Pre-show vs Show section

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Michael Newsom

Sep 24, 2023, 3:25:33 PM9/24/23
to Go Button
Can you loop a preshow playlist, that will then switch to the show list when “go” is triggered?

I need a flexible pre-show and am trying to avoid being locked to one really long file that loops.

Brent Lord

Sep 26, 2023, 10:08:09 AM9/26/23
to Go Button
Hello --

(I think you've been in contact with Support about this, but for the group I'll detail one approach to this here.)

This may not work for all situations, but here is one way I thought of that you could design this:

1. Create all of the cues you need for your preshow tracks. Let's say there are 5 cues, making these cues 1-5. 
2. If you think you will need to play your preshow more than once, you can make copies of Cues 1-5 and insert as many duplicates as you want. (Having more cues doesn't impact performance of Go Button at all.)
3. Create your "top of show" cue after your preshow cues. Let's say you have two copies of all your preshow cues in your show, so your top of show cue would be cue 11.
4. In the edit screen for Cue 11, turn on "Stop Others". (Optionally set a fade out time if you like.)
5. Save your changes to Cue 11.
6. Then select all of your preshow cues 1 thru 10 and tap Edit to batch edit them.
7. Make sure "Auto-follow" is turned on. (Here is also a good place to configure crossfading between your preshow cues if you want.)
8. Then Scroll down to the "Go Actions" row and tap on it.
9. Select the "Custom" action and select "Start" from the first column and select cue 10 from the second column.
10. Tap "Save" to commit your batch edit changes to cues 1-10.
11. If you don't want the end of your preshow to automatically play your top of show cue, you can edit cue 10 and turn off "Auto-follow" for just that cue.

Now when you start your show, cues 1 thru 10 will begin to automatically play and follow into the next cue. 
At any point, the custom go action you added in step 9 above will let you tap GO to jump directly to cue 11.
The "Stop Others" setting in cue 11 will stop (and optionally fade out) whichever preshow cue happens to be running for a smooth transition into your show cues.


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