Issue with custom cruise-config.xml being overwritten on Container Startup

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Satya Elipe

Apr 11, 2024, 7:10:09 AMApr 11

Dear GoCD Support,

We are encountering an issue where our custom 'cruise-config.xml' file is being overwritten with default content when our GoCD server container starts. We have mounted our configuration into the '/godata/config' directory within the container, but it seems that upon initialization, a new 'cruise-config.xml' file is generated, ignoring our custom settings.

Here's what we observe:

- The custom 'cruise-config.xml' is correctly placed in the '/godata/config' directory on the host machine and within the container before the GoCD server starts.

- Upon container startup, the entry-point script seems to generate a new default 'cruise-config.xml', overwriting our custom file.

- We suspect the entry-point script might be initializing a new 'cruise-config.xml' if the existing one is deemed invalid or missing.

Below are the relevant logs from the container startup and the current file content after initialization:

Container Startup Logs:


[ec2-user@ip-10-154-168-49 ~]$ docker logs -f 45edee085dc5

/ Creating directories and symlinks to hold GoCD configuration, data, and logs

$ ln -sv /godata/artifacts /go-working-dir/artifacts

'/go-working-dir/artifacts' -> '/godata/artifacts'

$ ln -sv /godata/config /go-working-dir/config

'/go-working-dir/config' -> '/godata/config'

'/go-working-dir/db' -> '/godata/db'

$ ln -sv /godata/db /go-working-dir/db

$ ln -sv /godata/logs /go-working-dir/logs

'/go-working-dir/logs' -> '/godata/logs'

$ ln -sv /godata/plugins /go-working-dir/plugins

'/go-working-dir/plugins' -> '/godata/plugins'

/ Creating directories and symlinks to hold GoCD wrapper binaries

$ ln -sv /go-server/bin /go-working-dir/bin

'/go-working-dir/bin' -> '/go-server/bin'

$ ln -sv /go-server/lib /go-working-dir/lib

'/go-working-dir/lib' -> '/go-server/lib'

$ ln -sv /go-server/run /go-working-dir/run

'/go-working-dir/run' -> '/go-server/run'

$ ln -sv /go-server/wrapper /go-working-dir/wrapper

'/go-working-dir/wrapper' -> '/go-server/wrapper'

$ ln -sv /go-server/wrapper-config /go-working-dir/wrapper-config

'/go-working-dir/wrapper-config' -> '/go-server/wrapper-config'

$ install-gocd-plugins

$ git-clone-config

$ cd /godata/config

/ Running custom scripts in /docker-entrypoint.d/ ...

$ sed -i -e s...@wrapper.logfile=.*@wrapper.logfile=/go-working-dir/logs/go-server-wrapper.log@g -e* -e s...@wrapper.working.dir=.*@wrapper.working.dir=/go-working-dir@g /go-server/wrapper-config/wrapper.conf

$ exec /usr/local/sbin/tini -g -- /go-working-dir/bin/go-server console

Running go-server...

wrapper  | Failed to set JVM input handle to non blocking mode: Bad file descriptor (9)

wrapper  | Failed to set JVM input handle to close on JVM exit: Bad file descriptor (9)

wrapper  | JVM exited while loading the application.

wrapper  | Unable to set JVM's stdin: Bad file descriptor

wrapper  | --> Wrapper Started as Console

wrapper  | Java Service Wrapper Standard Edition 64-bit 3.5.50

wrapper  |   Copyright (C) 1999-2022 Tanuki Software, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

wrapper  |

wrapper  |   Licensed to ThoughtWorks for GoCD Server

wrapper  | 

wrapper  | Launching a JVM...

jvm 1    | wrapper  | --> Wrapper Started as Console

jvm 1    | wrapper  | Java Service Wrapper Standard Edition 64-bit 3.5.50

jvm 1    | wrapper  |   Copyright (C) 1999-2022 Tanuki Software, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

jvm 1    | wrapper  |

jvm 1    | wrapper  |   Licensed to ThoughtWorks for GoCD Server

jvm 1    | wrapper  | 

jvm 1    | wrapper  | Launching a JVM...

wrapper  | Launching a JVM...

