Updating OMV

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Jul 22, 2022, 11:35:12 AM7/22/22
to GnuBee

I'm currently running OMV Arrakis on Debian Stretch, using kernel 5.10.1, on a Gnubee PC1.

It's working reasonably well, though I am getting some rrdcached errors, and the NAS itself has fallen over a few times recently (not just in the heat).  Difficult to diagnose, as there seems to be an issue with the logs, and I don't have a serial cable.

I'd like to update to a more up to date version of OMV 4, and be able to get Debian Stretch more up to date too.  In both cases I need to sort out my sources, as they'll be irrelevant or out of date by now.

For OMV, I've seen this mentioned:  https://github.com/abesnier/gnubee-omv4-packages, but I'm unclear as to how I make that into a new local repo.  I did download it and add it to etc/apt/sources.list, but it didn't like that, no release file.

I also went back and tried to build it myself again, following (some of) these instructions: https://github.com/gnubee-git/GnuBee_Docs/wiki/Stretch-OMV but ran into dependency issues.  I think I need to get Debian up-to-date first anyway.

I'd appreciate guidance please!  I absolutely do not want to do a fresh installation or update the kernel, unless there are big benefits to that.  Or unless OMV 4 isn't the way to go, and there's a better solution.


Antoine Besnier

Jul 22, 2022, 1:52:25 PM7/22/22
to GnuBee, vgn...@gmail.com

Wow, I have not updated this repo in 3 years it seems!

If you want to upgrade OMV, you will have to upgrade Debian too, and I am not sure it will be possible. Maybe remove omv, upgrade Debian to buster, and build and install OMV 5 would be the way to go?
For info, the method on the wiki to build OMV works well for OMV5, but not 6. Make sure you mention the correct branch when cloning from github (5.x).
I remember the build worked well. Don't forget to also build wsdd (https://github.com/openmediavault/wsdd

Once the builds are successful, follow step 8 from the wiki. The debs I stored on Gihtub were supposed to be used for this step, just in case.

I replied as soon as I saw the message, because you mentioned my old files, but to be honest, I decommissioned my gnubee a few months ago, and would not be able to help you more.


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Jul 22, 2022, 2:31:27 PM7/22/22
to GnuBee

Thanks for your reply Antoine.

As a general question for whoever might still be using their Gnubee, if I want to use Antoine's git files to upgrade to OMV 4.1.34 (from my 4.0.20), what is the best way to make a local repo of this?  I tried simply cloning the files and pointing /etc/apt/sources.list to the relevant folder, but is there something more I should be doing?  I'm not well versed with git or setting up local repos.

Is there a recommended repo for Debian Stretch?

Thank you.

antoine besnier

Jul 23, 2022, 6:47:03 AM7/23/22
to GnuBee
You would have to download the .deb files somewhere on your computer, and follow the instructions at step 8 of the wiki to create a local repository. (https://github.com/gnubee-git/GnuBee_Docs/wiki/Stretch-OMV)

If you have issues building OMV yourself, please check the wiki again, and instead of chosing a specific checkout as mentioned, just stay on the branch 4.x (should be  git checkout -b 4.x, but use git branch -a to confirm)

Regarding what you asked me in the private message (there's nothing critical, so I hope you won't mind me sharing), here are my thoughts:
Stretch is really starting to be  outdated, and so does OMV 4. I understand your GnuBee is your only NAS, but as long as your data is on other drives, upgrading to at least buster should not be an issue? Bullseye also works fine on the GunBee, but you would have to use something else than OMV to manage it (either by manually editing the config files, or using something like Webmin
And as to what I use instead of the GnuBee, it's a repurposed computer that I now use as a webserver, jellyfiun server, minecraft server, as well as NAS).



Jul 24, 2022, 4:01:54 PM7/24/22
to GnuBee
I upgrade the kernel to 5.15, and Debian to Buster.  Things still worked at this stage.

Then I took the plunge, and roughly followed along with this guide to build OMV5: https://joelmueller.ch/revival-of-gnubee-pc2/

I got a bit confused in the section where it talks about Salt.  This seems to be necessary, but I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere on here.  I got to the point of building Salt, but then I didn't have the directory deb-dist (mentioned in the guide) anywhere to cd into and continue.  So for now, I'm stuck.  I tried to continue after that section, but it confirmed that a later version of salt was a necessary dependency.

