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REMINDER - 19 April 2024 | History Hour | The Great Goa Land Grab | Solano Da Silva

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Apr 16, 2024, 3:36:58 PM4/16/24
Dear Friends, 



Please join us for a History Hour on 

The Great Goa Land Grab

bSolano Da Silva
Assistant Professor, BITS Pilani, Goa Campus

Friday19 April 2024 | 6 pm
Xavier Centre of Historical Research, Porvorim

Please join us for tea at 5:30 pm.

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The Great Goa Land Grab
Despite having over 35 years of land-use planning, Goa repeatedly finds itself in the throes of land conflicts. The seminar will contrast the promise of land-use planning with critical observations about land transformations in the state. Highlighting a range of recent ‘policy manoeuvres’ the presentation will demonstrate how planning rules have been altered to favour select private interests and compromise the discursive intent of planning. Moving beyond the proximate causes, the seminar will present a hypothesis about the political drivers of these processes to explain Goa’s controversial land transformations.

Solano Da Silva is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at BITS Pilani, K K Birla Goa Campus. He primarily teaches Development Studies and Political Theory. His research has looked at electoral politics, urbanisation, and land-use planning, focusing on Goa. He recently co-authored a book with Kenneth Bo Nielsen and Heather Plumridge Bedi titled, The Great Goa Land Grab.

Photograph: Frederick Noronha

Xavier Centre of Historical Research
B B Borkar Road, Porvorim, Goa 403521, India |
20240419 TheGreatGoaLandGrab - EMAIL.jpg
20240419 TheGreatGoaLandGrab.pdf
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