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new GNU file and text utilities released

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David J. MacKenzie

Aug 21, 1991, 10:19:24 PM8/21/91
The GNU file utilities have forked! There is now a new package of
text processing utilities, some of which used to be in the file
utilities package.

Both are available for anonymous ftp from
[], in the files pub/gnu/fileutils-3.0.tar.Z and

The programs in the fileutils are:

chgrp chmod chown cp dd du install ln ls mkdir mkfifo mknod mv rm
rmdir touch

mkfifo is a POSIX invention that is like `mknod file p'.
tac prints files backwards.
mknod is the only new program in this release.

The programs in the textutils are:

cat cmp comm cut expand fold head paste pr split sum tac tail unexpand uniq

The new programs are comm fold pr sum uniq.

Other changes from the previous fileutils release include better error
checking on NFS filesystems, default 1K blocksize for ls and du,
ftruncate support for some System V's, AIX support, support for
compiling on multiple architectures simultaneously, and lots of
portability tweaks and small bug fixes.

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