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[GMCnet] Surplus GM A-6 Air conditioner Compressors

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Fred Hudspeth

Apr 29, 2022, 4:15:43 PM4/29/22
Free for local pick-up at my home in Tyler, TX (cost to ship for 100+#s

One (OEM from my '78 Royale), resealed/preserved for use as spare 20 years
ago; unknown if still functional. Other, 'installed from a 1974 coach 20
years ago (owner replaced it with a Sanden although the OEM A-6 was fully
functional); 'only now needs resealing.

Rather than reinstall one of these A-6 compressors on my '78 Royale, I am
installing a Sanden compressor. It is less than half the weight of the A-6
and performance is comparable to the A-6.

If someone wants the A-6s and is planning to attend the GMCMI Fall
Convention at Lebanon, TN, I could take them with me to the convention.
Again, $0. Otherwise, I will try to give them to a local metal recycler for

Fred Hudspeth

Fred Hudspeth

1978 Royale (TZE 368V101335) - Tyler, TX

1982 Airstream Excella (motorhome) - Cooper Landing, Alaska

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Fred Hudspeth

Apr 30, 2022, 10:30:03 AM4/30/22
Thanks, Ken -

'Glad to know I won't have to recycle them - 'really did not want to do

I am keeping the A-6 mounting brackets (for "403"engine) in case anyone
would ever want to reinstall an A-6 compressor.

Fred Hudspeth

Fred Hudspeth
1978 Royale (TZE 368V101335) - Tyler, TX
1982 Airstream Excella (motorhome) - Cooper Landing, Alaska

Message: 2
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2022 21:43:41 -0600
From: Ken Burton <>

Subject: [GMCnet] Re: Surplus GM A-6 Air conditioner Compressors
Message-ID: <>

Do not throw them away. If no one else wants them, I will take them in
Lebanon TN.
Ken Burton
Ken Burton - N9KB
76 Palm Beach
Hebron, Indiana

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