Gmail folder label used for years suddenly cannot be made to "show"

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Nov 5, 2018, 3:53:47 PM11/5/18
to Gmail-Users
I have a bunch of Gmail labels, one of which was called Pending (I had used this label for years). All of a sudden, yesterday, Pending could not be made to be visible on the side of my Gmail screen. In settings I verified that it was set to Show. I tried logging in and out of Gmail, hiding it and then un-hiding it--no matter what I did it would not appear on my screen. I was able to find the items that had been labeled Pending, and the label was still there. I decided to create a new label called Orders Pending, and applied that label to all the items labeled Pending--that new label displayed fine. I then deleted the label Pending, and renamed Orders Pending, calling it Pending, and it disappeared from view again! One other thing--Pending had a sub folder called Credits due. Credits due remained visible even though its parent folder did not. Also--Pending had continued to remain visible in my iPhone's native email app.

Obviously I can live with "Orders pending"-- this is not a Huge Problem-- but my curiosity is piqued. Any thoughts?


screen snip.jpg


Nov 5, 2018, 7:36:50 PM11/5/18
to [Gmail-Users]
On Mon, Nov 5, 2018 at 10:53 AM Calisson <> wrote:
Obviously I can live with "Orders pending"-- this is not a Huge Problem-- but my curiosity is piqued. Any thoughts?

Maybe Google co-opted the label name "Pending" and made it its own, a reserved name.

On the other hand, you are probably like the rest of us, using the "new" Gmail interface, which is horrible ridden with bugs.  It is terrible!  It wouldn't surprise me if you ran across one more bug.

But that's what they call  "progress".


Liz Zoob

Nov 5, 2018, 9:34:39 PM11/5/18
I had that thought too, but it turns out that Gmelius (a Chrome-only Gmail add-on), has "reserved" that word. When I disabled Gmelius (or when I viewed Gmail in Firefox) the Pending label displayed fine. 

Thanks for replying. 




Nov 5, 2018, 9:34:39 PM11/5/18
to Gmail-Users
I solved this problem, or shall I say I identified the source of it. I have a Gmail add-on in Chrome called Gmelius, and by process of elimination I saw that this issue self corrected when Gmelius was disabled, or when I viewed Gmail in Firefox. I wrote to the Gmelius support team who ultimately said they were going to forward the issue to their development team. Apparently “Pending” is one of their reserved words (though that must be recent, as I have used Gmelius along with my Pending label for years).

bill hansen

Nov 5, 2018, 9:34:39 PM11/5/18
to Gmail users group
Gail - I'm no expert, but I use an awful lot of labels. If I had one disappear (that hasn't happened) I would delete it and re-create it using the same name.

I have had a couple of filters disappear, or fail to work. In those cases, recreating the filter has brought it back.

Gmail isn't perfect, but it's the best of the several email clients I've used over the years.

Bill Hansen

On Mon, Nov 5, 2018 at 10:53 AM Calisson <> wrote:
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Liz Zoob

Nov 5, 2018, 10:57:44 PM11/5/18
Deleting it and re-creating it was the very first thing I did. As soon as I re-created it the same thing happened: it would not display. I have definitely figured out the source of this issue, as I described earlier.


On Nov 5, 2018, at 11:39 AM, bill hansen <> wrote:

Gail - I'm no expert, but I use an awful lot of labels. If I had one disappear (that hasn't happened) I would delete it and re-create it using the same name.

I have had a couple of filters disappear, or fail to work. In those cases, recreating the filter has brought it back.

Gmail isn't perfect, but it's the best of the several email clients I've used over the years.

Bill Hansen

On Mon, Nov 5, 2018 at 10:53 AM Calisson <> wrote:
I have a bunch of Gmail labels, one of which was called Pending (I had used this label for years). All of a sudden, yesterday, Pending could not be made to be visible on the side of my Gmail screen. In settings I verified that it was set to Show. I tried logging in and out of Gmail, hiding it and then un-hiding it--no matter what I did it would not appear on my screen. I was able to find the items that had been labeled Pending, and the label was still there. I decided to create a new label called Orders Pending, and applied that label to all the items labeled Pending--that new label displayed fine. I then deleted the label Pending, and renamed Orders Pending, calling it Pending, and it disappeared from view again! One other thing--Pending had a sub folder called Credits due. Credits due remained visible even though its parent folder did not. Also--Pending had continued to remain visible in my iPhone's native email app.

Obviously I can live with "Orders pending"-- this is not a Huge Problem-- but my curiosity is piqued. Any thoughts?


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