Deployment technique in GO-CD - Blue-Green/ Canary

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Jun 17, 2016, 1:50:14 AM6/17/16
to go-cd

I have some query about the features of GO-CD.
Actually I am in stage of deploying my application to prod server using Blue-Green/Canary technique, for this job whether i have to define all the task myself or there is some stage template which I can use for my purpose. If I have to do this myself would you please provide me some reference or any material from where i can get help.

Thanks in advance.

Nihal Raj

David Rice

Jun 17, 2016, 12:57:26 PM6/17/16
to go-cd
Hi Nihal -

How one implements blue-green deployment is highly dependent upon your tech stack and your deployment topology. You need to figure out an appropriate blue-green approach before you consider how to automate with GoCD or similar. There's much written on the internet about blue-green, I'd suggest you find some material that's appropriate for your stack. Once you've got a desired approach, you will likely have some more specific questions with which we can help you. 

I know that didn't answer your question. To answer your question: No. GoCD does not come with any templates for blue-green deployments. If you did end up needing multiple nearly identical pipelines, GoCD's template feature likely would help you avoid some duplication.

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