Bones of contention

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Lucio De Re

Nov 14, 2013, 10:23:26 PM11/14/13
We've had a good few bits of trouble in the past and they have had serious impact on this project.  One that comes to mind immediately is the use of Mercurial, another is divergence from the Bell Labs distribution.

We need to be able to put issues such as these to sleep so that they do not create divisions.  I'd like everyone with an opinion to voice it here at least once, perhaps further discussion can take place on 9fans - if worthwhile, I'm sure that's another point to disagree on.  Maybe it helps to know how others feel about things.


David du Colombier

Dec 2, 2013, 3:47:41 AM12/2/13
The use of Mercurial on Plan 9 is no longer a problem, thanks to the recent Python port by Jeff Sickel.

If that's a problem for you to build Python (which requires a modified APE), you can always download the compiled binaries (Python 2.7.5 and Mercurial 2.8.1).

David du Colombier

Lucio De Re

Dec 2, 2013, 4:20:58 AM12/2/13
Good, that will assist with the builder stuff, although I'm not convinced that it goes far enough.  In all honesty, I would wish Mercurial away (and Python before it), but I believe in Codereview unconditionally :-)

I'll try to get a builder going (plan9/386) in my environment, but I expect it will not be very representative (old, too slow and running on VMware ESXi 3.5).

I'd like to know how the community proposes to deal with each fork of the Plan 9 codebase.  For my part, I think it's up to us to hide all the fractures from the Go developers: multiple architectures, poorly supported, is already a problem, adding kernel forks would really put the knife in it.  On the other hand, it's a bit of that "he who pays the fiddle calls the tune" refrain: "he who hosts the builder, makes the rules?"


David du Colombier

Dec 2, 2013, 5:10:21 AM12/2/13
My offer (from May) to run the builder is still valid. If we all agree, one just have to send me a build key and I will run the builder.

David du Colombier

Nick Owens

Dec 2, 2013, 7:11:19 AM12/2/13
to David du Colombier,
sounds good. would it be possible to post the builder code somewhere? perhaps even merge it into upstream's builder code?

i was shocked at all the problems that arose when i last tried to make the builder work on 9front.

i think chris nielsen has a key.
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Christopher Nielsen

Dec 2, 2013, 2:22:27 PM12/2/13
to Nick Owens, David du Colombier,
I gave David the key Brad Fitzpatrick gave me a while back.
Christopher Nielsen
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