Is OMV5 worth this hassle, or should I do as Antoine suggested and manage my shares (on Raid 5) with Webmin?


antoine besnier

Jul 29, 2022, 4:42:47 AM7/29/22
to GnuBee

TLDR;: All of the below has been made in a script available here: https://besnier.ga/omv5-install.sh, and that should give you a running OMV5 (architecture-agnostic by the way).

The tutorial is quite detailed, some points I would change:
For the omv git cloning steps, I would not point to a specific checkout, but to the branch head directly: replace  git checkout 3be91eccabe8b7afd735241d787b962697d3124e with  git checkout 5.x, or even only clone the branch 5.x directly: git clone  https://github.com/openmediavault/openmediavault.git -b 5.x --depth=1

Personal opinion, I prefer debuild, so all the instructions fakeroot debian/rules binary, I would replace with debuild -b -uc -us, but keep building the packages for later.

Scratch the paragraph below, it does not work in the end, but I leave it for reference:

Regarding Salt, I don't remember it being so confusing. It's normally only a matter of building the package.
As I don't have my GnuBee on hand, I tried on Debian/WSL. here's what I did:
clone the salt-bootstrap repo (git clone https://github.com/saltstack/salt-bootstrap.git --depth=1)
run sudo sh bootstrap-salt.sh -r -P git master
This will require a little change to the omv dependencies.

As a summary, here's what should work: (ignore line starting with #)

# quick refresh of the system, and install some dependencies
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt install git wget xsltproc php-dev libpam-dev quilt devscripts unzip debhelper --no-install-recommends

# create folder for git, use another one if you already have on
mkdir /git
cd /git

# clone the repos
# git clone https://github.com/saltstack/salt-bootstrap.git --d
git clone https://github.com/openmediavault/openmediavault.git --depth=1 --branch=5.x
cd openmediavault
git clone https://github.com/openmediavault/wsdd.git --depth=1

# install salt - this way, the package is not managed by apt, so a little will be required down the line
# cd /git/saltstack
# sh bootstrap-salt.sh -r -P git master

# build wsdd
cd /git/openmediavault/wsdd
debuild -b -uc -us

# build libjs-extjs6
cd /git/openmediavault/deb/sources
wget -c cd /var/lo
cd ../lib-js-extjs6
debuild -b -uc -us

#build php-pam
cd ../php-pam
debuild -b -uc -us

# do not build omv yet, tweak required
# we just need to not make salt a dependency of OMV, as it is already installed
# cd ../openmediavault/debian
# sed -i 's/salt-minion (>= 3003),//g' control

# build omv
 cd ../..
make clean binary

# make a local directory for a local repository
mkdir /var/local/deb-repo
cp `find /git -name *.deb` /var/local/deb-repo
cd /var/local/deb-repo
wget --no-check-certificate https://besnier.ga/salt-common_3003+ds-1_all.deb
wget  --no-check-certificate https://besnier.ga/salt-minion_3003+ds-1_all.deb
bash -c 'dpkg-scanpackages . | gzip > Packages.gz'
echo "deb [trusted=yes] file:/var/local/deb-repo/ ./" | sudo tee /etc/apsat/sources.list.d/local-repo.list
echo "deb http://deb.debian.org/debian buster-backports main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list

# install openmediavault
sudo apt update && sudo apt install openmediavault
omv-confdbadm populate
omv-salt deploy run nginx
omv-salt deploy run phpfpm

Tested step by step on a VM, not the actual GnuBee

antoine besnier

Jul 29, 2022, 7:50:59 AM7/29/22
to GnuBee


Jul 31, 2022, 11:02:53 AM7/31/22
to GnuBee
Thanks Antoine!  I'll have a proper look at this in the next few days.  It took me a while to get things working again after my previous attempt!  At the moment I'm on Buster, kernel 5.15, (your) OMV 4.1.35, and things are working fine.  It seems to make a big difference what order things are done in, in terms of installing OMV and upgrading Debian. 

Do your instructions require a clean install, no previous OMV, even if removed?  I think that's partly where I had problems before.  Which version of Debian was installed on your VM?

It's all been quite educational.  Thanks again for your instructions and your time, appreciated.

antoine besnier

Aug 1, 2022, 4:58:24 AM8/1/22
to GnuBee
OMV 4 is supposed to run on Stretch, not Buster. Not sure the dependencies will be right for OMV 4 on Buster.
For tranquility and to avoid mismatched packages versions, I would start from a clean Buster.
The VMs I used where clean Buster VMs.
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