Bazaar branches trunk-md and do-addins have been deprecated. The new
trunk is simply "trunk" and the new plugins branch is do-plugins. You
can find all new plugins at - place
these in ~/.do/plugins, not ~/.do/addins. You can delete your old
addins directory. Please test this code and report bugs!
PLUGIN DEVELOPERS: Your old "addins" are BROKEN. Please build against
the newest Do.Addins library and use the compiler errors and warnings
to make the small method additions and other changes needed.
Here are most of the relevant changes (reverse-chronological order):
* Better resizing of main window when third pane visibility changes.
* Fixed a memory leak by calling gnome_desktop_item_unref in ~ApplicationItem.
* Restructured DoItem, DoObject, DoItemSource, and DoCommand to use
their internal IObjects differently.
* Much more sophisticated universe updating.
* Added Controller.Vanished event to that subscribers can know when
the main window vanishes. Currently, Util.Appearance class subscribes
to this event in order to flush the icon cache when the window is
* Bug #180853, reported by Eric Butler.
Support opening files/folders by path
* Do now allows you to open manually-typed file and folder paths.
* Additionally, you can type a path and right-arrow into it to
browse its children.
* Bug #180849, reported by Eric Butler
RunInTerminal plugin doesn't detect empty gconf key.
* Patch by Jordi Mas to add l18n support and Catalan translation.
* Added preliminary updating. Every 15 seconds, if Do is idle (the
main window is not visible), Do will spend about a quarter of a second
updating its universe to match the state of the environment.
* Senseless results list trimming was causing valid items to be
inaccessible in some searches.
* Updated About dialog.
* Util.Environment.Open (string item) must have spaces escaped:
Util.Environment.Open ("/tmp/my\ file.txt") - Ok!
Util.Environment.Open ("/tmp/my file.txt") - Bad!
* Much improved locate command searches up to 1000 results, and
organizes the results a bit, too.
* Show results window when items are fed back to window.
* Added ability for commands to feed items back to the window as results.
* Added LocateCommand to test item feedback from commands - AWESOME.
* Update SymbolWindow to use new ICommand.ModifierItemsOptional property.
* Added the following methods to ICommand:
IItem[] Perform (IItem[] items, IItem[] modItems)
The array returned is fed back into the main window. This will be
very useful for implementing a Tracker search command.
IItem[] DynamicModifierItemsForItem (IItem item)
bool ModifierItemsOptional ()
* Added AbstractCommand class to make implementing Commands a bit
simpler. If you subclass AbstractCommand instead of conforming to the
ICommand interface, you don't need to provide stubbed
methods--instead, you inherit these stubbed methods from
* More work on third pane consistency.
* Work on integrating the third pane.
* Results window does not update unless it's visible - this improves
tabbing performance when the results window is hidden.
* New feature: pressing shift + enter will perform the command
without clearing or hiding the window.
* For now, SelectedTextItem will use xclip to avoid GTK interaction.
This means that you must have xclip installed to use SelectedTextItem.
* Trying to add support for SelectedTextItem. Weird GTK stuff is
causing problems.
* Removed extraneous "Home" item.
* Trash is now a DirectoryFileItem, not a simple IURIItem. This lets
the user browse into his/her Trash, and eventually move files to/from
the Trash, etc.
* Added Reveal command for IFileItems
* Re-jiggered icon loading. Searches for icon in Tango theme if icon
cannot be found in default theme.
* Split OpenCommand into OpenCommand and OpenWithCommand.
* Accounted for the case where a user presses return before delayed
searches have completed.
* Changed IconBox geometry a bit to make it more snug around its icon.
* Added delays to search so that searches are held off until you
stop typing. This may be problematic for very fast typists;
accordingly, the search delay will need to be configurable.
Regards - and happy new year,
God's in His heaven, all's right with the world.