How to BLOCK an address!

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Feb 18, 2014, 6:19:56 PM2/18/14
Please help. I am trying to block someone who has scammed me in the past. I've gone to I signed in. Went to Settings/filters. I added his email address and then clicked to the Next Page. I checked the boxes that said "Skip" and "Delete" - then clicked update. But I still get emails. Can you please hep me?

John Blake

Feb 19, 2014, 12:23:39 AM2/19/14

Next time you get an email from them mark it as spam.
It will then go straight to your spam folder and be deleted after 30 days or so.
Once you do this Gmail should keep doing it for this address.

Hope this helps.


On 19/02/2014 11:37 AM, "runforfun54" <> wrote:
Please help. I am trying to block someone who has scammed me in the past. I've gone to I signed in. Went to Settings/filters. I added his email address and then clicked to the Next Page. I checked the boxes that said "Skip" and "Delete" - then clicked update. But I still get emails. Can you please hep me?

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Feb 19, 2014, 1:12:05 AM2/19/14
to [Gmail-Users]
On Tue, Feb 18, 2014 at 6:19 PM, runforfun54 <> wrote:

Please help. I am trying to block someone who has scammed me in the past. I've gone to I signed in. Went to Settings/filters. I added his email address and then clicked to the Next Page. I checked the boxes that said "Skip" and "Delete" - then clicked update. But I still get emails. Can you please hep me?

If his message got past the filter, then he wasn't using the address you typed into the Filter.

Do it this way:  When you have his message open, click on the small down-pointing triangle in the upper right, next to the curved arrow that means Reply.  In the pop-up menu, select "Filter messages like this".  It should automatically put his email address into the filter for you.  Check that it is there.  (If it isn't, you might be receiving his messages by other means, like an email list.)  Then complete the filter like before.  The good thing about doing it this way is you don't TYPE his email address so there is no chance of typing it wrong.

If you select "Delete" there is no need to also click "Skip" (in fact I wouldn't).

Now, if you receive more emails from him, he is sending them from multiple addresses.  You would need to make a filter to block each of them.

Also make sure you actually created the Filter.  It is possible to think you did but not actually do it.  The last step should be the big blue "Create filter" button ... mine doesn't say "update".

Marking his messages as Spam doesn't always work, not right away.  The Spam filters will try to find a reason for calling his messages spam, and they might send other messages to Spam that you don't want to go there


John Blake

Feb 19, 2014, 2:50:41 AM2/19/14

Good point Andy, when I've spammed something it can get a bit aggressive, you do need to keep an eye on your spam folder.


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