3.3.3 A couple of bugs/issues

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Martin Orraryd

May 12, 2023, 7:26:13 PM5/12/23
to Go Button
Hello, Go Button team! 

Firstly: thank you so much for a fantastic app! I'm using it for shows with a youth circus. I can't imagine what we would do without it! :)

I have ver 3.3.3 on a small 5:th gen Ipad with iPadOS 16.4.1.

A couple of things I have noticed:

- When editing text in "Cue notes" it doesn't always save the updated text after clicking "save". Until it suddenly does. And the "Notes" field behaves strangely. Like, it's kind of too big, and the text disappears under the waveform line. Especially, I think, when there are already some lines of text there. Sorry for not being able to specify it more precisely. Using the iPad in "landscape mode", so to speak.

- When running two cues simultaneously, for example one with music, and another with a voiceover line, and the voice cue is set to duck the music cue: If I pause the show and then resume playing again, the music cue is not ducked anymore. 

- In our current show we are only using one Hit. So then I am stuck for the rest of the show with the Hits field taking up like 20% of the screen. It takes valuable space from my text notes. And while the show is running, it's not possible to hide the Hits with the little crosshair button. Would it be possible to make the minimum size of the Hit buttons a bit smaller? Or not having them use the whole width of the screen when only using one or a few of them?

- Sometimes I can hear a small "tick" or glitch when I run a cue with a fade in time. Also, I think, when a ducked cue is coming back up in volume. Maybe it's just my iPad getting too old...?

Keep up the great work!

Best regards from Sweden

Brent Lord

May 15, 2023, 4:00:16 PM5/15/23
to Go Button
Hi Martin --

Thanks for the great feedback!

The issue with a cue not being ducked anymore after pausing does seem like a bug. I think I am able to recreate it here, so I'll file that and we will look into it.

I'll also file your suggestion for optimizing the display for a show with just a few hits. And I think we originally hid the crosshair button while any cue was playing because making a layout change can cause a bit of a CPU spike. We didn't want that to be able to adversely affect playback, but maybe that's not as much of a concern anymore on more modern hardware.

For the cue notes not updating, I'm not able to recreate that myself. Do you mean the notes displayed during a show in the info panel, or the Notes field in the cue edit screen? If you have multiple lines of notes text, I think perhaps the cue edit screen text field may not resize until the next time you open the editor again. But you can drag to scroll the text field even when it shows only a couple of lines of text.

And for the "tick" you are hearing, if you can recreate this reliably, it would be helpful if you could send us a small test show that demonstrates what you are hearing. You can email us any time at sup...@figure53.com.


Martin Orraryd

May 15, 2023, 6:00:27 PM5/15/23
to Go Button
Hi Brent, thanks for your reply!

About the cue notes: I mean the notes displayed during the show. When I try to add or delete text in edit mode, it wont save.

I sent you an email with a test show and a couple of videos to explain, hope they can help.

All the best,


Brent Lord

May 16, 2023, 8:16:07 PM5/16/23
to Go Button
Thanks Martin!
We received the email with your videos. I'll be going thru them shortly to see what I can discover.

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