jvm 2    | WrapperManager: Initializing...

jvm 2    | [Thu Apr 11 09:41:57 GMT 2024] Starting process: 

jvm 2    | [Thu Apr 11 09:41:57 GMT 2024]   Working directory    : /go-working-dir

jvm 2    | [Thu Apr 11 09:41:57 GMT 2024]   Application arguments: []

jvm 2    | [Thu Apr 11 09:41:57 GMT 2024]            GoCD Version: 22.3.0-15301

jvm 2    | [Thu Apr 11 09:41:57 GMT 2024]            Java Version: 17.0.5

jvm 2    | [Thu Apr 11 09:41:57 GMT 2024]        Operating System: Linux(6.1.82-99.168.amzn2023.x86_64)

jvm 2    | Could not find file `config/logback.xml'. Attempting to load from classpath.

jvm 2    | Using classpath resource `jar:onejar:lib/server-launcher-22.3.0-15301-main.jar!/config/logback.xml'.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:41:58,547 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] Jetty9Server:193 - Configuring Jetty using /go-working-dir/config/jetty.xml

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:41:58,621 WARN  [WrapperJarAppMain] Server:357 - ErrorPageMapper not supported for Server level Error Handling

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:41:58,693 WARN  [WrapperJarAppMain] AbstractHandler:96 - No Server set for ResourceHandler@15eb119d{STOPPED}

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:03,775 WARN  [WrapperJarAppMain] ConnectionManager:117 - The file config/ specified by `go.db.config` does not exist.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:04,461 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] DatabaseMigrator:40 - Upgrading database, this might take a while depending on the size of the database.

jvm 2    | ************************************************************************

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:04,467 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] DatabaseMigrator:49 - ************************************************************************

jvm 2    | WARNING: Shutting down your server at this point will lead to a database corruption. Please wait until the database upgrade completes.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:04,468 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] DatabaseMigrator:49 - WARNING: Shutting down your server at this point will lead to a database corruption. Please wait until the database upgrade completes.

jvm 2    | ************************************************************************

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:04,474 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] DatabaseMigrator:49 - ************************************************************************

jvm 2    | Apr 11, 2024 9:42:04 AM liquibase.database

jvm 2    | INFO: Set default schema name to PUBLIC

jvm 2    | Apr 11, 2024 9:42:04 AM liquibase.lockservice

jvm 2    | INFO: Successfully acquired change log lock

jvm 2    | Apr 11, 2024 9:42:04 AM liquibase.servicelocator

jvm 2    | INFO: Cannot load service: liquibase.parser.ChangeLogParser: liquibase.parser.core.json.JsonChangeLogParser Unable to get public no-arg constructor

jvm 2    | Apr 11, 2024 9:42:04 AM liquibase.servicelocator

jvm 2    | INFO: Cannot load service: liquibase.parser.ChangeLogParser: liquibase.parser.core.yaml.YamlChangeLogParser Unable to get public no-arg constructor

jvm 2    | Apr 11, 2024 9:42:05 AM liquibase.servicelocator

jvm 2    | INFO: Cannot load service: liquibase.change.Change: liquibase.change.core.LoadDataChange Unable to get public no-arg constructor

jvm 2    | Apr 11, 2024 9:42:05 AM liquibase.servicelocator

jvm 2    | INFO: Cannot load service: liquibase.change.Change: liquibase.change.core.LoadUpdateDataChange Unable to get public no-arg constructor

jvm 2    | Apr 11, 2024 9:42:05 AM liquibase.changelog

jvm 2    | INFO: Reading resource: db-migration-scripts/migrations/2006.xml

jvm 2    | Apr 11, 2024 9:42:06 AM liquibase.changelog


jvm 2    | Apr 11, 2024 9:42:06 AM liquibase.servicelocator

jvm 2    | INFO: Cannot load service: liquibase.hub.HubService: Provider liquibase.hub.core.StandardHubService could not be instantiated

jvm 2    | Apr 11, 2024 9:42:06 AM liquibase.lockservice

jvm 2    | INFO: Successfully released change log lock

jvm 2    | INFO: Database upgrade completed successfully.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:06,660 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] DatabaseMigrator:57 - Database upgrade completed successfully.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:06,665 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] DataMigrationRunner:34 - Running data migrations...

