The Technique Of Motor Racing Driving Book Pdf

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Tanika Svrcek

Jan 25, 2024, 5:17:59 AMJan 25
to gnarunmacock

Every corner has its own individual racing line. Work out what it is. The next step is to put these individual driving lines together interdependently to form a complete race route. You have to do this because the racing line for each turn depends on the preceding and following sections of the track.

Download Link below : Technique of Motor Racing (Driving) #SYNOPSIS:In his prophetic foreword to &quotThe Technique of Motor Racing,&quot Fangio anticipates the importance Piero Taruffi's book would have for a generation of new drivers. Trained as both a racing driver and an industrial engineer, Taruffi provides a unique perspective on the art and science of motor racing. He drove for the work teams of Ferrari, Maserati, Alfa Romeo, Mercedes-Benz, and others, in a career that spanned over 25 years and was crowned by his victory in the 1957 Mille Miglia. First published in 1959, &quotThe Technique of Motor Racing&quot has become the standard by which other driving texts are measured.

The Technique Of Motor Racing Driving Book Pdf

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Drafting or slipstreaming is an aerodynamic technique where two moving objects are aligning in a close group to exploit the lead object's slipstream and thus reduce the overall effect of drag. Especially when high speeds are involved, as in motor racing and cycling, drafting can significantly reduce the paceline's average energy expenditure and can even slightly reduce the energy expenditure of the lead vehicle.

Drafting is used to reduce wind resistance and is seen most commonly in bicycle racing, motorcycle racing, car racing, and speedskating, though drafting is occasionally used even in cross-country skiing, downhill skateboarding, and running. Some forms of triathlon allow drafting. Drafting occurs in swimming as well: both in open-water races (occurring in natural bodies of water) and in traditional races in competition pools. In a competition pool a swimmer may hug the lane line that separates them from the swimmer they are abaft of thereby taking advantage of the liquid slipstream in the other swimmer's wake. Drafting also occurs in competitive longboarding.

In single seater, open wheel racing series such as Formula One and the IndyCar Series, as well as to a lesser extent in sports car racing, a technique known as slipstreaming is used. Along a long straight a car following close behind another uses the slipstream created by the lead car to close the gap between them, hoping to be able to overtake the leader under braking for the next corner, or if they have a straightline speed advantage, to pass on the straight. However it is very difficult for cars to follow each other close together in fast corners as the "dirty" (turbulent) air that comes off the lead car unbalances the trailing car as its aerodynamic devices provide less grip.

I'm wanting to learn on how racing works and techniques on how to control your car and the 'proper' way to race. I currently own an automatic 350z but am borrowing a drift/race spec 240sx to learn to race and take classes with it in Phoenix. Any places to learn about the basics? I already know a bit about how to control your car but would like to know a bit more before I start taking classes.

Rather perplexed, I looked for ways to further understand what was going on. Looking back on videos of Ayrton Senna, particularly the one where he is driving a Honda NSX with supreme precision, I could see he would apply this throttle technique quite early in the corner, often before the apex point. Listening to Bill Gricko gave me an idea. He spoke about developing this technique on the Gran Turismo video game because of the binary nature of a control pad and this hit home because I spent most of my young life doing exactly the same thing. I do not however, consciously remember stabbing the throttle at high frequency, mostly because I would use the traction control settings in the game to ensure I would fire out the corner perfectly. What if I try this technique using a high powered car without any traction aids and see what happens?

In his prophetic foreword to The Technique of Motor Racing, Fangio anticipates the importance Piero Taruffi's book would have for a generation of new drivers. Trained as both a racing driver and an industrial engineer, Taruffi provides a unique perspective on the art and science of motor racing. He drove for the works teams of Ferrari, Maserati, Alfa Romeo, Mercedes-Benz, and others, in a career that spanned over 25 years and was crowned by his victory in the 1957 Mille Miglia.

The domain of interest is the core perceptual-cognitive expertise in motorsport: the skill involved in operating a motor vehicle to negotiate bends on a track at the highest attainable speed. Motor racing is a highly developed field of professional sport where the competing athletes are required to make demanding perceptual-cognitive judgments under extreme time pressure (i.e. moving at very high speeds), and physiologically highly demanding conditions (Jacobs et al., 2002; Watkins, 2006; Potkanowicz and Mendel, 2013).

Yet, while vehicle system dynamics engineering has achieved a detailed working understanding of the complex dynamics of the racing car (Milliken and Milliken, 1995), there is to date little empirical work on the even more complex dynamics of the sensory and motor physiology of the racing driver.

In mature fields many essential practice procedures involved in the acquisition of expertise become codified in fairly standard linguistic and diagrammatic form in textbooks and training manuals. Beginning with Taruffi (1959), the knowledge and thought processes involved in racing driving have been analyzed in increasing detail, codifying and extending the domain knowledge in the field. There is thus readily available 60 years' worth of literature on the practice procedures in motorsport used for developing expert driving skill. While deriving task performance insight from such material lacks the spatial and temporal detail of direct observation and measurement of actual performance, the advantage is that the description will be grounded in the concepts and practices of the field experts and, as a knowledge elicitation method it may provide a more balanced and systematic basis for developing practice-informed hypotheses than anecdotal observation or interviewing individual expert informants.

