"Out of storage space...?

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Feb 21, 2019, 10:15:42 AM2/21/19
to Gmail-Users
For the past week, I've been getting a message that "You are out of storage space and will soon be unable to send or receive emails unless you free up space or purchase additional storage." I'm not sure what this means. There has never been much in my Google Drive. I cleaned out all but a few items when I first got the message, but the message continues to be posted daily. Is there no alternative except to purchase additional space on Drive (supposedly there was 3 TB available, and I have only a few GB at most in Drive). Could this be a spam or phishing message unrelated to Google?

I'm anxious about this, because I do have about 1 TB of photos and videos stored on my computer - but those should be completely separate from Google or Gmail.

Bill Hansen


Feb 21, 2019, 10:57:22 AM2/21/19
to [Gmail-Users]
On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 10:15 AM billhansen <billhan...@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm anxious about this, because I do have about 1 TB of photos and videos stored on my computer - but those should be completely separate from Google or Gmail.

What you have stored on your computer has nothing to do with this -- unless they are shared on Google.  I don't use Google Drive, but I think it can mirror a designated portion of what's on your computer's hard drive.  So if that amount has lots of photos and videos, then Google Drive is storing it too.  But you ought to know whether they are local to your drive, or shared/mirrored on Google Drive.


Eric Rossman

Feb 24, 2019, 10:42:57 AM2/24/19
to gmail...@googlegroups.com
Look in the bottom left of your Gmail. What does it say there?

On Thu, Feb 21, 2019 at 10:15 AM billhansen <billhan...@gmail.com> wrote:
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Marko Vukovic

Feb 24, 2019, 2:42:36 PM2/24/19
to gmail-users
Hi Bill

Open this page, it will show you what is being used


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bill hansen

Feb 25, 2019, 4:25:23 PM2/25/19
to Gmail users group
Thanks Marko - That's what I needed. Sorry for this delayed reply. I've been away from the internet for the past ten days.

Richi Jennings

Feb 25, 2019, 4:25:28 PM2/25/19
to Gmail-Users
Your storage quota is usually 15 GB. It's shared between Gmail and Drive (including Photos if you upload them with Drive in full fidelity).

One thing that often trips people up is that they delete loads of Gmail messages, but it doesn't fix the problem, because the messages are still in the Trash, which is still counted. You need to go into Trash and click Empty.See this help page for more info: https://support.google.com/drive/answer/6374270

bill hansen

Feb 26, 2019, 11:15:45 AM2/26/19
to Gmail users group
Thanks Andy - and others who have replied - I hadn't thought of emptying Trash, and it's a good suggestion. I had 700 emails in there this morning. Every once in a while, I do want to go back to an email which is in Trash, but of course there's no reason to keep 700 bits of communication in there.

By the way, I keep enough Archived emails, and enough photos, that I went ahead and bought more storage. I'll also look into backing up to Google Photos, if I can do that without Google compressing them ( sometimes I want to print, or display at a large screen size).



Sean Murphy

Oct 3, 2019, 9:01:26 AM10/3/19
to gmail-users
Huh. I could have sworn trash was not counted against your total. Although, now that I think about it, that was probably back when Gmail was 1 Gb and before Google introduced Gdrive, let alone merged it with Gmail...

Man am I old... 
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