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[GMCnet] Duracool Compatibility?

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K2GKK D C_Mac_ Macdonald

Jun 18, 2022, 2:55:57 PM6/18/22
to GMC Mail List
Is something special needed to refill an R134 system with Duracool?

D C "Mac" Macdonald
Amateur Radio K2GKK
Since 30 November '53
USAF and FAA, Retired
Member GMCMI & Classics
Oklahoma City, OK
"The Money Pit"
'76 ex-Palm Beach
k2gkk + hotmail dot com

Cell: 405-642-7337
ith Duracool?
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James Hupy

Jun 18, 2022, 3:39:02 PM6/18/22
Yep. The compressor lube for 134a is different than the lube for R-12 and
Duracool. If it were me, I would drain the compressor, and replace the
drier/ dessicant, then I would flush and evacuate the system for overnight
or so to double check for leaks. If there are none found, then depending
upon which compressor you have, I would refill with the correct amount of
lube, and not quite 3 cans of DuraCool. Opinions vary about pressures
needed, but I go for about 45° of air temperature between ambient and
outlet vent temperature. You can achieve greater cooling, but at the risk
of ice formation in the system. Just what I do.
Jim Hupy
Salem, Oregon

On Sat, Jun 18, 2022, 11:56 AM K2GKK D C_Mac_ Macdonald <>

Emery Stora via Gmclist

Jun 18, 2022, 4:32:55 PM6/18/22
to, Emery Stora
If you are converting an original R134a system then the oil will be compatible with Duracool but if it is an original R12 system that was converted to R134a you are depending on whether the R12 to R134a conversion was done properly. The oils used in those systems are NOT compatible so if the system was not flushed and cleaned properly you could have problems. Otherwise you can just bleed off the 134a and replace it with Duracool. You fill the Duracool so that you have a low side pressure at 1500 rpm of approximately 20 psi (this will vary depending on the ambient air temperature) This should take 3 six ounce cans or slightly less.

Contact me for more information if you have any doubts of the condition of the system before R134a was installed.

Emery Stora
77 Kingsley
Frederick CO
>> On Sat, Jun 18, 2022, 11:56 AM K2GKK D C_Mac_ Macdonald <>
>> wrote:
>> Is something special needed to refill an R134 system with Duracool?
>> D C "Mac" Macdonald
>> Amateur Radio K2GKK
>> Since 30 November '53
>> USAF and FAA, Retired
>> Member GMCMI & Classics
>> Oklahoma City, OK
>> "The Money Pit"
>> TZE166V101966
>> '76 ex-Palm Beach
>> k2gkk + hotmail dot com
>> Cell: 405-642-7337
>> _________________________________________

K2GKK D C_Mac_ Macdonald

Jun 18, 2022, 6:31:35 PM6/18/22
to GMC Mail List, K2GKK D C_Mac_ Macdonald

Well, it seems that the A/C problem in my GMC truck is NOT a lack of refrigerant! Compressor is running (took a bit of 134) and evaporator seems to be working as Buddy says a selector id stuck in thr “heat” position. This is shown by condensate dripping to ground! Time to get pro help to fix, I guess.

Mac in OKC, OK

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 18, 2022, at 13:55, K2GKK D C_Mac_ Macdonald <> wrote:

Is something special needed to refill an R134 system with Duracool?

D C "Mac" Macdonald
Amateur Radio K2GKK
Since 30 November '53
USAF and FAA, Retired
Member GMCMI & Classics
Oklahoma City, OK
"The Money Pit"
'76 ex-Palm Beach
k2gkk + hotmail dot com

Cell: 405-642-7337
ith Duracool?

Billy Massey

Jun 18, 2022, 8:20:29 PM6/18/22
Here's a link to Emery's excellent presentation on the subject.

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