Regarding Gocd user management

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Vijayakumaran A.

Jul 31, 2023, 6:05:14 AM7/31/23
to go-cd
Hi Team,

I am new here and exploring gocd. i have setup one pipeline and created two users ex:(user1,user2).i have set specific permission only user1 able to trigger the pipeline. when i login as user2 im not able to trigger the pipeline its working but user2 able to pause the pipeline i don't want user2 pipeline pause access how to do this .im new to gocd pls help anyone. 


Chad Wilson

Jul 31, 2023, 10:54:54 AM7/31/23
Generally speaking, the permission required to pause a pipeline should be the same as the permissions required to trigger it ("operate" or "admin" permission to the pipeline or the pipeline group).

The only other thing I can guess you might have done to get this behaviour is to override the permissions for a single stage within a pipeline to allow it to be triggered by only user1 via PipelineConfig > stage > permissions.

Normally this is intended to restrict (manual) stage approval triggers to a different group than the overall pipeline as documented at If you are configuring permissions for a pipeline stage, you may be doing it in the wrong place to get your desired behaviour. Generally the "pipeline group" is the normal unit of permissioning within GoCD and stage-specific permissions are used for special cases.

Since pausing as an operation is at the overall pipeline scope (not for a specific stage), the permissions need to be restricted from the pipeline group which the pipeline belongs to.

If you still think something is not working as expected, perhaps share your configuration of the pipeline group and the pipeline stages, and share some more details/screenshots etc so someone else can reproduce what you are seeing.


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Vijayakumaran A.

Aug 9, 2023, 2:54:17 AM8/9/23
to go-cd
  Thanks.It is possible to give access to specific pipelines to specific users.

Ex: i have a demo pipeline group in that i have multiple pipelines but i wanted to only single pipeline access to specific users. Is this possible ?
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