Templates as a config respository

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Hans Dampf

Jul 25, 2024, 8:02:38 AMJul 25
to go-cd

because we have our templates for the pipelines in gitlab and there is currently a copy job for it to transfer the saved templates on to the gocd master server.

Is there a way to configure this in the same way as pipelines and env config as a config repository?


Chad Wilson

Jul 25, 2024, 11:46:25 AMJul 25
to go...@googlegroups.com
Hiya Hans

Its not possible to directly define GoCD templates as 'pipelines as code', assuming that is what you are referring to.

You could
- build custom automation triggers that update source controlled JSON templates via GoCD APIs
- or you could explore config repo plugins that better support templating conceptually (e.g Groovy, jsonnet - but come with their own downsides)
- or you could use an intermediary step to translate your templates to regular yaml|json config repo format
- write your own config repo plugin 😅

See https://github.com/gocd/gocd/issues/5675 fir some more discussion/background.


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