Inbox folder

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Feb 7, 2023, 1:49:41 PM2/7/23
to Go Button
I recently had to replace my ipod touch with a refurbished unit. After restoring from a recent update, I started getting the message that the ipod was full. Looking at the Go Button files on my computer, I see there is a folder (or file with a folder icon) called Inbox that is 13.01 GB (!!!!). What is this? Can I delete this? I have no idea what it is, but it's taking up a ton of space. Thanks. 

Brent Lord

Feb 7, 2023, 2:39:44 PM2/7/23
to Go Button
Hi James --

When the Go Button "Documents" folder contains an "Inbox" folder, it was typically created by iOS. That folder is an artifact of importing audio files from certain methods, acting as a temporary holding location while a file is being copied into the app. I think it happens (or used to happen?) primarily when saving an audio attachment from an email, like using the "Open In..." or "Share" options -- but maybe AirDrop and other methods do the same thing.

Go Button generally tries to copy files out of that folder to the top-level of the "Documents" when importing. But I can't say whether it is safe to delete the whole folder or not.

It would be safest to inspect the contents using the Files app, and try to determine whether your shows are using any of the audio files in that folder. If you do find that none of your shows are targeting a given audio file, then you can delete that file. (Always have backups!)


Ed Cody

Feb 7, 2023, 6:34:40 PM2/7/23
I’m not James. But, I’m waiting for a response. Thanks

Sent from my iPhone

On 7 Feb 2023, at 2:39 PM, Brent Lord <> wrote:

Hi James --
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Brent Lord

Feb 8, 2023, 9:28:04 AM2/8/23
to Go Button
Hi Ed --

Sorry for the confusion again. My reply to James was posted in this thread on the Go Button Google Group. Your account was configured to receive email notifications for each post, which is why you received that email. I went ahead and turned off Email notifications for your account on the group. You can always view posts on the website at

I also checked and the last support exchange I see from you in our system was started on 12/27/22 with my teammate Charles. If you sent another message since then, our apologies. Please feel free to send a new request using the in-app "Contact Support" form or by emailing

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