From a cognitive point of view, it is perhaps not surprising or theoretically controversial that a large body of knowledge in long-term memory is involved. This is after all the case of all forms of expertise studied to date. But perhaps more debatable is the relation of this vast body of knowledge to online performance. N2 and N3 are after all purely offline drills. They are not done while performing the driving task. Understanding the interplay of explicit offline knowledge and implicit visuomotor skill has implications for the psychology of expert performance and training - in particular the current theoretical discussions over whether representational, cognitively mediated processes are involved, or whether automatic skill is achieved in a purely embodied, situational way through action mediated by dynamic interactions with the physical environment (Dreyfus, 2002; Wilson and Golonka, 2013; Zhao and Warren, 2015).

Be the BEST driver you can be - fine-tune your high-performance driving skills, learn safe driving techniques, and gain a further appreciation for vehicle dynamics from the home of the exclusive Ford Performance vehicle owner programs.

Study at one of America's BEST motorsport complexes, Charlotte Motor Speedway - considered by many to be a "mecca" of U.S. racing featuring state-of-the-art facilities and multiple challenging track configurations.

Motorsport Biomechanics founder Michael Wakefield is an ex-professional racing driver. He and his wife Joanna, a leading Professor of Biomechanics at the University of Portsmouth, were fascinated to learn that, while biomechanics has been utilised to optimise performance with top level athletes in many other sports, it had not been attempted in motorsports.

Michael said: Significant time and money is spent on improving the mechanical performance of racing cars and bikes. However, little attention has been given to optimising the mechanical performance of the driver or rider while racing on the track. For these high performance athletes, it is crucial that their technique and muscle activity is assessed so they can respond to feedback to adjust and improve their performance race-to-race, and lap-to-lap.

Introduction: One of the challenges in physiological research is the acquisition of good quality, reliable data, especially in the real-world environment. Motor sports provide a unique and challenging environment in which to test the operation and utility of equipment used for physiological data acquisition. Impedance cardiography (IC) is a noninvasive technique for determining stroke volume (SV) and cardiac output (Q). The aim of this feasibility study was to determine if IC could be used to acquire reliable, good quality cardiovascular data in a dynamic motion environment such as in a racing car. This summary overviews the use of a mobile physiological testing apparatus in dynamic real world setting. As reviewed, many physiological indicators have been assessed in the motor racing setting. However cardiovascular outputs including SV and Q have not been measured in such a volatile environment.

Key video points:

As we discussed in the Vehicle Dynamics video, you must think about the transfer of weight under a braking situation. When you apply the brake, the weight of the car transfers toward the front tires; this means the front tires have more grip than the rear tires. This transfer of weight is why braking systems have something called brake bias. Brake Bias is the difference in pedal pressure distributed to the front and rear wheels, and helps to compensate for this loading difference. It can be adjusted when setting up a car for a particular track. Too much front bias, and the front tires lock before the rear tires do; too much rear bias, and just the opposite will occur. If the brake bias is just right, your braking distance is minimized. Slight rear bias can help with rotation at turn in, because the rear tires will have a smaller contact patch and will be more susceptible to slip. The faster the car is traveling, the harder the pedal can be pushed before tire lockup. In most race cars, this is primarily because, at faster speeds, there is aerodynamic downforce that increases the tires grip. And as the car slows, that downforce, or the grip, lessens. This means that it's easier to get the brakes to lock the slower the car is going***. Therefore, the initial application is very important. You want to take off as much speed as early in the brake zone as possible, so that as you get closer to the turn-in point, you're able to modulate off the pressure. Modulation is also necessary if you lock the tire at any time during the braking application. Try to get the tire rolling as soon as possible with as little release of pedal pressure as you can manage.

Regardless of what kind of braking you're doing, start with a conservative, early brake point. There are few mistakes harder to fix than a brake point left too late. Establish what level of braking is available, and then work the brake point closer to the turn-in. If threshold braking, when you reach the point where it's difficult to make it to the apex, you know you've gone far enough. If braking and turning at the same time, experiment with subtle changes in brake levels to see the effect on how well the car turns in. For brush braking situations, try lighter pressure or shorter duration and observe the results. If you're trail braking, experiment with the rate at which you release the brake pedal, and observe the different rates of rotation. Typically, the faster you release the pedal, the more abrupt the rotation.

