Garjola Dindi <> writes:
> Hi,
> Would replacing :custom by :init work?
The replacement on its own didn't work, but the following did:
(use-package calc
:defines (math-additional-units math-units-table)
(setq math-additional-units
'((bits nil "bits")
(B "8 * bits" "Bytes")
;; Decimal units
(kB "1000 B" "kilobyte")
(MB "1000^2 B" "megabyte")
(GB "1000^3 B" "gigabyte")
(TB "1000^4 B" "terabyte")
(PB "1000^5 B" "petabyte")
(EB "1000^6 B" "exabyte")
(ZB "1000^7 B" "zettabyte")
(YB "1000^8 B" "yottabyte")
;; Binary units
(KiB "1024 B" "kibibyte")
(MiB "1024^2 B" "mebibyte")
(GiB "1024^3 B" "gibibyte")
(TiB "1024^4 B" "tebibyte")
(PiB "1024^5 B" "pebibyte")
(EiB "1024^6 B" "exbibyte")
(ZiB "1024^7 B" "zebibyte")
(YiB "1024^8 B" "yobibyte")))
(setq math-units-table nil))
The main issue seems to have been that the 'setq' in front of
'math-additional-units' was missing in my original configuration.