Could Not ##TOP## Download Because Of A Connectivity Issue Between Your Machine And Github

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Tanika Svrcek

Jan 24, 2024, 10:54:56 PMJan 24
to gnarunmacock

We recommend that you only use self-hosted runners with private repositories. This is because forks of your public repository can potentially run dangerous code on your self-hosted runner machine by creating a pull request that executes the code in a workflow.

Untrusted workflows running on your self-hosted runner pose significant security risks for your machine and network environment, especially if your machine persists its environment between jobs. Some of the risks include:

could not download because of a connectivity issue between your machine and github

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This is likely because your machine has not yet taken the backport for WSL 2. The simplest way to resolve this is by going to Windows Settings and clicking 'Check for Updates' to install the latest updates on your system. See the full instructions on taking the backport.

Some users launch a different shell from their .bash_profile or other startup script on their SSH host because they want to use a different shell than the default. This can break VS Code's remote server install script and isn't recommended. Instead, use chsh to change your default shell on the remote machine.

Some systems will dynamically route an SSH connection to one node from a cluster each time an SSH connection is made. This is an issue for VS Code because it makes two connections to open a remote window: the first to install or start the VS Code Server (or find an already running instance) and the second to create the SSH port tunnel that VS Code uses to talk to the server. If VS Code is routed to a different machine when it creates the second connection, it won't be able to talk to the VS Code server.

On Linux, add .gitattributes file to your project to force consistent line endings between Linux and Windows to avoid unexpected issues due to CRLF/LF differences between the two operating systems. See Resolving Git line ending issues for details.

VS Code's local user settings are reused when you connect to a remote endpoint. While this keeps your user experience consistent, you may need to vary absolute path settings between your local machine and each host / container / WSL since the target locations are different.

You can get the Remote - SSH extension logs with Remote-SSH: Show Log from the Command Palette (F1). When reporting Remote - SSH issues, please also verify if you're able to SSH into your machine from an external terminal (not using Remote - SSH).

Note: If you only see Log (Extension Host), this is the local extension host, and the remote extension host didn't launch. This is because the log channel is created only after the log file is created, so if the remote extension host does not launch, the remote extension host log file was not created and is not shown in the Output view. This is still helpful information to include in your issue.

Our customers report the best performance on Linux machines, with Windows second, and Mac lagging in third. Some users have reported issues connecting (or staying connected) to their PC (especially Mac). Bluetooth can be quirky and ZMK is improving but not perfect. Some issues can be exacerbated by bad practices and environmental variables. Operating System updates can change Bluetooth drivers or settings which can cripple connectivity until we are able to push out a patch. Defective keyboard hardware is possible, but rare.

If you are having an issue related to connectivity between Compute Engine VMsthat are in the same Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network or twoVPC networks connected with VPC Network Peering, refer toTroubleshooting connectivity between virtual machine (VM) instances withinternal IP addresses.

GKE version 1.18.17 and later fixed an issue where out-of-memory(OOM) events would result in incorrect Pod eviction if the Pod was deleted beforeits containers were started. This incorrect eviction could result in orphanedpods that continued to have reserved IP addresses from the allocated node range.Over time, GKE ran out of IP addresses to allocate to new podsbecause of the build-up of orphaned pods. This led to the error message failedto allocate for range 0: no IP addresses in range set, because the allocatednode range didn't have available IPs to assign to new pods.

If auto-upgrade is disabled for a cluster's nodes, and you do not manuallyupgrade yournode pool version to a version that is compatible with the controlplane, your control plane will eventually become incompatible with your nodes asthe control plane is automatically upgraded over time. Incompatibility betweenyour cluster's control plane and the nodes can cause unexpected issues.

As with other keys, when you hit Return on your keyboard,your computer encodes this input as a character.Different operating systems use different character(s) to represent the end of a line.(You may also hear these referred to as newlines or line breaks.)Because Git uses these characters to compare files,it may cause unexpected issues when editing a file on different machines. Though it is beyond the scope of this lesson, you can read more about this issue on this GitHub page.

An authorized connection established between your local machine (from which kubectl commands are run) and your existing Kubernetes cluster. For more, see these sections from Create a Kubernetes cluster:

Installation issues can and do happen. To ensure that you can continue to participate in a lesson even if one of your software programs fails, we provide a Linux virtual machine that contains all the necessary software pre-installed. Please install VirtualBox and download this virtual machine image. Load the VM into VirtualBox by doing Import Appliance and loading the .ova file.

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