TLDR;: All of the below has been made in a script available here:
https://besnier.ga/omv5-install.sh, and that should give you a running OMV5 (architecture-agnostic by the way).
The tutorial is quite detailed, some points I would change:
For the omv git cloning steps, I would not point to a specific checkout, but to the branch head directly: replace git checkout 3be91eccabe8b7afd735241d787b962697d3124e with git checkout 5.x, or even only clone the branch 5.x directly: git clone
https://github.com/openmediavault/openmediavault.git -b 5.x --depth=1
Personal opinion, I prefer debuild, so all the instructions fakeroot debian/rules binary, I would replace with debuild -b -uc -us, but keep building the packages for later.
Scratch the paragraph below, it does not work in the end, but I leave it for reference:
Regarding Salt, I don't remember it being so confusing. It's normally only a matter of building the package.
As I don't have my GnuBee on hand, I tried on Debian/WSL. here's what I did:
clone the salt-bootstrap repo (git clone
https://github.com/saltstack/salt-bootstrap.git --depth=1)
run sudo sh bootstrap-salt.sh -r -P git master
This will require a little change to the omv dependencies.
As a summary, here's what should work: (ignore line starting with #)
# quick refresh of the system, and install some dependencies
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt install git wget xsltproc php-dev libpam-dev quilt devscripts unzip debhelper --no-install-recommends
# create folder for git, use another one if you already have on
mkdir /git
cd /git
# clone the repos
# git clone
https://github.com/saltstack/salt-bootstrap.git --d
git clone
https://github.com/openmediavault/openmediavault.git --depth=1 --branch=5.x
cd openmediavault
git clone
https://github.com/openmediavault/wsdd.git --depth=1
# install salt - this way, the package is not managed by apt, so a little will be required down the line
# cd /git/saltstack
# sh bootstrap-salt.sh -r -P git master
# build wsdd
cd /git/openmediavault/wsdd
debuild -b -uc -us
# build libjs-extjs6
cd /git/openmediavault/deb/sources
wget -c cd /var/lo
cd ../lib-js-extjs6
debuild -b -uc -us
#build php-pam
cd ../php-pam
debuild -b -uc -us
# do not build omv yet, tweak required
# we just need to not make salt a dependency of OMV, as it is already installed
# cd ../openmediavault/debian
# sed -i 's/salt-minion (>= 3003),//g' control
# build omv
cd ../..
make clean binary
# make a local directory for a local repository
mkdir /var/local/deb-repo
cp `find /git -name *.deb` /var/local/deb-repo
cd /var/local/deb-repo
wget --no-check-certificate
https://besnier.ga/salt-common_3003+ds-1_all.debwget --no-check-certificate
https://besnier.ga/salt-minion_3003+ds-1_all.debbash -c 'dpkg-scanpackages . | gzip > Packages.gz'
echo "deb [trusted=yes] file:/var/local/deb-repo/ ./" | sudo tee /etc/apsat/sources.list.d/local-repo.list
echo "deb
http://deb.debian.org/debian buster-backports main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list
# install openmediavault
sudo apt update && sudo apt install openmediavault
omv-confdbadm populate
omv-salt deploy run nginx
omv-salt deploy run phpfpm
Tested step by step on a VM, not the actual GnuBee