Yeah, as Ashwanth mentions, this doesn't currently exist, probably because it's somewhat indeterministic. GoCD does not rigidly define what "success" means for a pipeline - that is up to the user in how they compose from stages.
- subsequent stages can sometimes allow manual triggering even if a previous stage failed
- is a pipeline successful if it has 3 passed automatic stages and then 1 manual stage afterwards not yet triggered? or is it in progress?
- a separate pipeline can be triggered by a stage part-way through an earlier pipeline, even if the later stages of that pipeline failed. It could be confusing to consider the earlier pipeline "failed", and "success" may also be misleading.
The dashboard filters are the only places I can think of that express an opinion on such things, and do so rather simplistically by only looking at the status of the latest stage instance that has been triggered with a status other than "Unknown" and considering that. Due to this opinionated nature they will sometimes filter pipelines that arguably should not - perhaps OK for a user-driven filter view, but not really for an API.
If we were to consider this, I think it'd need to be multiple fields that are calculated by different mechansisms, e.g "status_by_last_triggered_stage" alongside "status_by_all_triggered_stages" and "status_by_all_configured_stages" and "status_by_last_configured_stage" -- multiplied x2n if you want "result" as well. It'd get messy fast and maybe better to just let people look at the stage array themselves ....