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:06,718 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] DataMigrationRunner:49 - Data migration took 5 ms

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:06,731 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] DataMigrationRunner:49 - Data migration took 5 ms

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:06,735 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] DataMigrationRunner:39 - Data migrations completed.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:07,844 WARN  [WrapperJarAppMain] ConfigurationFactory:136 - No configuration found. Configuring ehcache from ehcache-failsafe.xml  found in the classpath: jar:file:/go-working-dir/work/jetty-0_0_0_0-8153-cruise_war-_go-any-/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/ehcache-!/ehcache-failsafe.xml

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:07,937 WARN  [WrapperJarAppMain] EhCacheProvider:93 - Could not find configuration [com.thoughtworks.go.domain.AccessToken]; using defaults.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:07,986 WARN  [WrapperJarAppMain] EhCacheProvider:93 - Could not find configuration [com.thoughtworks.go.domain.NotificationFilter]; using defaults.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:08,093 WARN  [WrapperJarAppMain] EhCacheProvider:93 - Could not find configuration [com.thoughtworks.go.domain.User]; using defaults.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:08,124 WARN  [WrapperJarAppMain] EhCacheProvider:93 - Could not find configuration [com.thoughtworks.go.domain.Plugin]; using defaults.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:08,138 WARN  [WrapperJarAppMain] EhCacheProvider:93 - Could not find configuration [com.thoughtworks.go.domain.EnvironmentVariable]; using defaults.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:08,195 WARN  [WrapperJarAppMain] EhCacheProvider:93 - Could not find configuration [com.thoughtworks.go.domain.User.notificationFilters]; using defaults.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:08,299 WARN  [WrapperJarAppMain] EhCacheProvider:93 - Could not find configuration [org.hibernate.cache.UpdateTimestampsCache]; using defaults.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:08,313 WARN  [WrapperJarAppMain] EhCacheProvider:93 - Could not find configuration [org.hibernate.cache.StandardQueryCache]; using defaults.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:10,665 WARN  [WrapperJarAppMain] BrokerService:2116 - Temporary Store limit is 51200 mb (current store usage is 0 mb). The data directory: /go-working-dir only has 5097 mb of usable space. - resetting to maximum available disk space: 5097 mb

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:10,883 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] ConnectionManager:98 - Done loading query extensions, found com.thoughtworks.go.server.database.h2.H2QueryExtensions@54c0575e

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:17,965 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] GoConfigMigration:94 - Upgrading config file from version 139 to version 139

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:18,072 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] GoConfigMigration:102 - Finished upgrading config file

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:18,076 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] GoConfigMigrator:106 - [Config Save] Starting Config Save post upgrade using FullConfigSaveNormalFlow

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:18,128 INFO  [Thread-79] DefaultPluginJarChangeListener:67 - Plugin load starting: /go-working-dir/plugins/bundled/gocd-ldap-authentication-plugin.jar

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:18,418 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] CachedGoConfig:223 - About to notify config listeners

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:18,419 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] CachedGoConfig:231 - Finished notifying all listeners

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:18,548  INFO [Thread-79] p.c.g.a.l.c.g.a.l.LdapPlugin:72 [plugin-cd.go.authentication.ldap] - Loading plugin null version 2.2.1-181

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:18,713 ERROR [Thread-79] p.c.g.a.l.c.g.a.l.LdapPlugin:127 [plugin-cd.go.authentication.ldap] - Error while executing request go.plugin-settings.get-configuration

jvm 2    | com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.api.exceptions.UnhandledRequestTypeException: This is an invalid request type :go.plugin-settings.get-configuration

jvm 2    |      at cd.go.plugin.base.dispatcher.RequestDispatcher.dispatch(

jvm 2    |      at cd.go.authentication.ldap.LdapPlugin.handle(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.infra.DefaultPluginManager.lambda$submitTo$0(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.infra.FelixGoPluginOSGiFramework.executeActionOnTheService(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.infra.FelixGoPluginOSGiFramework.doOn(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.infra.DefaultPluginManager.submitTo(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.access.PluginRequestHelper.submitRequest(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.access.common.AbstractExtension.getPluginSettingsConfiguration(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.access.common.settings.PluginSettingsMetadataLoader.lambda$findSettingsAndViewOfAllExtensionsIn$2(

