Archived GlyTouCan IDs

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Jul 6, 2021, 2:28:03 AM7/6/21
to GlyTouCan-Users
To start off, in the last major release of GlyTouCan, due to updates to the WURCS validation and normalization libraries, a number of GlyTouCan IDs were found to be either invalid or duplicated.  The full list of archived and mapped GlyTouCan IDs are available from the GlyCosmos Downloads page at:

Archived list: glycosmos_glycans_archive.csv
Archived and mapped list: glycosmos_glycans_archive_mapping.csv

Furthermore, changes to older GlyTouCan partner IDs as well as taxonomy IDs have been made (especially those that were initially extracted from GlycomeDB).  We will make the documentation for this information available ASAP.

From now on, any such major changes will be first announced on this mailing list before they are made.  Apologies for the inconvenience.

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