Moira reminisces

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Frederick Noronha

14. feb. 2020, 03:58:3914.02.2020
Moira, the village of rivers, fertile fields, hillocks and interesting people, is to celebrate the 100 this anniversary of ita village club. 
One understands that a special souvenir, comprising present and past articles, wil be released on the occasion soon. Likely to be a collector's item, though one has not yet seen it.
You could get details via Augusto Pinto and the email id is


_/  FN फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎


augusto pinto

17. feb. 2020, 05:54:5717.02.2020
Collector's item it will be. 

Apart from the well written Moira President's Centenary message and an editorial by me, there is a reprint of the late Dr. Teotonio de Souza's A Peep into the Past, a history of Moira which is certainly not the wedding album sort that village histories tend to be. 

Then there are excellent articles on the Communidade of Moira by Leroy Veloso and an article which focuses on the geography of the village by Nazar da Silva. 

While these articles are ostensibly about Moira they also are equally enlightening for other villages as most villages have Communidades and 'khazans' and 'gawars' (watertables). 

Then there is an article on the hundred years of the club by me and on the musicians of Moira (and there are a host of them led by the legendary Micky Correa and the music teacher Philomena D'Cruz and the drummer Paklo or Xavier de Moira) by Dr. Glenis Mendonca and Jeffrey D'Souza. 

And an article on Moira's biodiversity by Karl Pinto Souza and Jeffrey D'Souza illustrated by David de Souza's photography. 

There are nostalgic articles on various aspects and eras of Moira by the award winning novelist Jerry Pinto, Pio Sequeira, Betsy Pinto-Nunes and Liza Sequeira and a photo-essay on the octogenarions and nonagenarians of Moira by David de Souza, the internationally renowned art photographer. 

The article is peppered with cartoons and caricatures by Air Vice Marshal Gilez Gomez VSM who after an illustrious career in the IAF has started a new and again literally illustrious career post retirement as a cartoonist. 

So yes, even if you think I'm biased when I say this, I think it'll be a collector's item, and although the price is reasonable (₹ 150/= was what the Club President Oswald Cordeiro last told me although I'll know for sure tomorrow) there's a very limited number of copies to go on sale. That's tomorrow, February 16 after 5 pm at the Moira Club. 

As the old cliché goes: Hurry till Stocks Last! 


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Nazareth, Peter

19. feb. 2020, 11:39:5019.02.2020


Could you send me a copy?  And let me know how I could send in payment. 

Best wishes.


alan machado

19. feb. 2020, 11:39:5019.02.2020
How do I get a copy? Do let me know if one can be posted to me and the cost


Selma Cardoso

19. feb. 2020, 11:39:5119.02.2020
I wonder if I can get the club president's contact. I'd love a review copy (which I will pay for) to review the book.

Best wishes,

augusto pinto

20. feb. 2020, 05:58:5020.02.2020
Dear Peter, Selma, Alan and others who contacted me privately asking for copies of the souvenir named 'Moira' which was published to commemorate the centenary of the Associação Académica de Moira, more popularly called the Moira Club, 

I'm afraid that I can't send any copies to you because they aren't in my possession. 

Before I go ahead I'd like to let you know what transpired on Sunday, 16th February, the day of the release of the souvenir. 

The function itself was a nice one. It's what happened later that was surreal as far as I am concerned.

The souvenir release was pleasant enough with Fr. Alexander the parish priest as the Chief Guest and the MLA of Aldona Constituency Glen Souza Ticlo as the Guest of Honour and others like the Advocate General of Goa Dr. Carlos Alvares Ferreira, the Moira Sarpanch Riya Belekar, Goa Football Association representative Lavino Rebello as guests besides the editorial team of Air Vice Marshal Giles Gomez Retd who is my cartoonist; David de Souza, the internationally renowned photographer; and I on the dais. 

A cake was cut to mark the centenary with the children present. 

The speeches began and after President Oswald Cordeiro, Acting Sarpanch of Moira as the Sarpanch is on leave welcomed the gathering. He praises me and my editorial team to the skies in his speech. 

Then I spoke about how the souvenir was put together. Fr. Alexander and the other guests spoke. One copy of the souvenir was released. Just one. There was entertainment by a band of talented youngsters and later a dinner was served to the guests. All this was fine.

But then the bizarre began. The souvenir which was supposed to be sold was not. People kept asking, but the club committee was tight lipped and just ignored the requests. 

Being the editor I know that 400 copies of the souvenir were delivered and the editors had an advance copy each (and even if I say so myself it's a fine volume, far better than anything normally seen as a souvenir in Goa, and everyone who I've shown it to agrees.)

But the souvenir was not sold although people keep on asking for it. 

What should I say?  This can only happen in Moira. Frankly the scenario rivals those of the legendary tales of the wise fools of Moira as the club committee sits pondering over those 400 copies. I'm keenly waiting to see what they're up to. 

What's wrong with the souvenir? They are offended by something I've written but a few days ago when I went to the Club and passed my copy around to the card players nobody seemed to notice anything amiss. 

When one contributor demanded a copy of the souvenir from the President he replied "the committee had not got the script for approval before printing now after reading it's content the committee has found that lot of material needs to be edited and also some printing error of adds (sic) and other things .." 

Now what I am going to do is to separately send you the text of the souvenir. 

Sadly this doesn't do justice to the print version because the colour photography of David de Souza of Moira's bio-diversity which I used to enhance the advertisements of well wishers who didn't send artwork won't be seen; neither will David's centre gatefold photo-essay of octogenarions and nonagenarians of Moira; and neither will the colour cartoon version of the wise fools of Moira tales by Dr. Giles Gomez. 

Nevertheless I do hope that you can appreciate the work that went into the souvenir and you can apprise me as to where I went wrong. 

Best wishes, 

augusto pinto

20. feb. 2020, 05:58:5020.02.2020


20. feb. 2020, 10:27:2020.02.2020

oh you academicians...welcome to publishing in the real world..

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Albert Peres
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Frederick Noronha

20. feb. 2020, 11:14:2920.02.2020
A pity that the publication could not be released due to editorial disagreement. 

Publishers often disagree with the views of authors they publish. 

One way to overcome this is to use a disclaimer saying that the views are of the author concerned.

In any case, a view presented is not written in stone, and could lead to a good discussion from various angles, bringing further light on the topic.

I do hope this somehow resolves. Moira is a special village and indeed deserves a more than one publication of its own... from diverse angles


Nazareth, Peter

20. feb. 2020, 11:16:5420.02.2020

Dear Augusto,

I read your message in a hurry as I am getting ready to drive to the university to teach my two classes (Conrad and Descendants, African Literature).  It is a very cold day and there is still snow on the ground.

My office is five miles from my house, not far.

First, you brought it out, and there is a lot of information in it, plus some fine cartoon drawings.

Inevitably someone our other will feel left out and will not see what was achieved in the face of what is an impossible task.

It is very readable, and I will read it again



Jeanne Hromnik

21. feb. 2020, 00:13:4921.02.2020
Dear Augusto
Does this mean that Peter has the one copy that was released? That is not fair on us other Moidekars! Or have you already sent out the text?
I would advise you not to. Wouldn't it be better to print copies on demand?
Perhaps that is too expensive an option however, and may earn you some enemies in our maddening village.
Sympathetically yours

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