jvm 2    |      at java.base/$3$1.accept(Unknown Source)

jvm 2    |      at java.base/$2$1.accept(Unknown Source)

jvm 2    |      at java.base/java.util.ArrayList$ArrayListSpliterator.forEachRemaining(Unknown Source)

jvm 2    |      at java.base/ Source)

jvm 2    |      at java.base/ Source)

jvm 2    |      at java.base/$ReduceOp.evaluateSequential(Unknown Source)

jvm 2    |      at java.base/ Source)

jvm 2    |      at java.base/ Source)

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.access.common.settings.PluginSettingsMetadataLoader.findSettingsAndViewOfAllExtensionsIn(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.access.common.settings.PluginSettingsMetadataLoader.fetchPluginSettingsMetaData(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.access.common.settings.PluginSettingsMetadataLoader.pluginLoaded(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.infra.PluginLoader.lambda$doPostBundleInstallActivities$0(

jvm 2    |      at org.apache.commons.collections4.IteratorUtils.forEach(

jvm 2    |      at org.apache.commons.collections4.IterableUtils.forEach(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.infra.PluginLoader.lambda$doPostBundleInstallActivities$1(

jvm 2    |      at org.apache.commons.collections4.IteratorUtils.forEach(

jvm 2    |      at org.apache.commons.collections4.IterableUtils.forEach(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.infra.PluginLoader.doPostBundleInstallActivities(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.infra.PluginLoader.loadPlugin(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.infra.listeners.DefaultPluginJarChangeListener.refreshBundle(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.infra.listeners.DefaultPluginJarChangeListener.addPlugin(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.infra.listeners.DefaultPluginJarChangeListener.pluginJarAdded(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.infra.monitor.DefaultPluginJarLocationMonitor$PluginLocationMonitorThread$DoOnAllListeners.lambda$pluginJarAdded$0(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.infra.monitor.DefaultPluginJarLocationMonitor$PluginLocationMonitorThread$DoOnAllListeners.doOnAllPluginJarChangeListener(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.infra.monitor.DefaultPluginJarLocationMonitor$PluginLocationMonitorThread$DoOnAllListeners.pluginJarAdded(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.infra.monitor.PluginChangeNotifier.lambda$notify$0(

jvm 2    |      at java.base/java.lang.Iterable.forEach(Unknown Source)

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.infra.monitor.PluginChangeNotifier.notify(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.infra.monitor.DefaultPluginJarLocationMonitor$PluginLocationMonitorThread.loadAndNotifyPluginsFrom(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.infra.monitor.DefaultPluginJarLocationMonitor$PluginLocationMonitorThread.oneShot(

jvm 2    |      at com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.infra.monitor.DefaultPluginJarLocationMonitor$

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:18,714 WARN  [Thread-79] PluginSettingsMetadataLoader:63 - Failed to fetch plugin settings metadata for plugin cd.go.authentication.ldap. Maybe the plugin does not implement plugin settings and view?

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:18,715 WARN  [Thread-79] PluginSettingsMetadataLoader:64 - Plugin: cd.go.authentication.ldap - Metadata load info: [{extension='authorization', configuration='null', view='null', error='The plugin sent a response that could not be understood by Go. Plugin returned with code '500' and the following response: 'This is an invalid request type :go.plugin-settings.get-configuration''}]

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:18,719 WARN  [Thread-79] PluginSettingsMetadataLoader:65 - Not all plugins are required to implement the request above. This error may be safe to ignore.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:18,720 INFO  [Thread-79] DefaultPluginJarChangeListener:74 - Plugin load finished: /go-working-dir/plugins/bundled/gocd-ldap-authentication-plugin.jar

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:18,736 INFO  [Thread-79] DefaultPluginJarChangeListener:67 - Plugin load starting: /go-working-dir/plugins/bundled/gocd-file-based-secrets-plugin.jar

