Can't received nor send Gmail from my MSN Premium

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Feb 12, 2006, 8:58:24 AM2/12/06
to Gmail-Users
Hi everyone! I am new to this group and Gmail. I use MSN Premium
software with my cable Internet connection.

I have tried several times unsuccessfully to add a Pop3 Gmail account
to my MSN email with MSN Premium... what am I doing wrong? I went to
the Gmail help page but it doesn't mention anything about MSN email...
I can't receive nor send Gmail via MSN Premium....Is there anyone else
out there in the same situation?? PLEASE HELP!!!!

Thanks in advance,



Feb 12, 2006, 1:34:34 PM2/12/06
to Gmail-Users
MSN will not accept another email service with their tools. It is
easier just to go to and check it.


Feb 12, 2006, 6:02:07 PM2/12/06
to Gmail-Users
anyway, why are you using MSN Premium ? :P


Feb 13, 2006, 2:59:30 AM2/13/06
to Gmail-Users
I use MSN Premium software with my cable Internet connection. I like
all the features MSN has to offer like Chat, Groups, Encarta Online and
their easy of use software. MSN email has a nice interface as well, I
use my MSN email as my primary email, I set up a pop3 account from my
ISP which works perfectly (cox cable, which I never use) and I wanted
to add my Gmail account as my secondary email. I know that pop3
accounts work in MSN (cox is proof of that) but why Gmail is not able
to send emails from MSN, I have no clue. I can receive emails from
Gmail now but I still can't send them.

If anyone found a sulution for this, please let me know by emailing me
directly or on a post.

Thanks in advance,


Sue Jones

Feb 13, 2006, 10:52:56 PM2/13/06

I believe this is a restriction of your ISP, not MSN.  I have a similar restriction with my ISP, Earthlink.   I believe (but don't quote me on this) that Earthlink does this to restrict the sending of SPAM from bogus Earthlink addresses.  

If this is the situation you're running into with MSN premium, there may be a workaround.  When configuring your gmail account in MSN Premium, use the gmail pop server ( ) for incoming mail, but for your outgoing mail use the smtp server provided by your ISP ( or something similar).  You'll probably have to enter your ISP user id/password in the configuration screen to authenticate.  Then there should be some sort of setting for "reply to" address or "reply email" (this could be an "advanced" setting).  This is where you'd enter your gmail address.

When sending from your gmail address using MSN Premium, the address that your recipients will see in their Inbox (the "from" address) will be your gmail address.  If your recipient looked closely at the full header information, they could figure out that you had sent the mail through your ISP, but it wouldn't be obvious in their inbox.

Hope this helps.


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