I keep a notebook of part numbers that I see fly across the list (or
what used to fly across the list) and at some point in the past the a
Wix 42095 was listed as the air filter on this list. I have a 455 in my
GMC so maybe there is a difference between the 403 and 455? Or maybe I
just have bad info. I can not confirm that I have the correct part
number. Just throwing it out there in case it helps someone.
Gerard Hickey / WTØF IRLP:3067/Echolink:529661
hic...@kinetic-compute.com DMR:
425-395-4554 Allstar: 531920
On 6/10/22 10:10 AM, Manny Trovao wrote:
> It's been a long time but I don't think there's a difference between 403
> and 455 air filters.
> I remember using Wix 42098