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:18,776 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] BuildAssignmentService:250 - [Configuration Changed] Removing jobs for pipelines that no longer exist in configuration.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:18,865 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] InvalidateAuthenticationOnSecurityConfigChangeFilter:78 - [Configuration Changed] Security Configuration is changed. Updating the last changed time.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:18,889 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] PipelineRepository:78 - Start updating pipeline timeline

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:18,892 ERROR [Thread-79] DefaultPluginManager:136 - This is an invalid request type :go.plugin-settings.get-configuration

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:18,893 WARN  [Thread-79] PluginSettingsMetadataLoader:63 - Failed to fetch plugin settings metadata for plugin cd.go.secrets.file-based-plugin. Maybe the plugin does not implement plugin settings and view?

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:18,897 WARN  [Thread-79] PluginSettingsMetadataLoader:64 - Plugin: cd.go.secrets.file-based-plugin - Metadata load info: [{extension='secrets', configuration='null', view='null', error='com.thoughtworks.go.plugin.api.exceptions.UnhandledRequestTypeException: This is an invalid request type :go.plugin-settings.get-configuration'}]

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:18,897 WARN  [Thread-79] PluginSettingsMetadataLoader:65 - Not all plugins are required to implement the request above. This error may be safe to ignore.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:19,040 INFO  [Thread-79] DefaultPluginJarChangeListener:74 - Plugin load finished: /go-working-dir/plugins/bundled/gocd-file-based-secrets-plugin.jar

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:19,057 INFO  [Thread-79] DefaultPluginJarChangeListener:67 - Plugin load starting: /go-working-dir/plugins/bundled/gocd-yum-repository-poller-plugin.jar

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:19,320 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] PipelineRepository:84 - Pipeline timeline updated

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:19,320 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] PipelineSqlMapDao:132 - Loading active pipelines into memory.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:19,321 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] PipelineSqlMapDao:383 - Retriving Active Pipelines from Database...

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:19,526 WARN  [Thread-79] PluginSettingsMetadataLoader:63 - Failed to fetch plugin settings metadata for plugin yum. Maybe the plugin does not implement plugin settings and view?

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:19,529 WARN  [Thread-79] PluginSettingsMetadataLoader:64 - Plugin: yum - Metadata load info: [{extension='package-repository', configuration='null', view='null', error='The plugin sent a response that could not be understood by Go. Plugin returned with code '400' and the following response: 'Invalid request name go.plugin-settings.get-configuration''}]

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:19,529 WARN  [Thread-79] PluginSettingsMetadataLoader:65 - Not all plugins are required to implement the request above. This error may be safe to ignore.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:19,582 INFO  [Thread-82] PipelineSqlMapDao:419 - Loading pipeline history to cache...Started

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:19,584 INFO  [Thread-82] PipelineSqlMapDao:423 - Loading pipeline history to cache...Done

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:19,587 WARN  [WrapperJarAppMain] PipelineSqlMapDao:450 - No pipelines found in Config, Skipping material revision caching.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:19,588 INFO  [Thread-81] PipelineSqlMapDao:413 - Loading Active Pipelines to cache...Started

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:19,588 INFO  [Thread-81] PipelineSqlMapDao:416 - Loading Active Pipelines to cache...Done

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:19,589 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] PipelineSqlMapDao:134 - Done loading active pipelines into memory.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:19,624 ERROR [Thread-79] PluginInfoBuilder:54 - Failed to fetch Plugin Settings metadata for plugin yum. Maybe the plugin does not implement plugin settings and view?

