Column Hiding

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Mi-e Foame

Aug 4, 2014, 2:35:11 PM8/4/14
Hey all!

I've been having a blast with GluJS these past months. I can usually figure out solutions to my own problems these days, but today I stumbled upon one that is a bit unusual for me. I'm trying to keep track of when a user wants to show/hide a grid column. I used the "hidden" config option on the column definition to bind it to a property in my viewmodel. Something along the lines of:

glu.defModel('', {
    hideColumn: false

glu.defView('', {
    xtype: 'grid',
    columns: [{
        header: 'Blah',
        hidden: '@{hideColumn}'

When I load the app, I get, "[E] Layout run failed".

Has anyone else seen this? Any pointers for how to go about fixing this? I assume I'll have to muck with an adapter somewhere, but I've not had to do much of that yet.


Ryan Smith

Aug 5, 2014, 2:29:38 PM8/5/14
Hey Josh,

Its been a while since I've had to do this as well, but the exception you are getting is likely because the hidden property needs to be a boolean for extjs to correctly set the hidden state of the column.  So there is no "out of the box" hide/show for columns like you would hope for with GluJS... sorry to say.  However, with all things... where there is a will, there is a way.

What you can do is listen on the hide/show event on the grid for all columns and update the property in your viewmodel accordingly.  Something like this might work?

listeners: {
    columnhide: function(ct, column, eOpts){
        grid.vm.set(column.dataIndex + 'Hidden', column.hidden)
    columnshow: function(ct, column, eOpts){...}

As for the reverse, you could listen on any of those properties changing in your viewmodel and fire a grid.reconfigure event when any of those properties change (probably not the most efficient way, but it would certainly get the job done for a first pass).

Hopefully that helps!  Let me know if I can be any more help :)


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