Go Button 3.3.3 available

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Brent Lord

Apr 25, 2023, 10:02:50 AM4/25/23
to Go Button
Good morning --

Go Button 3.3.3 is now available for download on the App Store.
  • Fixes "Too many files open" errors in large shows on certain devices.
  • Fixes a crash that could occur when using the Tab key to move focus out of a text field.
  • Several optimizations related to deleting cues.
  • Adds OSC command /udpKeepAlive and synonym /forgetMeNot which allow a client to request that Go Button persist its connection details regardless of any inactivity.
Previously we had also released 3.3.2 a week or so ago with a couple of small fixes:
  • Fixes a display issue when resuming active after being in the background for a period of time.
  • Fixes a bug that could prevent being able to paste cues on certain devices running iOS 16.1 and earlier.


Brent Lord | Figure 53

http://gobutton.tips | https://gobutton.app

Kelly Wilhelmi

Apr 25, 2023, 10:37:04 AM4/25/23
to gobu...@googlegroups.com
My version of Go aButton is working and can I continue that version?
The only problem is I open a show a song is showing it is playing bit no sound. If I open another show, the sound plays and then when I go back to,the original show the sound is fine. Suggestion?

On Apr 25, 2023, at 9:03 AM, Brent Lord <br...@figure53.com> wrote:

Good morning --
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Brent Lord

Apr 25, 2023, 10:55:55 AM4/25/23
to Go Button
You can disable automatic updates on your device in the iOS "Settings" app. This will prevent your device from automatically updating your copy of Go Button to the latest version.  In Settings, tap on "App Store", then under the section "Automatic Downloads" make sure the "App Updates" switch is turned off. 

In fact, we recommend anyone who is currently running a show disable "Automatic Updates". Generally it is always a good idea to be running the latest version. But it is safest to wait and manually update Go Button from the App Store app when you are between shows. Better yet, if you have a backup device you can update first, you can verify your show on the new version before updating your production device.

For your issue with sound not playing initially, please write us at sup...@figure53.com and we can help investigate further. Thanks!

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