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:19,633 INFO  [Thread-79] DefaultPluginJarChangeListener:74 - Plugin load finished: /go-working-dir/plugins/bundled/gocd-yum-repository-poller-plugin.jar

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:19,666 INFO  [Thread-79] DefaultPluginJarChangeListener:67 - Plugin load starting: /go-working-dir/plugins/bundled/gocd-json-config-plugin.jar

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:21,365 INFO  [Thread-79] ConfigRepositoryInitializer:108 - [Config Repository Initializer] Start initializing the config repositories for plugin 'json.config.plugin' 

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:21,381 INFO  [Thread-79] ConfigRepositoryInitializer:112 - [Config Repository Initializer] Done initializing the config repositories for plugin 'json.config.plugin' 

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:21,426 INFO  [Thread-79] DefaultPluginJarChangeListener:74 - Plugin load finished: /go-working-dir/plugins/bundled/gocd-json-config-plugin.jar

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:21,452 INFO  [Thread-79] DefaultPluginJarChangeListener:67 - Plugin load starting: /go-working-dir/plugins/bundled/gocd-filebased-authentication-plugin.jar

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:21,559 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] ConsoleActivityMonitor:78 - Found '0' building jobs. Added them with '2024-04-11T09:42:19.592Z' as the last heard time

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:21,590 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] ConsoleActivityMonitor:79 - Found '0' scheduled jobs. Added them with '2024-04-11T09:42:19.592Z' as the last heard time

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:21,601 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] RailsAssetsService:68 - Found rails assets manifest file named .sprockets-manifest-33237067f8bbd7d7d3ed31a1f9d514b9.json 

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:21,608 INFO  [WrapperJarAppMain] RailsAssetsService:72 - Successfully read rails assets manifest file located at /go-working-dir/work/jetty-0_0_0_0-8153-cruise_war-_go-any-/webapp/WEB-INF/rails/public/assets/.sprockets-manifest-33237067f8bbd7d7d3ed31a1f9d514b9.json

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:21,656  INFO [Thread-79] p.c.g.a.p.c.g.a.p.PasswordFilePlugin:72 [plugin-cd.go.authentication.passwordfile] - Loading plugin null version 2.1.2-162

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:21,727  WARN [Thread-79] p.c.g.a.p.c.g.a.p.PasswordFilePlugin:97 [plugin-cd.go.authentication.passwordfile] - Request go.plugin-settings.get-configuration is not supported by plugin.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:21,727 WARN  [Thread-79] PluginSettingsMetadataLoader:63 - Failed to fetch plugin settings metadata for plugin cd.go.authentication.passwordfile. Maybe the plugin does not implement plugin settings and view?

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:21,740 WARN  [Thread-79] PluginSettingsMetadataLoader:64 - Plugin: cd.go.authentication.passwordfile - Metadata load info: [{extension='authorization', configuration='null', view='null', error='The plugin sent a response that could not be understood by Go. Plugin returned with code '500' and the following response: 'Request go.plugin-settings.get-configuration is not supported by plugin.''}]

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:21,740 WARN  [Thread-79] PluginSettingsMetadataLoader:65 - Not all plugins are required to implement the request above. This error may be safe to ignore.

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:21,741 INFO  [Thread-79] DefaultPluginJarChangeListener:74 - Plugin load finished: /go-working-dir/plugins/bundled/gocd-filebased-authentication-plugin.jar

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:21,764 INFO  [Thread-79] DefaultPluginJarChangeListener:67 - Plugin load starting: /go-working-dir/plugins/bundled/gocd-yaml-config-plugin.jar

jvm 2    | jruby: warning: unknown property jruby.rack.request.size.threshold.bytes

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:23,588 INFO  [Thread-79] ConfigRepositoryInitializer:108 - [Config Repository Initializer] Start initializing the config repositories for plugin 'yaml.config.plugin' 

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:23,593 INFO  [Thread-79] ConfigRepositoryInitializer:112 - [Config Repository Initializer] Done initializing the config repositories for plugin 'yaml.config.plugin' 

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:23,615 INFO  [Thread-79] DefaultPluginJarChangeListener:74 - Plugin load finished: /go-working-dir/plugins/bundled/gocd-yaml-config-plugin.jar

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:23,650 INFO  [Thread-79] DefaultPluginJarChangeListener:67 - Plugin load starting: /go-working-dir/plugins/external/gocd-slack-notifier-1.4.0.jar

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:23,780 ERROR [Thread-79] PluginLoader:121 - Failed to load plugin: plugins_work/gocd-slack-notifier-1.4.0.jar. Plugin is invalid. Reasons [Class [GoNotificationPlugin] is annotated with @Extension but cannot be constructed. Reason: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to find go_notify.conf. Please make sure you've set it up right.., No extensions found in this plugin. Please check for @Extension annotations]

