promising, but it still starts leaking after an hour or so. The
strange thing is that on Engine Yard's Gentoo installation of Ruby,
God shows no leaks at all, which leads me to believe that there is
some compile option that prevents the leak or they've applied some non-
standard patches that mitigate the leaky behavior. Since I'll be
needing to use God on Debian very soon, I'm very keen to solve the
leaking problem once and for all. If you have any insight into the
leaks, please do respond on this thread and let me know what you've

Thanks to everyone that has provided help on this mailing list and has
contributed in a positive way! I hope to be able to spend more time on
God and address some of the problems that have been reported.




Aug 10, 2009, 10:10:14 AM8/10/09
to god.rb
Good to have you back! Thought you were done with the project and
glade to hear otherwise.

I for one would love to track down the memory leak. On my server,
Ubuntu 8.10, it leaks like crazy. It starts at 17m and balloons to
160m in less than three days. Pretty big problem. I have resorted to
restarting via cron every so often vs installing monit to manage it.
Do you have any ideas as to where the leak is? I would be happy to
spend some time looking at it.


On Aug 9, 1:32 pm, Tom Werner <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've been unable to work on God lately, and I understand that some of
> you have some frustrations, so I'd like to more clearly specify how
> issues and patches should be submitted.
> It will be much easier for me (and the community as a whole) to track
> issues if they are placed in the official God issue tracker at So from now on, please catalog

Tom Preston-Werner

Aug 10, 2009, 12:59:15 PM8/10/09
to god.rb
On Aug 10, 7:10 am, lardawge <> wrote:
> I for one would love to track down the memory leak. On my server,
> Ubuntu 8.10, it leaks like crazy. It starts at 17m and balloons to
> 160m in less than three days. Pretty big problem. I have resorted to
> restarting via cron every so often vs installing monit to manage it.
> Do you have any ideas as to where the leak is? I would be happy to
> spend some time looking at it.

From the day of testing I did, the leak seems to be caused by the
accumulation of a number of smaller leaks that manifest when more than
one watch is active. This makes isolating leaky code annoyingly
difficult, especially since the leak can take up to an hour to even
show up.

A good place to start is with this diff:
which disables the handling of conditions and simply reschedules each
event. I've been running tests with the test/configs/stress/stress.god
config which starts 8 watches that all schedule events as fast as they

It would be great to have another pair of eyes on this, let me know if
you discover anything!


Matt Davies

Aug 10, 2009, 3:16:14 PM8/10/09
Nice to see you back Tom

I will help as much as I can, I'm locked into ubuntu 8.04 servers at
at the moment, nginx, passenger, mysql type shit.

God and the mongrels seemed to argue like fuck on restart, ironic.

Temüjin is about the only human I can think could have a bust up with God.

if you believe in God, etc etc!!


2009/8/9 Tom Werner <>:


Aug 11, 2009, 9:30:05 AM8/11/09
to god.rb
Will do.


On Aug 10, 12:59 pm, Tom Preston-Werner <> wrote:
> On Aug 10, 7:10 am, lardawge <> wrote:
> > I for one would love to track down the memory leak. On my server,
> > Ubuntu 8.10, it leaks like crazy. It starts at 17m and balloons to
> > 160m in less than three days. Pretty big problem. I have resorted to
> > restarting via cron every so often vs installing monit to manage it.
> > Do you have any ideas as to where the leak is? I would be happy to
> > spend some time looking at it.
> From the day of testing I did, the leak seems to be caused by the
> accumulation of a number of smaller leaks that manifest when more than
> one watch is active. This makes isolating leaky code annoyingly
> difficult, especially since the leak can take up to an hour to even
> show up.
> A good place to start is with this diff:


Oct 8, 2009, 9:10:31 AM10/8/09
to god.rb
I was having the same problem. I added an /etc/init.d/ script for god.
It automatically loads /etc/god.d/*.god configs.

Then I add a config for monitoring god's memory usage. It restarts
itself using the init.d script.

No cron or monit needed.

On Aug 10, 10:10 am, lardawge <> wrote:
> Good to have you back! Thought you were done with the project and
> glade to hear otherwise.
> I for one would love to track down the memoryleak. On my server,
> Ubuntu 8.10, it leaks like crazy. It starts at 17m and balloons to
> 160m in less than three days. Pretty big problem. I have resorted to
> restarting via cron every so often vs installing monit to manage it.
> Do you have any ideas as to where theleakis? I would be happy to
> spend some time looking at it.
> Thanks,
> Larry
> On Aug 9, 1:32 pm, Tom Werner <> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > I've been unable to work on God lately, and I understand that some of
> > you have some frustrations, so I'd like to more clearly specify how
> > issues and patches should be submitted.
> > It will be much easier for me (and the community as a whole) to track
> > issues if they are placed in the official God issue tracker at So from now on, please catalog
> > any problems you have over there.
> > If you have a patch that you'd like applied to mainline, please also
> > create an issue on GitHub with a pointer to your repo and the branch
> > that the change is on. Having patches tracked there will make sure
> > they don't fall through the cracks, and that discussion can more
> > easily be made around them. It also allows everyone to see what
> > patches are pending.
> > As far as the memoryleakgoes, I spent a day a few weeks ago trying
> > to further track it down, and committed some changes that looked
> > promising, but it still starts leaking after an hour or so. The
> > strange thing is that on Engine Yard's Gentoo installation of Ruby,
> > God shows no leaks at all, which leads me to believe that there is
> > some compile option that prevents theleakor they've applied some non-


Oct 8, 2009, 9:58:19 AM10/8/09
to god.rb
Could you post the init.d file and the god config to gist? Would be
much appreciated. I like the idea of god monitoring god.
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