Manage grid or create displayed groups of cues

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2 ou 3 Petites Choses... asbl

Jun 9, 2023, 8:00:01 AM6/9/23
to Go Button

We want  to create different  ´lines’ of cues in the display area, so we could create different groups depending on the purpose of the cues. Example : one line with musics, a second with voices.

Is there a way to manage that?

Thx for help 

Brent Lord

Jun 12, 2023, 1:17:37 PM6/12/23
to Go Button
Hi and thanks for the question --

If you are asking about the layout for hit buttons, it is not possible to arrange buttons in rows like you describe. Right now Go Button supports a "flow" layout only, where the buttons are arranged top-to-bottom, left-to-right. This is largely due to being able to adapt to screen size changes -- whether from device rotation, switching in or out of iPad Split View, or manually changing the layout size on iPad, etc -- since the available space may require changing how many buttons can appear on screen.

We have had some requests to support a stationary "grid" layout as an alternative, so I will add your comments to our tracker for that feature.

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