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:23,792 INFO  [Thread-79] DefaultPluginJarChangeListener:74 - Plugin load finished: /go-working-dir/plugins/external/gocd-slack-notifier-1.4.0.jar

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:23,806 INFO  [Thread-79] DefaultPluginJarChangeListener:67 - Plugin load starting: /go-working-dir/plugins/external/gocd-ec2-elastic-agent-plugin-2.2.2.jar

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:24,638 INFO  [Thread-79] GoConfigDao:108 - Config update request by anonymous is in queue - com.thoughtworks.go.config.update.ReplaceElasticAgentInformationCommand@398ed11a

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11 09:42:24,642 INFO  [Thread-79] GoConfigDao:111 - Config update request com.thoughtworks.go.config.update.ReplaceElasticAgentInformationCommand@398ed11a by anonymous is being processed

jvm 2    | 2024-04-11T09:42:24.651Z [WrapperJarAppMain] WARN FilenoUtil : Native subprocess control requires open access to the JDK IO subsystem


Output of 'ls -al /godata/config’:


bash-5.1$ cat /godata/cruise-config.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<cruise xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="cruise-config.xsd" schemaVersion="139">

        <server jobTimeout="10" agentAutoRegisterKey="abcb673ad8de1f6df1afa41eff9ba70e" webhookSecret="e7e978e8-b4b1-498f-bd15-ce4c8f6f4240" tokenGenerationKey="6a945808-d166-40f2-87ab-a1533fc1edba">





        <authConfig id="file-auth-config" pluginId="cd.go.authentication.passwordfile">












Output of 'cat /godata/config/cruise-config.xml’:


bash-5.1$ ls -al /go-working-dir/

total 107804

drwxrwxr-x    1 go       root         16384 Apr 11 09:42 .

drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root            90 Apr 11 09:41 ..

lrwxrwxrwx    1 go       root            17 Apr 11 09:41 artifacts -> /godata/artifacts

lrwxrwxrwx    1 go       root            14 Apr 11 09:41 bin -> /go-server/bin

lrwxrwxrwx    1 go       root            14 Apr 11 09:41 config -> /godata/config

-rw-r--r--    1 go       root     110355285 Apr 11 09:41 cruise.war

lrwxrwxrwx    1 go       root            10 Apr 11 09:41 db -> /godata/db

drwxr-xr-x   11 go       root           141 Apr 11 09:42 felix-cache

lrwxrwxrwx    1 go       root            14 Apr 11 09:41 lib -> /go-server/lib

lrwxrwxrwx    1 go       root            12 Apr 11 09:41 logs -> /godata/logs

lrwxrwxrwx    1 go       root            15 Apr 11 09:41 plugins -> /godata/plugins

drwxr-xr-x   11 go       root         16384 Apr 11 09:42 plugins_work

lrwxrwxrwx    1 go       root            14 Apr 11 09:41 run -> /go-server/run

drwxr-xr-x    3 go       root            52 Apr 11 09:41 work

lrwxrwxrwx    1 go       root            18 Apr 11 09:41 wrapper -> /go-server/wrapper

lrwxrwxrwx    1 go       root            25 Apr 11 09:41 wrapper-config -> /go-server/wrapper-config

bash-5.1$ cat /godata/config/cruise-config.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<cruise xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="cruise-config.xsd" schemaVersion="139">

  <server agentAutoRegisterKey="44eb6cdc-d8d9-4604-abfa-f061bbcbbee1" webhookSecret="506660f5-21e9-40c4-aa67-78c5cb37cde1" serverId="f256fbc9-d378-4649-a978-c4ddaca865b7" tokenGenerationKey="a7dc8993-3209-4459-ac18-85c1e89a5a60">







Our goal is to ensure that our GoCD server container uses the custom 'cruise-config.xml' file we provide via the mounted volume. Could you please assist us in identifying why the custom configuration is not being used and what we can do to resolve this issue?

We appreciate your support and look forward to your guidance.

Best regards,


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