Inbox versus labels for Outlook IMAP users

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Nick Mirro

Feb 13, 2014, 6:04:12 PM2/13/14
Hello!  I have a large exchange mailbox (>10 years) that I am migrating to gmail.  Still wanting to use the Outlook2010 app but by IMAP to gmail.

In Outlook, "rules" moved messages to folders.  In gmail, labels are nice but have a shortcoming for me.

A label leaves every message I ever get in the root Inbox.  In Outlook, a rule could "move" the message to a folder or subfolder, eliminating it from the inbox.  Is there a way to duplicate this somehow or am I doomed to having a billion mixed messages in the Outlook inbox with matching messages in the Outlook folders?

Thanks :-)

Zack (Doc)

Feb 13, 2014, 6:09:33 PM2/13/14
to Gmail-Users Google Group
In your filter (rule for Outlook) select the checkbox to "Archive" this message.  That's the term for removing the Inbox label.

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Nick Mirro

Feb 13, 2014, 6:17:47 PM2/13/14
Thanks.  Will that delete the message on gmail server?  I don't read Outlook messages in the default user (me) mailbox.  Just in the section.  I might be a little confused about gmail IMAP message storage.

Nick Mirro

Feb 13, 2014, 6:20:37 PM2/13/14
Forgot, I am hoping to use gmail labels as organizer since IMAP messages from gmail do not work well with Outlook based rules.

On Thursday, February 13, 2014 5:09:33 PM UTC-6, Zack Tennant wrote:

Nick Mirro

Feb 13, 2014, 6:30:22 PM2/13/14
Why were my messages deleted?  I am uncertain about how to use rules and or labels to get the desired result.

Zack (Doc)

Feb 13, 2014, 6:42:50 PM2/13/14
to Gmail-Users Google Group
You have to remember that GMail only ever keeps one copy of a message.  If you say delete; from anywhere, you're deleting the one and only copy.  With IMAP this is a bit different since it is label aware; but generally it's straight forward.

This help article should help you keep things straight.


Nick Mirro

Feb 13, 2014, 7:06:54 PM2/13/14
I guess the answer is that I just kissed my inbox goodbye, that is unless there is a way to have the root inbox "show unlabeled only."  Seeing every email that has arrived in one list is a tremendous downgrade.  Not being able to see a brief list of what hasn't been processed is actually a problem for me.  Thought gmail was powerful.  It's my opinion that you might be overplaying the idea of the label.  It is not a new concept and is not especially versatile for email use.  Its simplicity does not seem to impart any unique benefit, other than maybe saving server space.

Nick Mirro

Feb 13, 2014, 8:30:55 PM2/13/14
Wow another deletion?  I can see someone trolling or spamming, but you delete gently-stated less than favorable "comments???"

On Thursday, February 13, 2014 5:04:12 PM UTC-6, Nick Mirro wrote:

Nick Mirro

Feb 13, 2014, 9:13:10 PM2/13/14
Here's another one to delete.  It is intended to spread the word about how and advanced user can deal with this limitation.

On Thursday, February 13, 2014 5:04:12 PM UTC-6, Nick Mirro wrote:

Kenneth Ayers

Feb 13, 2014, 10:09:42 PM2/13/14
to Gmail-Users Google Group
If you want to remove emails from your Inbox after you've labeled them, just archive them.  Archive removes them from the Inbox view.  They're not deleted and they will still have the labels you applied to them.

Zack (Doc)

Feb 13, 2014, 11:14:50 PM2/13/14
to Gmail-Users Google Group
What deletion are you talking about?  Are you thinking your posts were deleted?  Are you confused by moderation?


Nick Mirro

Feb 14, 2014, 11:24:21 AM2/14/14
Thanks for this suggestion.  It would work if archiving could only be applied to labeled messages, so those would not appear in the root of the inbox.  Is that possible?  That assumes that labeled messages still appear in subfolders after being archived - so that the hidden archive only hides messages in the inbox. Would it work this way?

Regarding deleted messages, there is a strange message that appears after a post.  Right after I enter N posts and wait, "N message(s) deleted" appears.  This remains for several hours and so I concluded that it meant what it said.  If this message is the result of the message being held for approval, the wording should really be changed.  No?


Feb 15, 2014, 1:51:28 AM2/15/14
to [Gmail-Users]
Archiving does not hide messages.  It doesn't send them to a separate storage area.  ALL it does is remove the Inbox label.  It doesn't change anything else, so "archived" messages can appear (right along with non-archived messages) in your "folders" -- er, labels.

You can set up filters to archive new messages while simultaneously giving them labels.

You can also arrange to archive only your messages that have labels, by first doing a search for "has:userlabels", then select all, and archive them.  Be aware that if you have Conversation view turned on, you can have messages in a conversation that have labels along with messages that have none, so a search does not yield ONLY those messages that exactly match the search criteria, unless you turn conversation view off.

I have no idea why you get a message regarding "N message(s) deleted" when you send a message.  I think that shouldn't happen.  Maybe your Gmail cache got corrupted, so try clearing your browser's cache and cookies.


Nick Mirro

Feb 15, 2014, 1:45:27 PM2/15/14
Ok this looks like a perfect solution.  Just have to add the archive label to all existing filters.  Assuming the behavior will be reflected in Outlook as it works in gmail.  Thanks again!

Keith Bainbridge

Feb 16, 2014, 5:14:08 AM2/16/14


The last time I looked at filters the archive process said 'skip inbox' if that helps.

Keith Bainbridge


Mar 8, 2014, 10:25:19 PM3/8/14
if you're thinking of using gmail with imap, think again.

gmail broke imap with their X-GM-LABELS extension. a client must implement it if they have any hope of correctly managing emails on gmail's IMAP implementation.

the only solution seems to be google apps sync. 5$/user/month... and you must use a separate domain, transfer yours to google, or buy one from them, and provide them with your address/phone details...

too much hassle to deal with stuff like this... why does google keep breaking the internet?


Mar 8, 2014, 10:32:43 PM3/8/14
outlook does not currently work with gmail's IMAP implementation due to X-GM-LABELS extension.

just a heads up, in case you run into this problem.

neither does any other IMAP client, even though gmail purports to support the IMAP implementation, it uses a custom one, incompatible with all clients.

Zack (Doc)

Mar 9, 2014, 6:00:54 PM3/9/14
to Gmail-Users Google Group
Odd, I have not had any problem with Thunderbird IMAP on Gmail.  Do you have proof that it's not supporting it correctly?  I don't use Outlook for my GMail, but as many problems as I have with Outlook supporting Exchange, to Microsoft's own servers, I have little doubt the fault lies more with Outlook than it does Google.

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Marko Vukovic

Mar 10, 2014, 4:31:19 AM3/10/14
to gmail-users
The extension that this person is talking about is exactly that, an
extension. It simply adds the ability for a mail client to retrieve
the label attribute for any given message. It does *not* break the
standard IMAP functionality, nor does it 'break the Internet'.
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