A good way to hone the braking skills we've discussed is to start with straight-line threshold braking. Pick the Skip Barber formula car and go to Lime Rock, and stop the car on the front straight before the start/finish line where there's an access road on the driver's left. Accelerate through the gears up to 3rd, and hold the speed at 6000rpm (revolutions per minute is not a speed, just so we're clear). Start braking at the 6-board and see how quickly you can bring the car to a stop. You should be able to stop it just before the 4-board. Notice the different tire noise between lockup and no lockup. Be sure to practice this many times. Instead of taking a whole lap to get back to the starting point, make a u-turn and drive back up. ONLY do this during a test session. For another practice session, select either the Skip Barber car or the Late Model, and go to a small oval track like Lanier. Here, work on brake turning skills, and experiment with different levels of brake and steering input. Next, try a great trail braking corner like Turn 2 at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca. Again, experiment with different rates of pedal release while in the Skip Barber car, and observe the effects. If there is no rotation, you need more turn-in speed. Experiment with changing the brake bias for all of the situations we've mentioned and notice the effects.

With a little practice and concentration on your braking techniques, you should see an improvement in your performance in braking zones and corners. Ultimately, this will result in smoother sailing on the track,and of course, faster lap times.

Good stuff iRacing, good stuff. This is one of the areas where I personally have trouble; braking. It all seems so simple, but it's one of the most overlooked areas of improving one's performance on race day. The key to a good turn in point is your ability to consistently hit it right on the money, and at the same speed. If you have trouble braking in a consistent manner, your entire corner will suffer. As I showed under bold, there are FEW, if any, problems harder to resolve than braking too late for a corner, or not braking hard enough for a corner. The examples and practice problems in the videos really are good ways to observe and improve w you brake, and the various methods used to get the car whoa'ed down for a corner. Another great place to work on your braking is basically any roval; infield road courses such as Charlotte or the Daytona road course typically have a pretty difficult decreasing radius or high speed corner when entering the infield section from the oval. The infield complex at Charlotte Road is also a great place in general to work on your braking, and is very rewarding in the Skip Barber car. Brake as late as you can and all the way to apex in Turn 1. Brush braking through the horse shoe, trail braking into that tough uphill right turn, it's all very challenging. And, equally rewarding to see those times drop. See the article around the Racecraft Forum entitled Going Faster for a great write-up and data with this track and car combination.

*** A note on aerodynamics. You may find that some cars that don't rely on aero may like a bit more consistent brake application. And, in cars like the Skip Barber which have a lot of weight towards the rear of the car, quick and hard application of the brake pedal may make it feel like the car wants to swap ends. Make sure to try out different braking techniques in a new platform and observe the effects. In cars such as the FW31 or Dallara, the great amounts of downforce generated will allow you to jump hard on the binders in high speed braking zones and shed speed quickly, but you will have to bleed off of the brake pressure upon initial input to avoid lockup as the force generated by the aero decreases.

Regarding brake bias, it can be a really important factor to match to your driving ability. Typically, more advanced drivers will run more rearward-bias in their setup. This is because increasing rear bias improves your ability to rotate the car while brake turning or trail braking. In cars like the Skip Barber, again, a novice driver may opt to keep their brakes biased toward the front end more; this allows for more consistent and manageable behavior of the vehicle under braking, and too much braking while turning will simply provide a touch of understeer versus the car wanting to swap ends on you and head to the apex butt-first! We can use different braking techniques combined with properly adjusted brake bias to solve our handling problems as well. Let's take a look at our example.

Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, full circuit
Turn 4 - "China Beach"

Problem - You notice that in your practice session (because you are an intelligent racer and spend many laps in practice becoming consistent with your chassis and track combination and learning how to deal with traffic at this particular event), most of your competition can get through turn four and into turns 5 and 6 of "Madness" quite a bit faster than you. Using the first Racer's Bible entry, you consider vehicle dynamics and immediately characterize your issue as understeer; In the second, you optimized your racing line to resolve this understeer. We'll solve it using braking technique this time.

The Braking Technique Solution -

You take what you know and understand to be understeer and consider what causes understeer from the racing line's point of view. After studying the video footage and checking your lap analysis tools on MoTec, you notice that you are locking your front tires often in the braking zone. You also notice during practice sessions that the quicker drivers tend to display quite a bit more slip angle through turn-in and at the apex point of China Beach. Looking a little further into the problem, it seems pretty clear that the gentlemen at the top of the time sheet are trail braking right up to the apex of China Beach. Using your knowledge of braking technique, you first make a conscious note to modulate your brake pressure to avoid lockup. This allows you to enter the corner more consistently, and you see a slight drop in time through this corner in your data. Great, but now what? You're still losing two tenths through just this corner. So, you try and trail brake into the corner. It seems to make a slight improvement your time, but you have not solved your understeer problem here. Since you are now using your brakes through the duration of turn-in, and you know that your front tires are definitely locking first, adjusting the brake bias rearward is your next step. This allows you to be more aggressive under threshold braking, as you've optimized the chassis to perform better under braking. You also can now use your ability to trail brake more effectively, as the rearward bias shifts the chassis balance under braking toward oversteer. You can now use brake pedal modulation to control whether the car understeers or oversteers slightly, and you're back on pace with the top 5 on the timing screen. In the words of Borat...

Great success!

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